Urban have you sang "Afraid to Die" live ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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You don't use your range and power in that song as much as in some others, but do some great "growling vocals." In some ways I find that song one of your best performances. I like your performance on that song especially on the second verse.
Well enough brown nosing. I don't like to do it, but on occasion it is warranted. You have proved to me in that song that you are a truly elite vocalist. You knew that all along as I can tell by your liner notes, but there is nothing wrtong with that. Nothing wrong with beingelite in your craft.

That song has emotion coming out of it's ears, one of my favorites from Modus Vivendi
Fangface said:
The last part of this song is one of my favorite moments of MV, the mood it creates is chilling...

I agree. The mood of the song really changes 100%. It's a strange and spooky song but in a good way. Definitely one of my faves.

Urban breed said:
Not in front of an audience no. It's yet another song we haven't played live. I'd love to do it though. Who knows when it'll be...

Cool !! I'll learn it on guitar and you can sing it at the aftershow party.
:loco: Just joking.....

I am really impressed by your vocal prowess on that song. You sing in a growl after the first chorus that is slightly lower in your range than most. I don't think you'll be covering much Jonny Cash anytime soon, but I think you project emotion very well in that lower range and with the hard rasp.
I suppose since you are the only member who comes here, I normally talk about vocal performance, but I can't compliment well enough how well Christer and Daniel are playing together on MV. If the guitars in Tad Morose keep progressing, as far as their odd rythm harmonies etc. TM is going to start attracting those real technical junky type guitar players.

oh, and you can just go?... sorry I'm the total opposite of cool here so I don't know the ins or the outs
BlindPanzer said:
oh, and you can just go?... sorry I'm the total opposite of cool here so I don't know the ins or the outs

Of course you can go. "Cool" is what you make of it. I talk like a hillbilly (lived in Alabama my whole life) but it doesn't bother me and doesn't seem to bother most other people either. There are no cliques at PP. We are all a big clique. This style of music draws a certain audience and though not every person there is going to run up to every other and give them a hug (in fact, if that happened, I think I would leave) but the attendees here for the most part are going to be friendly. If someone ain't, point them out to me and I will kick their ass !! J/k. :loco: In all seriousness, I think you will feel very welcomed. Look for me if all else fails. I will post pictures and stuff at a later time.

Nobody worthwhile cares what you sound like anyway Bryant :) I use words like golly, gosh and say "oh my!" a lot when shocked or surprised... I sound like a 1950's kid's comic book, lol. But that's okay because I did that on purpose because I like it. ;) Everyone here's cool though, nobody is running in terror of my strangeness... at least I haven't caught them doing it

Bryant said:
Of course you can go. "Cool" is what you make of it. I talk like a hillbilly (lived in Alabama my whole life) but it doesn't bother me and doesn't seem to bother most other people either. There are no cliques at PP. We are all a big clique. This style of music draws a certain audience and though not every person there is going to run up to every other and give them a hug (in fact, if that happened, I think I would leave) but the attendees here for the most part are going to be friendly. If someone ain't, point them out to me and I will kick their ass !! J/k. :loco: In all seriousness, I think you will feel very welcomed. Look for me if all else fails. I will post pictures and stuff at a later time.

I think the reason PP is a big clique because outside in the real world we are a bunch of geeks. Well, music geek atleast. I have formed my own clique but this year it will be me and this other guy. He brown-noses me all the time :erk:
Hey don't worry guys...I may look mean but I really don't bite...so you can hang w/us :tickled:
Didn't know there was an "unofficial after party" that's cool...would be nice to get a chance to say goodbye and thanks to everybody :)

As to "Afraid to die" maybe we can get it as a "bonus", that would be wicked! :headbang: (did I just hear a "dream on" on bonuses :p )
WIntersReflection said:
Nobody worthwhile cares what you sound like anyway Bryant :) I use words like golly, gosh and say "oh my!" a lot when shocked or surprised... I sound like a 1950's kid's comic book, lol. But that's okay because I did that on purpose because I like it. ;) Everyone here's cool though, nobody is running in terror of my strangeness... at least I haven't caught them doing it

Sweetheart I was being silly. I honestly LOVE people, but there is no one on this earth I love more than myself. I can articulate my English any way I want to, but I am typically a salty Southern Sailor. I speak with a strong accent and curse like crazy.
I say "curse" but I don't speak in a vulgar way. I respect ladies because that is the way I was raised to do. I open the door for fems because that is the way I was raised to do, but I will let loose on some asshole with everything I have if ladies or present or not because my "southern gentleman" style has been compromised.
