im so looking forward to this record like it seems everyone else is! Even as a tribute to the God that was Chuck it would be worthwhile but if it can help James Murphy, excellent guitarist from so many bands I like/love, then all the better!

Rock on James! :rock:
the latest DEATH TRIBUTE news from james murphy, 2/24/04:

This past Saturday I traveled to Orlando to Richard Christy's warehouse where he and I practiced the songs which he will be playing on for the Within The Mind project. On the first passes through the songs we nailed them... it sounded more like we had been playing together for months rather than minutes. Richard is a very disciplined and talented musician and clearly those traits, along with his love for the music of Death and Chuck Schuldiner, have pushed him to put a good amount of his free time into practicing for the upcoming session. the results will be awesome, I'm more than certain.

It's also looking like a few more guests have been added, Matt Thompson of King Diamond is tentatively scheduled to play drums on one or two tracks, his touring and recording schedule allowing, as is Pissing Razors/Single Bullet Theory vocalist/guitarist Matt DiFabio. barring Opeth drummer Martin Lopez's availability, the remainder of the drum tracks are scheduled to be recorded with Dave Culross of Malevolent Creation and Suffocation fame.

Immediately following the recordings with Richard Christy I will begin traveling to gather the rest of the performances. currently planned destinations include California, Pennsylvania, Iowa, NY and Canada. more US locations and several European locations will also be visited before the project's end.

James Murphy

Would be cool to know where in europe he's traveling. Keeping in mind a couple of swedes are contributing perhaps sweden isn't such a longshot... If so I would love to have a chance to just meet the man and thank him for all his great music....
has there been any contact with any of the members of cynic who played with chuck? masvidal or reinert? that would be amazing. maybe thats too metal for them now, who knows. its awesome to see andy larocque will be contributing.

this thing is going to be awesome.
and im drooling for the new disincarnate.
i cant think of any other metal records im anticipating more.

I'm drooling over the new Control Denied... well I will considering if karmageddon records(formerly hammaerheart records) pull their heads out of their asses and finally get the rest of the members of control denied to put in their parts. I can't believe they're releasing the unfinished album. Well, at least Emptywords is putting on their website to download for free. I'm glad they won't be making a profit off of it. Those fucktards.
hi teher all Death or Control Denied fan!
first of all, i'd like to say this is a good site and we are very proud that there is an offical Deah Tribute Band out there!!
we are from Hungary (Europe) and we are a Death Tribute Bnad as well, just like u r.
Above is our URL pls check that out. We are not a famous band so far, but doing our best to get reputation all over the world!
Best wishes for all of You!!
Chuck R.I.P. !
BeyondtheUnholyGrave said:
If he's coming to New York, I'd love to meet him as well! Tell me where and i'll be there. :)
is Steve DiGiorgio gonna be contributing by any chance? maybe Mike Mendez from Opeth? Alex Webster of Cannibal Corpse? the only bassist mentioned so far that i recognize is the one from slipknot, which is insulting in a way, but whatever. i hope they get a good one to do stuff from Individual Thought Patterns.
Steve will most likely not be on it unfortunately. I can't see the guy from Slipknot even owning a fretless but we'll what happens. I just gotta hear Overactive Imagination with Richard on drums and really great production. Ohhh that would be too sweet. I know it's one of the songs Chuck had Richard play for him during the auditions before TSoP was made. Flattening of Emotions was another one of the songs...as Chuck called them, "the easy one's(extreme sarcasm). "
Yeah I would really want to hear some of the old stuff done with better production... in fact just all the stuff from before Symbolic rerecorded.
Maybe the poor chap was not familiar with the fact that there are two Martin's and a Mikael in the band Opeth. That's a lot of M & M & M's. Looking forward to the release of this. It should be at the least interesting, hopefully, inspiring!
latest death tribute update from JAMES MURPHY:

AUGUST 23, 2004

Finally... the majority of the drums are done as of this past Friday. One of death metal's most accomplished player's, Dave Culross (Malevolent Creation, Suffocation), laid down the drum tracks for 4 Death favorites to be included on the Within The Mind tribute album in what was one of the most amazing sessions I've been privileged to be a part of... all four tracks were "one-takes". That is to say no "punching-in" at all!!! Punching in at various points in a song to get a perfect performance is a totally common procedure in music recording and is usually the norm rather than the exception, and it is by no means a sign of a bad player or performance to do so. but, it is amazing to witness such intense music as this being handled so flawlessly by a performer as to require no punch-ins whatsoever! It was a very late night at the studio (ARS again, the Orlando facility where we recorded Richard Christy's tracks) and we had been up all day, so please forgive the fact that we don't look more enthusiastic in the photos... we had to wait around for many hours for all the drum kit pieces to arrive and the late start left us exhausted after the short, intense session. Next up: Nick Barker and Martin Lopez will round out the drum sessions and bring them to a close. I'll keep you updated on that.


to see pics, go to the official death tribute website:

the latest update from JAMES MURPHY:

Update from James:
10:04am September 3rd, 2004

Hi all,
I'm sitting here in front of the computer drinking my morning coffee and reflecting on the events of yesterday... and speculating with no small amount of anxiety the oncoming storm of Hurricane Frances. This potentially killer storm has already had a detrimental effect on the project I'm currently immersed in, namely the Within The Mind tribute to the music of Chuck Schuldiner: Yesterday myself, my brother Stephen and assistant Nick carried a mobile recording rig over to Ozzfest at the Tampa Amphitheater in order to conduct several pre-planned mini-recording sessions for WTM.

We arrived reasonably early and got things going right away by setting up and recording a solo spot from Darkest Hour guitarist Kris Norris. Everything went very smoothly with Kris and he laid down some excellent lines to pay homage to one of his primary early influences. In fact all of the Darkest Hour guys were very gracious in allowing us to set up the mobile rig in the back lounge of their bus in order to record all of the performances, even those of guys in other bands, that we had intended to record.

(NOTE: For those interested in the technical side of things: for guitar and bass we are capturing the guest performances with a Line6 Pod 2.0 amp modeling processor and a high quality direct box, the Radial JDV mk3. The signal recorded via the direct box is an exact representation of the signal coming directly from the guitar pick-ups and will be used later to feed the input of an actual guitar amp that will be mic'ed up and recorded in a conventional studio situation, a process known as "re-amping", sometime before mixing begins. When this is done properly, which we are taking great care to do, the sound captured is exactly the same as if the guitarist/bassist were present in the studio and playing live through the amp stack.)

But, right after we finished with Kris, we received word that the final Ozzfest tour date in West Palm Beach had finally been cancelled due to Hurricane Frances' inexorable progress toward Florida. With this news most of the bands various tour managers began to quickly round up their crews and band members and get them to their busses in order to head north as soon as possible. I did manage to get together with all the guys I had planned to record before their respective busses hit the road in order to work out alternate plans for getting their performances.

We stuck around to watch Black Sabbath (awesome!) and headed home to begin hurricane preparations for the second time in less than a month. I'm happy with the progress made yesterday, everyone has been re-scheduled and things are moving forward nicely... despite Mother Nature's impending rage. The rescheduled recordings include performances by Mick and Paul of Slipknot, Willie Adler (L.O.G.), and the newly added Buzz of Unearth who is a modern day shredder of the highest order with strong roots in Chuck's music. Welcome aboard Buzz.

More updates to come soon.

~James Murphy

to see pics, go to the official death tribute website:
