upgrading interface dilema


Feb 28, 2011
Hi Guys!
im facing a GAS dilema and i would much apreciate if you can chime in.
Im happily using (no problems at all) a focusrite saffire pro 24 dsp at my project studio.
Fortunately a lot of gigs are showing so im thinking to step up my game a little.
I found a really good deal on a RME fireface 800 wich everybody seems to love.
I wanted to know about the real diference in audio quality (ad/da wise, since im not worried about the pres)
i will be in the short term getting some outbard (1176 and pultec clones) so im guessing from what i read that i would benefit from the converters on the fireface.
Is there really a big diference? or should i save for an even better one or buy some more pres/outboard?

Note: in my current studio i do mostly mixing, vocals and guitar/bass tracking. For drums i rent a place with mytek converters and plenty of tasty outboard.

Definitely get one of the newer and smaller RMEs plus some outbard and/or mics if you are not tracking drums at your place.

Yeah, but the thing is that i have the money only for this used deal on the fireface. Getting a new one is really out of the price range.
I have to add: im from argentina so you have to multiply the price by at least 10 due to the exchange rate and we have inflation, so every month everything is more expensive. It is a now or never situacion:confused:
Hi how do you find the ad/da of the fireface with the pro24?Is it a day and night difference?Thanks

Pretty big difference in my opinion from the moment i pluged in headphones.
Dont know if it is the ad/da or simply the electronics surrounding them but what i noticed was: more punch in the bass, way more detail in the upper mids and when i was playing my kemper (via spdif though) i felt the sound was more dynamic and "real" than when i was playing the same setup through the saffire.
all in all i think i gained a lot of detail, now i hear things that i wasnt hearing before.
ALTHOUGH! i do have a thought: different is different, not better. Maybe what i hear is due to the differences, maybe if i switched back i would hear things i dont hear in the FF
I dont think this is the case though... i really think is better sounding, i guess it should, if a 400 dollar interface sounds the same as a 1800 one then we are being f*cked in the assholes.

The safire pro is a good interface though, it wont let you down. I`ve did this record with it and i think its quite nice:

I can share this experience that was pretty revealing to me:
The other day i tracked a demo vocal with a band with a 57 and the pro24 pre.
Then we went to the A studio and tracked with a sm7b into NEVE 1073 Clone- Pultec Clone- 1176 Clone- La2a clone into mytek converters.
When i started mixing i compared the demo and the final take and of course is was light years ahead! it was so good that the only thing that i had to do was automate, edit, boost a little more highs ad reverb and delays. Done.
Point being: if you track through great gear, mixing is SOOOOOOOOO much easier =)

Sorry for the crappy english, not my native toungue and typing really fast
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Do you get any clipping with the saffire or with rme using the preamps with amp sims?I use emg 81.

Haven`t tried the DI on the rme yet since it arrived yesterday and i`ve been playing through kemper into spdif.

I used to use amp sims with the safire with no problem at all
Thanks EOC

the instrument input in the Fireface has a limiter (which you can turn on and off) so there is no chance to clip the signal, of course it will have an impact on the sound. If you are looking for interfaces, i recomend you to read the manuals!