Using a compressor; Cheating?


#1 Backstreet Boys Fan
Sep 2, 2001
Hey fellow bassists!

I am currently chased by the following question;

I kinda like the sound of a compressed bass. But as we all know, a compressor compresses the signal from your bass and keeps it on a specific volume level. And that's what is on my mind; Isn't using a compressor some kind of cheating since it hides technical sloppiness? I mean, you should be able to play a lot of licks, riffs or whatever without any (or at least with a minimum of) dynamical changes. This becomes totally uninteresting when you use a compressor, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

And, yes, my dynamic sucks. I am playing with three fingers, and although I have no triplet feel in 16th notes and my timing is not too bad, there is still this problem. But, you know, it's like a keyboarder who only uses midi files for his solos or a guitarist using an arpeggiator. Or am I too closed-minded?
Any opinions?

I hope you understand what I have written, I am a bit out of training when it comes to speaking/writing english...

Thanks in advance,

I wouldn't say its "cheating" but then again, I am not a bass player. However I play drums in a band and in a live setting sometimes the bass hits notes harder than other parts thus making them louder when they aren't supposed to be. I know that is also the player as well not having full control, but it sure makes the bass sound a shitload tighter! I actually prefer it.
well,it all depend on choice you make (use it or not) at the end-this is only effect that makes the sound slighty different,like distortion or whatever:)
And another thind ,what does it mean ''cheating'' in music? man ,ya gotta change your music approach
I don't use compression because I try to get my dynamics on higher level (so I have to hear it). I don't think it's 'cheating' but I don't like compressed sound..
Only 'compression thing' in my playing is a limiter in my amp, so I don't get louder when I slap :) Is it cheating ;)
Not cheating dude.

I use compressor too, but some times I turn it off just to let people hear when I beat the crap out of the strings real hard. You can't do that with the compressor turned on.
well , i use compressor sometimes when i want fretless sound more "fretless" than usual:more mids and max lows compressor ,and thats it.
Nope ,i don't use cyber toys to make metal music ;by the way your band site doesnt work properly(i think:) ,tried to check it out but nothing happened so... got some email?
I used a DBX DDP for compression and eq. It's not cheating. If you want raw unprocessed sound, get a chello or upright bass or something.... but then you couldn't mike it up, because most PAs have some kind of noise reduction, eq, and compression anyways. :lol: :err: