Emd, when I reamp I always place a quick feedback blip at the beginning of each di signal so that I can assure proper alignment, try that next time for.alignment
ah thats a good idea! just a guitar feedback?
so, if I am getting this right, this is basically doble-tracking and copying those tracks so that there are 4 and then L1 & L2 = 6505 + recto (and vice-versa)? Isn't this basically what everyone advices not to do (contrary to quad-tracking)? It does sound really good!This song has two performances, each re-amped twice (with ampsims), personally I really like the result and I did it that way because I wasn't getting the fullness and dirtyness I was wanting with just one ampsim on each side. I guess obviously it would've been better if there would've been 4 performances tracked, but there weren't. The copied performances are on the same side (L1, L2, R1, R2), and L1 has the same amp and settings as R2, and viceversa
This is just a test/practice mix from a thread in this forum btw, not a payed job or anything, I was experimenting
Some amps are 180 out of phase with others. That'll catch you if you aren't careful b/c slipping can't really fix it.
so, if I am getting this right, this is basically doble-tracking and copying those tracks so that there are 4 and then L1 & L2 = 6505 + recto (and vice-versa)? Isn't this basically what everyone advices not to do (contrary to quad-tracking)? It does sound really good!