Well this is one that kinda makes me glad I spend more time building shit at my studio these days than actually recording: 
Band in question are pretty young kids. Nothing wrong with that, and they seemed to show initial promise in that they only wanted to record one song. And they claimed to have tabbed the whole song in Guitar Pro beforehand and used this as their basis for click-track practice.
Didn't show up when we started to track though! Drummer was racing ahead of the click at warp 5 compared to the programmed tempo. Kept complaining that it seemed too slow even though the guitarist insisted it was correct. So I figure; why not tap-tempo the speed he wants to play at and go with that. So I do. Doesn't work, he can't play by himself never mind to a click! At all! He may as well not be able to hear the damn click for all the good it does.
At this point my studio partner returns and resumes control at the helm and I escape to the relative simplicity of making shit happen with drills & stuff. It didn't get any better as the day wore on though. The drums were tracked almost one bar at a time as the drummer simply couldn't keep time for any longer than that. The guitarists weren't much better. Sloppy phrasing, lousy rhythm and generally not well-rehearsed. The irony is that they brought a friend with them that was better on guitar than any of them, but he wasn't in the band!
The singer (a girl) spent about an hour doing vocal warmup exercises which she appeared to be finding on YouTube and seemed to actually have a pretty good voice. But for some reason once she stepped up to the mic she suddenly lost the ability to hit more than one note in 10 in the correct pitch!
Anyway to wrap up in order to wring any kind of listenability from this recording my studio partner basically sliced up the drum tracks beat-by-beat and edited the living shit out of them. Going as far as to completely re-build almost every fill as he couldn't figure out what the hell he was supposed to have actually played! All the guitar leads had to be cut up note-for-note and edited to be in time with newly carved up drums. Some of the rhythm guitars were so utterly out of any discernible rhythm he just re-amped the other track and replaced them instead. All the vocals needed to be Melodyned to hell and back and edited heavily for delivery and time.
I wish I had a before/after mix to upload for you I really do. The finished result is a frankensteinian nightmare of a track that somehow came out sounding at least 80% decent.
It literally drove my buddy to drink. He spent both editing sessions hitting the JD just to cope with the horror of it all. 

Band in question are pretty young kids. Nothing wrong with that, and they seemed to show initial promise in that they only wanted to record one song. And they claimed to have tabbed the whole song in Guitar Pro beforehand and used this as their basis for click-track practice.
Didn't show up when we started to track though! Drummer was racing ahead of the click at warp 5 compared to the programmed tempo. Kept complaining that it seemed too slow even though the guitarist insisted it was correct. So I figure; why not tap-tempo the speed he wants to play at and go with that. So I do. Doesn't work, he can't play by himself never mind to a click! At all! He may as well not be able to hear the damn click for all the good it does.
At this point my studio partner returns and resumes control at the helm and I escape to the relative simplicity of making shit happen with drills & stuff. It didn't get any better as the day wore on though. The drums were tracked almost one bar at a time as the drummer simply couldn't keep time for any longer than that. The guitarists weren't much better. Sloppy phrasing, lousy rhythm and generally not well-rehearsed. The irony is that they brought a friend with them that was better on guitar than any of them, but he wasn't in the band!
The singer (a girl) spent about an hour doing vocal warmup exercises which she appeared to be finding on YouTube and seemed to actually have a pretty good voice. But for some reason once she stepped up to the mic she suddenly lost the ability to hit more than one note in 10 in the correct pitch!
Anyway to wrap up in order to wring any kind of listenability from this recording my studio partner basically sliced up the drum tracks beat-by-beat and edited the living shit out of them. Going as far as to completely re-build almost every fill as he couldn't figure out what the hell he was supposed to have actually played! All the guitar leads had to be cut up note-for-note and edited to be in time with newly carved up drums. Some of the rhythm guitars were so utterly out of any discernible rhythm he just re-amped the other track and replaced them instead. All the vocals needed to be Melodyned to hell and back and edited heavily for delivery and time.
I wish I had a before/after mix to upload for you I really do. The finished result is a frankensteinian nightmare of a track that somehow came out sounding at least 80% decent.