users sharing Kayo Dot on slsk: LuminousAether, Blood Rapture

FalseTodd said:
If that's totally true, it's fine, but I don't share your optimism.

Do you define "wrapped up in figures and sales" as "wondering if we'll ever be able to make albums without paying for a large portion out of our own pockets, and able to devote our full energy to this instead of squeezing it in around our day jobs"?

We want the album to sell well, because if doesn't it makes it harder to do the next one. If you want to talk about the ethics of free music, that's one thing, but don't give us crap about being too concerned about money. This band has cost everyone involved ALOT to be involved in.

I'm not going to stop doing this because of the album not selling, or too many people downloading it or whatever, but I would like it to stop being a financial hardship, which it is for every underground band.

I don't disagree with anything you said. But I don't think it's right to get pissed off at a few kids who wanted to hear the new music, especially since these same kids have already purchased the album. I understand that file-sharing only leads to more file-sharing, obviously, but I like to think anyone with the mental capacity to enjoy the band also has sufficient mental capacity to understand the politics of downloading versus buying the record.
I understand that file-sharing only leads to more file-sharing, obviously, but I like to think anyone with the mental capacity to enjoy the band also has sufficient mental capacity to understand the politics of downloading versus buying the record.

Again, I don't share your optimism. It would be great if you're right. And yes, I have no problem with people finding the mp3s while they're waiting for the album to arrive. Putting them up on SoulSeek is another matter.

And for the record, I'm not furiously angry about this, I knew full well it was going to happen, of course. I do get angry about people telling me I'm wrong for voicing opposition towards people who are enjoying the results of a system without contributing to it.
FuSoYa said:
It's probably a defense mechanism, them trying to turn this shit around on us to evade guilt/responsibility.

I'm not trying to attack you at all... I understand where you're coming from. I use soulseek as a way to share music with friends instead of letting them borrow cds, and to check out new music to buy. I deleted the demos when you asked me to, and so did my friend here.

I really wish that never happened in the first place... gah.
Look, I think the band members might be a little upset now, but in the long run, I think the so-called "demo downloaders" have bought the albums and certainly talked up the album to their friends, and they don't seem to be being dicks about it. I don't know how the rough tracks did find their way out, but once they were left up on the website unsecured, everyone should have known they would leak out, despite promises to the contrary. It's just what happens.

Likewise, the Kayo Dot album WILL have a soulseek presence. Like every other band, Kayo Dot will have to rely on its fans to not be aggressive with sharing it, and hopefully people who d/l it WILL have the integrity to buy it. (I don't always buy the albums I like--I should--but every single album I've bought in the past three years I've had a complete burned version of first, and bought it because I felt I ought to because I liked it).

So Toby, Sam, and all are absolutely right, but I think there's nothing that can be done, and I don't think getting pissed about it--totally legitimately--will change anything. At best you'd intimidate a real fan into taking it down, but within two weeks some unknown fan will have it right back up.

Yeah, it's easy for me to say because I have no stake in the album, but I really think making a big deal, no matter how legitimate, will not help anything.
I have demo material of Kayo Dot... Well, actually it's just Toby in the shower singing the new lyrics. I'm gonna put em up for download if anyone wants them. They are all named with the same track names, so you won't be confused. And, ignore the phone ringing in the background. I think the snoring sound might be Greg, but im not sure.
The issue about the unfinished tracks is NOT that they'd be a deterrent for sales. Many people here are misunderstanding this.

The issue is that the unfinished tracks aren't good/awesome/etc and shouldn't be listened to at all.
Xfer: I totally agree with you, and as I said above this stuff is all inevitable.

Also, I don't really feel like I'm actually making that big a deal of the downloading. (I won't speak for Toby ;) ). Just don't give me lame-ass justifications and implied slights on the band for being concerned about this. I just get annoyed when people take the "Well, it was going to happen anyway and there's nothing you can do so I have no use for personal accountability" route.
FuSoYa said:
It's probably a defense mechanism, them trying to turn this shit around on us to evade guilt/responsibility.

As Mindless Cracker said, him and I are the ONLY ones from the original group of demo holders that have posted here.

Both of us have purchesed the album(in fact, mine arrived in the mail about an hour ago), and both of us are not sharing/do not have the demos anymore.
As was said in the old thread ages ago, I think you guys acted very upstandingly (<--???) in regards to deep-sixing that stuff. Sorry if any ire was unneccessarily thrown your way. Of course, I'm taking your word on this, but that's my inclination here...
FuSoYa said:
The issue about the unfinished tracks is NOT that they'd be a deterrent for sales. Many people here are misunderstanding this.

The issue is that the unfinished tracks aren't good/awesome/etc and shouldn't be listened to at all.
Definitely. This is what I was thinking.

I'd be pretty upset knowing that my unfinished stuff is floating around on Soulseek. Especially after the whole situation that happened with the unfinished work a few months ago.

There was a thread about this very situation on the SSMT forums, and someone said something like "Don't you think Peter Jackson would be pissed if he found out a version of Return of The King was floating around with no CGI and the editing wasn't finished and blah blah blah." I think that's a pretty good analogy.