using an analog console?

Last year I mixed a band in my studio (all ITB) and we where quite satisfied with the sound. A few weeks after that, we had a chance to go mix on a AWS with some good outboard...
I must say it's a whole different beast. You can get your mix much quicker, and there is a lot of space to be filled in the mix... I mean, if you feel like your mix is starting to get crowded when you're ITB, this won't happen on a good console...
It's punchier, wider and with a lot more depth...
I've been mixing on an SSL 4048G+ for the past few months and must say, the pre's are eh but mixing is great! It took a few projects to get used to the difference in sound. It's a lot more open but getting things EQ'd and set is usually just one knob. Pretty amazing I must say. With that being said, I have been doing ONLY outboard, no plugins. If I did both together...I would be unstoppable!:muahaha:

P.S. The bus comp on that console acts NOTHING like the plugin.
Even via Alex B's SSL 4k Nebula programs you can tell what kind of difference mixing through a console would impart to a mix.

Kind of off topic but not really. I think me and Ermz should figure out a way to do a simple mix test where he does it with Nebula, and then I'll match the settings as close as possible on 4k. Maybe with stems or something, but I'd be really curious to see what kind of differences would arise from this.

Ermz thoughts?
Kind of off topic but not really. I think me and Ermz should figure out a way to do a simple mix test where he does it with Nebula, and then I'll match the settings as close as possible on 4k. Maybe with stems or something, but I'd be really curious to see what kind of differences would arise from this.

Ermz thoughts?

We tried this on said console and it's just impossible. There are wayy too many factors and differences with how the eq's, gates, comps react on a real console....granted it's easier but still. The best bet is someone who's well into their mixing style do it in both mediums and presumably get the same sounds....sorta. lol