uranium-exposing nevermore!?!


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
i saw this show uranium and they are showing shadows fall, in flames, and soilwork videos. didn't think much of it at the time until i saw kids running around with in flames shirts on, so i ask them their other influences they say all these nu metal bands and they don't know a thing about in flames at all. i didn't care much because i thought reroute to remain was horrible and in falmes was going nu metal anyhow, but the other day i saw the believe in nothing video on there. i freaked out. i know if it does lead to a fan boost nevermore will start making money but i know thats not what its all about and its about having fun playing. myself would rather have a small diehard metal following then 10,000 poser kids running around with nevermore shirts on.
-i just wanted to know if im the only one that thinks this way give me some feedback so i can hear how other nevermore fans feel about this because i don't know any besides me(real bad metal following neighborhood)
-thanks guys for listening(Warrel Dane is a frigen genious!!)
since when does nevermore fall under the nu metal category along with bands like staind, taproot, and cold. they are more of a slow power/prog band.
Kon16ov said:
*imagines Warrell rapping* :ill:
So long as they don't go touring with korn and/or lickin' pork or do a collaboration with nelly...I think we're safe with NM...

a hell yeah to that
Well,Nevermore is one band who don't play for the dollar sign,money grab. I ask anyone here to name another band who has been around as long as the Nevermore (Sanctuary) with such dedication and drive? If the boys made big $ ,well they will have earned it by devotion. The boys get better and better.
About the Nu-metal,at least kids are listning to music with GUITARS these days!!!

I think it is fine. It is about time the band got some tv time. I sincerely doubt this tiny bit of exposure (and I do mean tiny) will boost sales in any appreciable way and/or change the band's attitude towards their making of music. Have you seen their prior records sales in the US? They just about have 10,000 fans in the US anyhow.

Nevermore will continue to put out quality albums, no matter if they sell 10-15k albums or 500,000 albums. It is irrelevant.

one thing we can defintly all agree on is that nevermore defintly does what they do for anything but the money and would never want to try to sell to a new crowd by changing their styles (like in flames did)
metalskater7 said:
one thing we can defintly all agree on is that nevermore defintly does what they do for anything but the money and would never want to try to sell to a new crowd by changing their styles (like in flames did)

Agrred 100%
Welcome metalskater7!!! Hows things in the Bronx?? Lamours still there?
That place rules. But......I would like to see 14 year old kids wearing Nevermore Hoodies (Junky?) I would like to see the boys sell 1,000.000
units. I always laugh when the "selling out" topic gets brought up....
I would love if the band wrote a album full of songs like Believe in Nothing,Sorrowed Man,Chances Three.. and all those amazing song writing genius "Life Plays"
I can recall in 1980 listning to Motorhead, Everyone who I'd play it for said the same thing "this is worse then punk rock" Lemmy stuck to his guns and now is the reaping the respect he deserves.

I most have sold out

Q:"Who would win in a wrestling match, Lemmy or god?"
Reply: wrong
Trick question,Lemmy is god!!!

-Name that movie - hint Airheads
Troyanasy said:
Agrred 100%
Welcome metalskater7!!! Hows things in the Bronx?? Lamours still there?
That place rules

well the metal scene sucks, I have yet to find another Neverheadits close to impossible to start a band, and the cd stores won't preorder enemies for me but besides that its awesome lol.
-and yea lamour is still there (missed the nevermore opeth show their 2 years ago, if only i was a neverhead then!!!!)
Troyanasy said:
I ask anyone here to name another band who has been around as long as the Nevermore (Sanctuary) with such dedication and drive?


dark tranquillity (they haven't been around *that* long, but long enough)

mantas/death/control denied (not around anymore, but we're promised the last album that chuck wrote in between cancer treatments-- if that's not dedication, i don't know what is.) as it stands now, chuck schuldiner's work (early 1980s to 2000) has never been subpar, nor was there ever even an appearance of an attempt to sell out, which means no 7 strings, and no believe in nothings, a song which was meant to be shown on tv (uranium hahahaha). how come they don't show the other vids that nevermore made on tv?
I seen Carnivore @ Lamours wayyy back (87 I think).
What a place man,coolist place ever.
The Lords Of Metal (not to be confused with the post whore LOM) have graced that stage eg. Exodus .Slayer,Overkill the home boys,RIOT.....

\Biohazard suck prison dick