users sharing Kayo Dot on slsk: LuminousAether, Blood Rapture

So it's OK to share it with your friends only?

The problem is not people getting the music before their copy of the album, but people who download it and never buy a copy. All the "rabid fanboys" most likely post here and get it in some way from here, or already got a copy at the last gig (before the release).

And about any bashing or similar activities here, THis is all I have to say.

Nufonia said:
(a) there are many so-called rabid fanboys of the band that wanted to hear the new album as quickly as possible. No doubt these people have already ordered the thing anyway.
If that's totally true, it's fine, but I don't share your optimism.

Nufonia said:
(b) you should be happy enough people are so eager to hear the music produced. If you're getting wrapped up in figures and sales, I think the point is being missed.
Do you define "wrapped up in figures and sales" as "wondering if we'll ever be able to make albums without paying for a large portion out of our own pockets, and able to devote our full energy to this instead of squeezing it in around our day jobs"?

We want the album to sell well, because if doesn't it makes it harder to do the next one. If you want to talk about the ethics of free music, that's one thing, but don't give us crap about being too concerned about money. This band has cost everyone involved ALOT to be involved in.

I'm not going to stop doing this because of the album not selling, or too many people downloading it or whatever, but I would like it to stop being a financial hardship, which it is for every underground band.
Sonicarnal Artist said:
I downloaded 'em.

Chill, guys: They sucked so bad I deleted them pronto.

Way to double up on the art-fagginess.

lol. this is coming from a guy who thinks Satan imagery and references are the shit. grow the fuck up.
Steve said:
So it's OK to share it with your friends only?

I think you missed the point.

Steve said:
The problem is not people getting the music before their copy of the album, but people who download it and never buy a copy. All the "rabid fanboys" most likely post here and get it in some way from here, or already got a copy at the last gig (before the release).

Oh no, I like the band but I'm not a hardcore enough fan for not driving down and getting an album at the show. Also, I may be wrong here, but Kayo Dot doesn't seem like the type of band you'd want to make a blind purchase from. It's not like you can turn on the TV and see a music video, so the internet is the only means of previewing for many, many people (I included). And if it gets to the point where you're saying "people should have bought the album without hearing the music", you're basically just saying "the financial aspect of this is far more important than the actual musical aspect". And when I say 'you', I mean to be generalizing, not pointing fingers.
fyi. with regard to downloading Fusoya (aka Toby) has already posted this:

FuSoYa said:
I think it's [downloading] totally fine if

1) you like a record and buy it afterward
2) you hate it and never listen to it again

but liking it a lot, listening to it often, and not buying it is just wrong, unfair, and damaging. I might even go so far as to say it's OK if you're broke but you love the CD. I of course would rather have someone listen to it than not at all.

However sometimes people are really proud of how many albums they've gotten for free and the fact that they're 'beating the system', and that's a different story.

It's a complicated issue that I think can really only be resolved by the honor system, at this time. Keep idealism alive, I guess.
Also, they is bound to be a large amount of people who buy the album because they downloaded it. Obviously there is no other way to hear you guys, aside from two VERY short samples.
FalseTodd said:
Do you define "wrapped up in figures and sales" as "wondering if we'll ever be able to make albums without paying for a large portion out of our own pockets, and able to devote our full energy to this instead of squeezing it in around our day jobs"?

We want the album to sell well, because if doesn't it makes it harder to do the next one. If you want to talk about the ethics of free music, that's one thing, but don't give us crap about being too concerned about money. This band has cost everyone involved ALOT to be involved in.

I'm not going to stop doing this because of the album not selling, or too many people downloading it or whatever, but I would like it to stop being a financial hardship, which it is for every underground band.
Such great words I need to turn them into a graphic to fit them in my signature. Must set aside time to do that.
Novembers Paul said:
Were these not the same people that were all humble, and "so sorry" when this first happened? Why the attitude now?

Paragon Belial and I are the only ones who were involved in that who have posted in this topic.
Xtokalon said:
lol. this is coming from a guy who thinks Satan imagery and references are the shit. grow the fuck up.

I suppose I should have some sort of affinity for them, considering that they are highly relevent to my own metaphysical ideologies and practicies.

rofl devils n stuf i meen

I have the demos... I can see why they want them to stay contained: They're just as bad as the official release. I can assure you that both versions have been purged from my computer.