Update Thread


Proud IMG Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Sheffield, England
Let's see if we can get this place alive again... All the members, old and new give us an update on what you've been up to :headbang:

Myself... Went to college and now in my 3rd year at university studying computing, been seeing a lovely lady for almost a year now and passed my driving test 6 months ago after 4 attempts! :lol:

Still playing guitar a little, but no longer in a band.

Oh yeah, and I'm 27 in 3 months... Doesn't time fly! :p

Next! :kickass:
Well, after serving in the military I went to polytechnic and began business studies, dropped out during the second year and did nothing during about march-september last year until I got a job as a metal worker (which was nice :cool: ).

Still trying to learn the guitar and bass. At the moment I'm in one band and currently in the process of trying to mix our second demo. There's a link to our homepage in my sig but beware, it hasn't been updated in ages...

Oh, and I've drastically cut down my drunken Internet BB rampages... :lol:
I hate to say it, but until I got an email from Virus a couple days ago, I had almost forgotten about the IMG! :( It has been years since i checked here, I had to dig back to find the URL and my password!

Such a shame..we had such a great thing going here.

What have I been doing? Well....working...raising kids...working out...riding motorcycles (street and dirt)....that pretty much sums it up.

Oh..and thanks to this place, I also still play guitar regularly...something this place helped kickstart..so my chops are still getting better! :) I have not recorded anything since this place slowed down though. Spending much time getting frustrated at trying to play Eric Johnson tunes.

...also..I dunno if any of you guys play PSX2 games..but there is this game called guitar hero...which is freaking awesome! For a point there, I was playing that game more than real guitar!

...man..its been so long..Eddy has already finished his military service? That did not last too long! :lol:

Constantine... the big 40! How is your business doing? well I hope.

7th..your tribute band sounds cool..I am gonna go check out the website now.

Virus...thanks for coming back in your old typical whirlwind fashion and getting everybody riled up again! ;)

..man..I miss this place. It is good to see many of you guys....It would be nice to hear back from all of the old crew...Jim, Ironcross, Nefilim, Maidenman, Mr. Hyde, Medsy, Adde...and of course.. EC..
rabies said:
...man..its been so long..Eddy has already finished his military service? That did not last too long! :lol:

Not quite sure how I should take that.... :p

And here I thought you'd pick on my remark about drinking.... :lol:

What can I say, I got the easy way out, not having to serve more than 6 months. My old classmate is still in the military, been something like 2 years now...

Anyway, it's friggin' great to see you again! Welcome back! :)
I don't remember you going on too many drunken internet postings on THIS site anyway... I do seem to recall some threads on the maiden board...
rabies said:
What have I been doing? Well....working...raising kids...working out...riding motorcycles (street and dirt)....that pretty much sums it up.

Virus...thanks for coming back in your old typical whirlwind fashion and getting everybody riled up again! ;)

..man..I miss this place. It is good to see many of you guys....It would be nice to hear back from all of the old crew...Jim, Ironcross, Nefilim, Maidenman, Mr. Hyde, Medsy, Adde...and of course.. EC..

You still working in computers mate? Hope the kids are well.

It wouldn't be me if I didn't do the whirlwind every now and again to keep people on their toes!! :lol: :headbang:

Hope some of the old crew get to see this and post back sometime... Would be good to hear from them all! :worship:
Hey fellas!
I still frequent the UM Boards, although IMG was a looong time ago! I'm mostly browsing through various band boards nowadays, talking to the guys at the Dan Swanö forum and sometimes at the Bloodbath forum.

Other than that, I'm studying my 3'rd year at university now, Cultural studies and stuff. Also working with different kinds of media, so right now I'm in China doing a project with the Chinese European Art Center in the city of Xiamen (awesome place btw!). I'll be here till the middle of may, then it's back home to Sweden and studies again. Urgh...

Musicwise, I'm in a death metal band called Zombie Destrüktion (www.zombiedestruktion.net) and we're just recording our first album in our drummer's studio, so that's really cool! I sing in the band, so I guess I could contribute some death vox for the maiden tunes here, in case people want to start recording again :D

I've got some unmixed songs of my band online in case someone's interested:


Anyway, it would be great to get this show rolling again! Great seeing all of you!

It's been ages!
Good to see everyone is still alive. I've resigned myself to never being able to completely kick the music habit and am currently playing drums more than guitar. Listening to Mindcrime II a lot.:headbang:

Still hoping Sharon O get's hers for throwing shit at Maiden. LOL.

Bands you guys might want to check out:
Lost Horizon...(damn singer left though!)
Dungeon ( fuckers gave up )
Pick up Dio's "Killing the Dragon" :headbang:
Anyone have the next one? I haven't heard it yet.

Maiden cover band I found a link to somewhere called "Run to the Hills" if you can find it the singer sounds a lot like Bruce.
Good to see ya!

Anyone else diggin Mindcrime II?

BTW...this post appears because the one above didn't...at least initially! Oops!
Haven't checked out Mindcrime II, will do though!
I recently (like yesterday) discovered Orphaned Land, who sound really interesting. Progressive metal with a bit of death vox at times, and a lot of influences from their israeli heritage (I think it's israeli anyway). Anyhow, this sounds really original, yet very good!

Damn! Nefilim, haven't seen you in ages! And Mr. Hyde too! You up for some drum recording?

Friggin' nice to see you again guys! :)
I'm up for doing some drum tracks. I'm no where near as capable as Maidenman and I only have a standard 5 piece kit. We could try some Sabbath, early Priest, Ac/Dc, that type of stuff.
Mr. Hyde said:
I'm up for doing some drum tracks. I'm no where near as capable as Maidenman and I only have a standard 5 piece kit. We could try some Sabbath, early Priest, Ac/Dc, that type of stuff.

Sounds good to me! I think we could do a pretty good AC/DC track! :D