users sharing Kayo Dot on slsk: LuminousAether, Blood Rapture

anyway, are the tracks labeled as demos or such? i'd hate to think that people are downloading the album thinking it's the real deal.
yeah, the folder said demos, but the filesizes and lengths were the same as the other "real" shit, so I just figured it was mislabled or something. I did guess that it could've been those "stolen" tracks, but I didn't investigate further.
To be honest I sort of want to hear these demos (as I enjoyed hearing the demos of They Aren't All Beautifull and Birth Pains and this reminds me I have to IM xfer for The Ocean demo..but yeah), but I'd feel like a real ass if you guys didn't want me hearing them. I dunno.
gah, that's so fucked up. :(

i bet people are downloading these unfinished tracks, thinking that they're the final versions too.

usually, on soulseek, you have to stretch the "folder" section(?) in order to see the full name, and i doubt that many people do so. :(
I was another one with the demos... they haven't been on my computer since you asked us to delete them

EDIT: And I'm sharing Kayo Dot on soulseek, but I'm friends only and I bought the album, so yeah.
I'm sharing the album too (however I'm list-only as if that means anything)...but I've already purchased all four of your albums so I'm not crying too hard. Regardless, you should be aware that

(a) there are many so-called rabid fanboys of the band that wanted to hear the new album as quickly as possible. No doubt these people have already ordered the thing anyway.

(b) you should be happy enough people are so eager to hear the music produced. If you're getting wrapped up in figures and sales, I think the point is being missed.

Just my opinion...
I am also one of the users who had your "rough mixes". As I said, I deleted them as soon as I told you I did.

I am sharing the final album on Soulseek as well. And just so you don't cry some more, I did pay for all four of your albums.

Toby you never struck me as the type to get pissed about your albums being shared, granted you have every right to be upset about the demos. But why are you upset the final version is being shared. You knew it would happen.