It could have been the Metal Head tour or the one before. I will find out through my friend. The years ( the past 6 have been a blur) have flown by. Married , 2 kids, a cat and more metal than ever.

Saxon should have played in Mexico and then sneaked across the border wearing the ponchos and sombreros they have left over from the "Rockin' Again","Back On The Streets","Rock`N' Roll Gypsy" and "Ride Like The Wind" videos.They could have played California too! This can be plan "B" when the next visa debacle comes around in March.
Can someone tell me why saxon played more gigs for the Killing ground tour after 9/11 than now? Visa problems is a bullshit excuse here's one of the releases a month ago from that hyman dickhead;

October 1st, 2005 - Saxon have NOT cancelled US tour
Contrary to a posting on the web site of New York City's B.B. King's Blues Bar & Grill, British heavy metal veterans SAXON have **NOT** cancelled their previously rescheduled U.S. tour, the group's North American booking agent, Mark Hyman of Paradise Artists, Inc., has informed BLABBERMOUTH.NET. "The band has had to postpone the three original opening shows for logistical reasons," Hyman said. "They plan to make those shows up at a later time to be announced. Other than that, the band is scheduled to begin their tour in Allentown, PA on Friday, November 4, 2005."

SAXON confirmed tour dates:

Nov. 04 - The Sterling Hotel - Allentown, PA
Nov. 05 - Double D's - Morristown, NJ
Nov. 06 - The Beachland Ballroom - Cleveland, OH
Nov. 07 - House Of Blues - Chicago, IL
Nov. 08 - Shank Hall - Milwaukee, WI
Nov. 11 - The Galaxy - Dallas, TX
Nov. 12 - Sunkin Gardens - San Antonio, TX

As previously reported, SAXON were originally slated to embark on an American tour in May but ended up cancelling the dates as a result of frontman Biff Byford wanting to stay by his family's side after his house in the Normandie area of France burned down. In that incident, Biff, his wife and their children got out of the house at the very last minute and nobody was hurt.

SAXON — who were recently rejoined by drummer Nigel Glockler — have been confirmed for the Sweden Rock kick-off concert on December 3 at Globen Annexet in Stockholm, Sweden. Also appearing on the bill are CLAWFINGER and KROKUS.

SAXON are continuing to tour in support of their latest CD, "Lionheart", available now on SPV Records. The follow-up to 2001's "Killing Ground" features artwork by Paul R. Gregory, who has previously worked with the group on the now classic "Crusader" album.
Getting your wife to let you see Saxon... $100.00
Putting your pets in a kennel... $135.00
Dry cleaning your Saxon shirt... $ 4.50
Condoms... $15.00
Airline tickets... $300.00
Hotel Reservations... $200.00
Single dollar bills for topless dancers at D.D.'s...$125.00

Saxon tickets... WORTHLESS

For everything else there's Mastercard
I called The Sterling Hotel in Allentown,PA tonight at 10:45pm. (11-4-05). The manager told me that SAXON`s tour manager called them at 10:45am and cancelled the show, with the same tired visa`s/greencard story. He said if SAXON does tour the US, they would still love to have them play there. He was, of course, none to pleased with the one day`s notice. Now they have to scramble to find someone to play a Friday night gig. Not easy on short notice. So, not only are the fans being alienated, but the venues are as well. This is costing them, too. All we want is some notification in advance. This last minute nonsense is getting old.
Why has it taken from the 28th of october for news of the cancellations to filter through to everyone?

We knew on that date that the Dallas gig was cancelled. Fortunately I did get my flight money from the UK, and hotel refunded.

The Saxon management, knew on the 28th of October about this, as this was the date that I and a few others on the board found out.

Alarm bells should have started ringing then, if they cancelled the last date of the tour without even starting it. Someone connected with the band knows a lot more than we do. I can imagine the band being told that everything is a goer till the last possible minute.

You all deserve to be told the truth.
Management Worldwide
Thomas Jensen
For ICS Gmbh
Haupstraße 47
24869 Dörpstedt
Fax: 00 49 4627 18 38 80

Comment: Now I know why I don't like this song that much from the Lionheart Album. His name (Jensen) is mentioned in the lyrics, Now I will never listen to that song anymore in my entire life!!!!
BREAKING NEWS FROM SAXON.....................

The SAXON CHRONICLES DVD has unfortunately been delayed until March 2003. This is due to the uncovering of many more previously unseen video clips and live footage of the band, and it has been felt that these items must be included within the DVD.

The DVD will be released in both PAL and NTSC with region code 0

been about 20 hours since Blabbermouths post, and i see nothings changed on the saxon website, what a shocker. You fans are informing me of more in 1 night than Saxons website has in 3 years.

We should make bets on the date that the website updates the cancellation. $20 on November 7th
This whole scenario reminds me of WKRP in Cinncinnati.

although ive never seen this Mark Hyman guy, i visualize him as looking like Herb Tarlek and refering to Biff as "The Big Guy" :]
this is just fucking gay...3 days notice so i have to eat 2 plane tickets or sit my fat ass down on the michigan mile for 2 days while my wife spends money on the strip.

thanks, you fuckers. you will not see another dime of my money until the band makes this right. if this jerk-off Hyman can't run your shit, hire me. i would do it for half the money, get twice the results and save you some of your US fans that you just pissed all over.
Herb Tarlek...That is funny.

Although, I have more of a Less Nessman and the taped off imaginary office scenario going on in my mind....probably a fucking motorscooter too..... with a "Touch Me I Rock" bumper sticker on the back.
I seriously doubt Saxon gives a shit what a few hundred die-hard fans in the USA think. They aren`t gaining any newer fans here. Same goes for many older metal bands. It`s just not a big deal for these bands to give a shit anymore. They probably only play here while they`re on a long vacation from playing real concerts. Saxon was never a big band in the USA, just to a few hundred fans is all.

Without proper promotion, no band will sell many tickets. Metal bands get no radio or promotion here in the states and then they complain that fans don`t buy enough tickets to their pub gigs, so they say fuck it. People travel in and out of the United States every damn minute of every damn day without the bullshit of visas. What is this bullshit with "visas"? It`s just a lame excuse. The members of Saxon have money too. More than any of us, so they can easily travel here, meetup in NYC someplace, rent some equipment, book a bar to play in, hire a few Mexicans to lug the shit in and play. They can keep any/all the proceeds from ticket sales for themselves and screw the manager/promoter. The only word they need to get out would be on this website here. Blabbermouth and other boards will get the word out as well and so will the fans who see it. Easier said then done, but it can be done and it can be done on short notice too.
Hey great News!!! The Saxon Wbsite say's the shows are a go and there is s a message from Biff saying that the San Antonio show is definitley happenning!!! The shows are also still shown as valid on the paradise artists website!!!! Yeah!!!!!!

Oh wait that is the same BULLSHIT that has been up there for weeks.

An interesting note... Paradise artists also represents the above mentioned UFO and Krokus. They seemed to get into the country allright!

And now for the money shot ... Wait for it ....wait for it!!!!

With pride an pleasure I give you...

Mark Hyman's e-mail address!!!!
good, thanks Liama, now i can call him the Herb Tarlek of concert promoters by email. the basturd.
and in regard to ray, a few hundred?? were talking a country of 300million and another 30million in Canada, Theyve pissed off fans in the thousands easily.

dogs of fucken warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
The following is the e-mail I just sent to Mark Hyman:

Mr. Hyman,

You may have single handled destroyed this bands reputation in the United States. Announcing that the tour is cancelled one day prior to the first show is ridiculous.

Please note that both the bands and your firm’s websites still show these shows as being valid.

Many people have invested a significant amount of time and money to see the band on this tour. This would have been apparent to anyone viewing the bands website, blabbermouth or any of numerous other sites.

Please note that one gentleman purchased Concert Tickets/Airfare/Hotels/Rental Cars for the entire tour. While another individual was flying from Canada to Chicago and another from the UK to the Dallas show.

Had we been informed of the likelihood of cancellations, we would have made held off making the reservations until we knew for certain that the shows were taking place.

I understand that the visa issue (by the way this sounds very fishy) is not the bands, the managements nor the promoters fault. But Jesus how about keeping people informed when it is apparent that they are investing a significant amount of time and money to attend these shows.

I am personally out the cost of the hotel room (Non Cancelable) here in San Antonio that I had near the Sunken Gardens and also the airfare and hotel (again both non-refundable)for the Dallas show. The money is the secondary issue; it is the lack of respect for the fans (i.e. me) that bothers me the most.

This is a band that I have followed for nearly (25) years and have seen (37) times in (11) different Countries/States. I have purchased everything they have ever done and own a significant amount of shirts and other related items. In other words, there has been significant Financial and personal investment on my part of the over an extended period of time. I now feel betrayed.


Liam Apperley

Think I will be on his Christmas list???
Great Letter. I march around town and attend various partys usually wearing a metal bands I follow. Inside my head I know people look and say what the fuck is that. But, now when a band shows a lack of respect like they don't give a fuck about us, it pisses me off. I feel betrayed. I go out now wearing the Saxon shirt I just ordered and feel let down. I spent 120 dollars for 3 fucking shirts! I even bought one for my wife so she could be involved. They have the power to at the very least keep us informed. Man, just to get the day off to go to Cleveland was a struggle. So much for the bands dedication to the fans. When will they officially let us know?

EarthSkynSea said:
good, thanks Liama, now i can call him the Herb Tarlek of concert promoters by email. the basturd.
and in regard to ray, a few hundred?? were talking a country of 300million and another 30million in Canada, Theyve pissed off fans in the thousands easily.

dogs of fucken warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Oh there are more than a few hundred "fans" around here, but I`m talking "DIE-HARD" fans that travel from show to show catching all, or as many gigs as they can. They had no dates set for Canada or Mexico at all and only a handful of dates here in the US. I feel bad for those die-hards who are now out a few hundred/thousand dollars or so. Why doesn`t Saxon just go to Canada first, then get their so-called visas to enter here? It must be easier to go that route I would think.
hehehe. I just sent him an e-mail too.

this is it:

subject: YOU`RE FIRED!!!

Guys this is appalling news for all of you, from one fan to another I am sorry.

One point about the visa situation though (no I'm not making any excuses here!) a friend of mine works for a well known tabloid newspaper in the UK, was asked to go to the states to report on something, went for his visa, got it refused because he had a drunk and disorderly charge against him 15 years ago ! He now can't visit the states as a tourist ! I know this doesn't make it right but hey its shows how shitty it is trying to get in to the US these days.

Keep rocking :rock:
Fingers said:
Guys this is appalling news for all of you, from one fan to another I am sorry.

One point about the visa situation though (no I'm not making any excuses here!) a friend of mine works for a well known tabloid newspaper in the UK, was asked to go to the states to report on something, went for his visa, got it refused because he had a drunk and disorderly charge against him 15 years ago ! He now can't visit the states as a tourist ! I know this doesn't make it right but hey its shows how shitty it is trying to get in to the US these days.

Keep rocking :rock:
he should`ve taken care of the drunken disorderly charge instead of running away from it. It`s only money the law enforcement wants. Pay the fines and everything is ok after that.