
Oct 31, 2005
according to another metal website. i just read the following post:

SAXON's North American booking agent, Mark Hyman of Paradise Artists, Inc., has informed BLABBERMOUTH.NET that the group's U.S. tour has been postponed. The shows will be rescheduled to sometime in March 2006, according to SAXON's management. The affected dates are as follows:

Nov. 04 - The Sterling Hotel - Allentown, PA
Nov. 05 - Double D's - Morristown, NJ
Nov. 06 - The Beachland Ballroom - Cleveland, OH
Nov. 07 - House Of Blues - Chicago, IL
Nov. 08 - Shank Hall - Milwaukee, WI
Nov. 11 - The Galaxy - Dallas, TX
Nov. 12 - Sunkin Gardens - San Antonio, TX

if this is true.........SAXON, if you want you're North American fans to support you, start by stop yo-yo 'ing around with this tour. you guys going to cover my non refundable plane tickets to chicago?? didn't think so

But as usual, their website is saying nothing, so its a waiting game.
So far I am out the cost of the hotel room (I booked at the lowest possible "Non Cancelable" price) here in San Antonio that I had near the Sunken Gardens and also the airfare and hotel (again both non-refundable for the same reason) for the Dallas show.

I have personally e-mailed the band’s webmaster, their management and Nigel Glockler's webmaster in an attempt to find out what was happening. I received no response from anyone other than Wouter (Cheers!) and he thought the gigs were a go.

Had I been informed of likelihood of cancellations, I would not have made the reservations in the first place. The bands website said (and still does!!!!) that the shows were “Confirmed” and going ahead as planned. Once the reservations were made, had I been given at least some form of “official” warning (directly from THEIR WEBSITE), I may have at least stood a chance of a partial refund...


This is to the point of being ridiculous. This is the bands site and obviously their webmaster, management and the even band have access to it. Therefore, it should have been apparent to those individuals that many people (including my self) were going to great financial (Airfare/Hotels, Etc) and personal (Drives of several hundred miles) sacrifice to attend these shows.

This is a band that I have followed for nearly (25) years and have seen (37) times in (11) different Countries/States. I have purchased everything they have ever done and own a significant amount of shirts and other related merch. In other words, there has been significant Financial and personal investment on my part of the over an extended period of time. I now feel betrayed.

I understand that the visa issue is not the bands, the managements nor the promoters fault. But Jesus how about keeping people informed before they go spending a lot of money and investing a significant amount of time.

The money is the secondary issue; it is the lack of respect for the fans that bothers me the most.

The sad part is that I was in England two weeks ago and had tickets to seem Saxon at JB's in Dudley. However, my cousins POS car breaks down on the day of the gig.

I am now going to switch to decaf for the rest of the day.
I think this is really very bad news for the USA fans! And all of the fans who planned to go... I think it would be a wise descission now that Biff or Mark puts another statement on the Saxon-board concerning this matter. And not just 5 lines, but very detailed...Postponing just one day before the concerts is just something to be ashamed of. Why wasnt this published much earlier? I can understand that people feel pissed...just had to say this...
What stood on this board, just a reminder (message from Biff)
6th October 2005


It is I again, sat having a wine in Munich, there seems to be some confusion in the US. All the dates are on from the 4th of November. The VISA situation is quite difficult for us, the band is English and most of our crew are German, after 9/11 we have to go to the American embassy in London and be interviewed individually and give them our fingerprints, we can´t do this until the immigration dept. in the US sends the permission to our American lawyer, so it's not easy because we're on tour. The dates we had to cancel will be rescheduled. As far as we're concerned the San Antonio show is a go, if anything changes i´ll let you know immediately. Our American agent Mark is working his arse off to make everything happen. You all know how much we value our American fans.

Back to the tour in Europe: The 80´s tour is selling out everywhere, so there are a lot of people who can't see this show, so we're adding more dates in December. Watch the site!

To Hell and back again.


My comment: Very late!

i feel for you, im in a simular situation. I understand there is a visa situation that is out of the bands hands. But, really, with something so up in the air as Visa's, should the band have announced a tour in the first place. i would think you apply for visa's well in advance, when they are approved. go ahead with booking Venues. makes sense to me. this way, there are alot of Good Loyal fans out alot of valuable time and $.. Saxon, whats up??

Keep in mind, i got this from Blabbermouth, They prematurely announced this tour was cancelled in late sempt/oct. so until the website says something. id plan on going. but it would be wise to keep checking the website/and venues

I could not agree with you more. One would think that doing this for a living, there would be more attention given to detail.
EarthSkynSea said:

i feel for you, im in a simular situation. I understand there is a visa situation that is out of the bands hands. But, really, with something so up in the air as Visa's, should the band have announced a tour in the first place. i would think you apply for visa's well in advance, when they are approved. go ahead with booking Venues. makes sense to me. this way, there are alot of Good Loyal fans out alot of valuable time and $.. Saxon, whats up??

Keep in mind, i got this from Blabbermouth, They prematurely announced this tour was cancelled in late sempt/oct. so until the website says something. id plan on going. but it would be wise to keep checking the website/and venues
the venues themselves, especially DD`s in NJ will tell you that the show is on until you arrive at the door. They figure that if people came out without knowing they might stop inside anyway and spend a few bucks. Until I see cancellations on this site here, I`m still going. I will not however, spend one dime at the place if it is cancelled.
Aways that fucking Management-wankers! The band is not to blame, they only make the music...but the organisation must anticipate much more. Of course that visa stuff is politics-shit!!! but "Organisation ist kein Kinderspiel" Its often mentioned on this board.I should have sacked them all at once!!!And now Im leaving here!
devastating news... I was really looking forward to seeing them once again... and the fact that a few other fans are out some major bucks sucks even more...

but yeah, I guess the band isn't to blame it is their management...

I can understand why a visa may be pulled especially with the bird flu scare going on... damn politicians...

but please guys- band and management- keep the website information fresh... and yeah, I understand if you knew a few weeks ago that the visas would have been pulled or something, you would have said something... but damn, this just sucks...

another thing

who is this Mark Hyman guy . Why is he contacting a metal tabloid like blabbermouth with this info? This new should be posted on the bands official website 1st and foremost! who's fault is that? management? bands? webmasters? promoters?. this was posted almost 3 hrs ago on blabbermouth, and the bands site still says sweet FA
The best part is that the Paradise Artisits site stille shows the gigs as valid. I mean this guy must be right twat....Hence the name Hyman!
Why is everyone acting like this is a big shock? Saxon pulled this shit twice over the last 6 years or so. Next time, I wouldn't be booking hotels and airfare for these guys...I learned my lesson with Saxon back in 2001. The only time you can count on things being a "go" are when there are 20+ tour dates, and even then I wouldn't be booking flights and all that. Unless the venue is within about 3-4 hours of my area, I won't go. Again, this is nothing new from Saxon though. There are too many U.S. fans to isolate their tour to just the Chicago area, Ohio, Texas, and west PA. What about California? Atlanta area? Boston? Minneapolis? Phoenix? Seattle? Boy the management sure neglects a lot of the country. Ultimately it all boils down to Saxon's fault. Yes it may be the management, but Saxon is ultimately in charge of these guys. Obviously they would rather keep booking them in Germany and Spain where they pull in more cash, and I can't really say I blame them for that. They probably lose money on their American tours. With only 200-300 people times $20 times 20 venues = $100,000 boy that probably barely covers their road crew and airfare. In retrospect, I'd probably cancel too...time to get some American fan base back like during 1982.
so are those 300 fans per gig too blame for the state of metal in America?? Id have more respect for the band if they outright said "its basically all about money, and Touring N .America isn't feasable for us -$$$$ instead of this tour on again/off again bullsh1t.
This is fuckin amazing! This is the THIRD time Saxon cancelled a show After I had tickets! First time a few years ago for Obsessions in N.J. then B.B. King's
for this past Tuesday.NOW THIS SHIT! THAT'S IT,I AM NO LONGER BUYING TIX IN ADAVANCE! When you (Saxon management) look at poor ticket sales for future events it will be because WE DON'T KNOW IF YOU'LL SHOW UP! DON'T ANNOUNCE TICKETS UNTIL YOU ARE POSITIVELY COMING!

I blame Saxon for lack of communication for not putting this on their website AS SOON AS THEY KNEW (it's still not there!) ,their FUCKIN MANAGER AND THE U.S. GOVERNMENT FOR THIS!
We have all kinds of vermin,criminals,skells and other pieces of shit crawling and swimming to this country EVERY FUCKIN DAY! Yet,a group that has 20+ albums can't get a FUCKIN VISA FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS!! What the fuck?!!!
THIS IS FUCKIN PATHETIC! I wouldn't be surprised if osama bin laden gets into the U.S. before Saxon does! That motherfucker is probaly already here.That's why they can't find him! He's at fuckin Double D's getting a lap dance!
Take it from a brit who lives in NJ,USA and has had to deal with US immigration in order to get visa's/green card etc for years, it doesnt take that long to get a work permit if you do the paperwork right. I smell a rat myself and expect this is actually due to poor ticket sales. You can forget them coming in march, they will blame it on snow or something.