UTSA: Serving the 'other' gender since 1969.


Mar 8, 2006
San Antonio, TX, USA
Okay, many of my rants have been school-related lately, and I apologize for only being pissed off about the shit that's taking 90% of my time right now - I swear, it'll be over soon... I keep telling myself, at least... but this had to be posted.

This is a survey UTSA sent out to gather opinions on an 'honor code' and what should be on it, if one were to be brought about. Personally, at this point I'm all for anything that'll make my school not look like UT Austin's crippled, retarded little cousin that can't be trusted with going down curvy stairs because they could be too confusing, but... sometimes I wonder, if UTSA can fail this horribly at surveys...


And before anyone asks, *no* I do not have anything against people who would like to make sure everyone knew that they were unhappy with the genitals they have, and *yes* I have even dressed drag to school one day and gotten enough of a negative response to know that they were not likely that worried about being inclusive. I think they just had an "Other (please specify)" quota to fill.

WTF? Other? There is an "OTHER" gender? Is that like when doods dress like women is that other? When you don't want to guess for fear of failure and humiliation. Do some developmentally disabled people with no testicles fall into other?

Holly shit this is the stupidest use of the "other" option I have ever seen. Thanks for posting!
Maybe they wanted to find out who refuses the role society destined for them and some kind of "individual starting to think on its own" alarm will find its way into your personal dossier :ill:

It was actually a trick to try to lure out aliens dressed in humans skin suites who are slowly taking over our world, since everybody knows aliens are asexuual they are obviously classed as "other" in the gender list an it was trying to get them to accidentally reveal their secret identity and plans to rule the universe.... if this doesnt make sense its cuz im realy drunk so fuck off with the gramar lessons.
sending out emails just seems a bit easier than makiing sunglasses that can show who are aliens especially when you might not know what aliens look like to begin with.