US Fans - PLEASE post show setlists

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If you're going to any of the shows, please post the setlists for the rest of us. I know I'm interested to hear what the boys are playing live these days. Thanks.

I'll be attending the April 5th and 6th shows. I'll let you know what was played.

The April 5th show will more then likely be a short set. Maybe about 60-90 minutes.

Dude, look under the gig review section of the message board. They're all there.

Killing Ground
Dallas 1 PM
Court of the Crimson King
Song of Evil
Motorcycle Man
Dogs of War
Broken Heroes
Dragons Lair
Coming Home
Power and the Glory
Solid Ball of Rock
Conquistador/Heavy Metal Thunder/Drum Solo/Conquistador (finish)
Denim and Leather
Wheels of Steel
Princess of the Night