
Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
i know most people have a love hate relationship with waves...

i have stock logic 7 pro and currently use the compressors and eq on there.

im seeking a better quality compresson for those biting snare kick etc. stuff. it's not the right time for me to shell out dough to get anything over $1000 at this point as far as like hardware. the only hardware i have is for my guitar (dbx 266xl, and im not sure what good this would do)

i have a couple of choices, i've never worked with waves or urs stuff so i wouldn't know how it compares to the stuff in logic. i have a friend who has the waves ssl bundle and swear by it, and someone else who swears by the api bundle however they are a tad pricey. i know a lot of people also talk about URS bundles and how they are just as good as the waves stuff for a much lesser price.

any guidance here??? if it means that much i wouldn't mind paying the $750 or so for the ssl or api but i've heard great things about the URS...

thanks in advance
You really really should try them all before you decide what to buy. I've tried the waves ssl & URS CSP and decided to go with the CSP. I didn't like the compressor on it at first, but then I learned to use it better and now I really like it. I really like the versatility of the plugin. I've used it for a couple of months now, but I still feel like I'm learning... so it's not the most simple plugin out there. The also CSP was only $475, so it's not as expensive as the waves stuff. The Waves api package is really interesting though...
I agreee w/Nuclearass. I've been using the URS CSP and I love it to death. The EQ's are amazing and the combination of all the Input stages and Compressors make it quite the versatile beast.
Def try it yourself. All these companies have demos of their plugs if you have an ilok account.

Personally, I still am using my McDSP Compressor Bank over my SSL bundle on a regular basis. Eq wise, I'm using URS's S Series more then my SSL bundle.

I do think the Waves SSL is a little over priced for what you get, but if you need a sort of "all in one eq/com" plugin, you can't go wrong with it. It does sound great and is reasonably DSP efficient (nowhere near as efficient as URS, but it's still good)
Still liking the Waves SSL at the moment (damn expensive, but it works) but using the UAD Neve 88RS chan strip on drum tracks instead. I need to demo the URS too when I get a spare day....
When I used the Waves SSL plugs I was able to mix faster and more efficiently.

Channel strips are where it's at.

I haven't tried the URS CSP yet...
in all honesty, i'd be willing to bet that a good software comp will yield better results than the 266

but fuck it...give it a shot, and see if you like it
yea im still up in the air. the problem is i have no point of reference because i have no experience with a "good" processor... so i wouldn't know the difference. i mean obviously i know that in general API and SSL make legendary level stuff btu as far as their sounds... but hey everyone's gotta start at square one... i just gotta figure out WHAT square one is. my heart for some reason is telling me to get the API bundle. but my brain doesn't now, i feel part of it is my thinking "well, it's waves so it's gotta be good" but i also have heard a lot about waves is just marked up due to hype and whatnot and other plug ins like the URS and UA or whatever the name is plug ins are much more affordable and just as good. i'm just looking for some good compression to add serious punch to all tracks. i am almost done producing an album for a band (my first real project, which happned to be a full length) and really want to make sure the mix comes out as good as possible.
On a more theoretical level, would most of you guys be able to get by just with one channel strip plugin, like Metric Halo? Cuz you could just make more instances of it if you needed to do more eq'ing/compression/etc., so as long as it got the job done, it seems like that'd solve your plugin needs.
On a more theoretical level, would most of you guys be able to get by just with one channel strip plugin, like Metric Halo?

if i had just one GOOD channel strip, i could make do

in fact, when i 1st got all my shit together, the only plugins i had(aside from those that came w/ my DAW) was the wavearts power suite, and i stuck trackplug 5 on EVERYTHING. still do, from time to time.
Hmm, tempting, because as I amass my budget for gear, spending more than $600 on software plugins alone really seems like poor prioritizing on my part...
same here...in my heart, i really don't like dropping a lot of coin on software plugs. i'd much rather spend it on something tangible

but then my brain tells me "hey dude...you can use that plug on AS MANY TRACKS AS YOU WANT!"

thus the reason i have a shitload of softload comps/eq's, and only 1 each in the hardware realm. it's also the same reason why i'll be buying the waves api bundle loooooooooooong before i ever get an actual 550 eq. i just can't justify spending that much on a single channel, even if it sounds a little bit better.
Oh no....no no no no no. Are you kidding me? You don't think dropping dough on a good set of plugs is good prioritizing? Holy shit.

Put it this way...do you think the stock/built-in plug-ins for whatever host you use are as good as Waves/MH/URS/etc.? If you answered "no", then dropping coin on a plug-in bundle is WELL worth it. Unless you have good outboard gear (EQ, Comp, Limiter, Verb, etc.) then you definitely need to have SOME kind of processing in the box other than built-in shit. Without processing, all you have is raw tracks. That sounds like shit unless you want that sound...and even then it still sounds like shit. Built-in plugs are "OK" at best...or rather, "good enough until you get Waves", lol. I can't see a reason why anybody shouldn't buy a good bundle of plugs. If you have the money, and yo don't have the plugs...buy them. You won't think they were a bad idea once you start using them and realize why they charge money for them.

As far as which ones...that's up to the user. Some plug-ins, even though they are software, still have their own character, even if it's really transparent. Like hardware processors, software plugs have their own little musical sound they add to the audio they are processing. Some people like how Waves' EQ affects the track, others like the URS eq or UA Neve eq. Same with comps. It's all subjective to the user. Just like guitars and amp, you need to try them out and see what you like or dislike about certain ones.

Thats just what I think anyway.
