Update on my ear.

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
More fantastic fuckin' news.

My ear is going to cost me at least $20,000. I just got back from the doctor and he said the reason I've had a CHRONIC EAR INFECTION FOR TWO YEARS is because I may have to have reconstructive surgery due to a pocket of flesh eroding in my ear.I knew about the pocket, but it may have damaged bone, so they have to do a CT scan, repair the pocket, and if necessary, reconstruct bone 9 months later. My hearing is still intact, but if I dont get the surgery, I'll probably go deaf in that ear, and brain damage can occur. Great, at 40 I'd be a retard with one bad ear. This sucks.

"Pseudomonas is a common cause of chronic otitis media. Malignant otitis externa is a manifestation of invasive infection predominantly observed in patients with uncontrolled diabetes. It begins as ordinary otitis externa that fails to respond to antibiotic therapy. Presenting symptoms are persistent pain, edema, and tenderness of the soft tissues of the ear, with a purulent discharge. Fever is uncommon, and some patients present with a facial nerve palsy. Extension of the infection to the temporal bone can result in osteomyelitis, and further extension can create cranial nerve palsies and possibly a Central Nervous System infection."

Ooooo! Cranial nerve palsies!!
Count 'em down:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anger control issues
Ear complications
Bordering on racist

No wonder I'll remain single forever.
Damn, sorry to hear about that :( Hope it doesn't really come to $20,000 for all that, like they're just overesitmating and stuff ... but it's not like being an athiest costs any money, so things aren't all bad.
I have to wait for insurance to kick in, in january. So hopefully the deductible won't bite as much.
Random Beard said:
Count 'em down:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anger control issues
Ear complications
Bordering on racist

No wonder I'll remain single forever.
So what -- you're cranky, your ears need therapy and you love food? Bah! You'll be happily "coupled" sooner or later -- the ladies just need to learn to love you for who you are, like we have!

Sorry about the ears, though. Expensive crap is expensive. However, if you've no insurance, have you considered checking in with your local welfare office to see if there's Medicaid help to be had -- y'know since it'll eventually be a deaf retard if you don't get the surgery, they *might* consider it "medically necessary".

Edit: Unless of course they, themselves decided to forego the same surgery and are now deaf retards themselves. I only bring this up because it *is* a government office.
Actually, I was kind of suggesting you try to get it done sooner, like before your work turns full time and you get insurance, so that you CAN get some help from Medicaid. Your insurance will come with deductables, copays and limits. I can't imagine a scenario where you won't end out paying in excess of 20% of that 20,000 (4 grand). Just a thought, in case you're up for it.
I'm currently in school. I risk failing and having to start over if that happens, so I'm stuck for now. The father wouuld probably toss me over that (He's a terrible support system.)
Sorry to hear about it Beard. I had ear problems when I was a kid... but I dont think so bad as yours. I hope everything comes out in the best possible way, considering the serious shittyness of the situation.
Yeah, well, the antibiotics I'm on right now (750 MG Levoquin and ear drops) will hold it of until the end of the year, so I'm safe for now.
shit! You poor thing!:cry:
Your ear better heal, else I'll blast crappy Nu metal until it does!