US tour?

yeah i sadly missed you!

but to be honnest i really discovered persuader this year!

(shame on me! really sorry about that but you got now a loyal fan ! ;) )

can you tell me when you played here and where? i didn't know about that gig..:notworthy
Off topic : bien le bonjour à toi aussi prok ;) Excuse-moi j'ai malencontreusement supprimé ton invit' sur myspace... :(

On topic: I hope the message from squeak will help Persuader to go to the US. I knock on wood for you!

*I also missed Persuader when they came to France, but I was lucky enough to see them live three times in 2005, when I was living in't hit... :D *
can you tell me when you played here and where? i didn't know about that gig..:notworthy

In Paris, Lyon if I remember correctly, with Metalium. Awesome show, the audience was crazy! :rock: It was just after the France release of Hunter, so the year must have been 2000.