V-amp 2 for scratch track


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
hey guys...i live in an apartment right now, but I need something cheap for laying scratch tracks at the apartment so i can go lay drum tracks later...if anyone who ever used this what do you think of these just for that purpose? keep in mind I dont use a computer/DAW for tracking, I used a 24 track MTR,
I have NO trouble believing that! :ill:

Yeah seriously, despite the virtuoso guitar work, I can't fucking stand to listen to that album. Between the terrible midi drums, complete lack of any bass, and "toneless" guitars, it's possibly one of the worst things I've ever heard hahahaha :lol:
recorded a band where the guitarist had a vamp so we used that to record and then reamped dry tracks through multiple amps and it came out great...

i think it sounds better than the pod just for "Reference" tone...

i'm thinking about picking one up for this. everything gets reamped anyway nowadays and it saves hassle and less cables and shit to worry about. sometimes you get a really good guitarist who needs to hear the response of his amp to palm mutes and stuff so at that point i'd rather use real amps even if i will reamp anyway. generally you get some guys who are anal about their tone and it ends up working better but it's a pain the ass :heh:
Yeah seriously, despite the virtuoso guitar work, I can't fucking stand to listen to that album. Between the terrible midi drums, complete lack of any bass, and "toneless" guitars, it's possibly one of the worst things I've ever heard hahahaha :lol:

Yup (and I personally can't stand the spastic style of music either, so yeah, pass for me :goggly: )
Darkane and Dark Tranquillity use it live. DT use the pro version, instead Darkane use (or used to, my friend told me some years ago when he went in tour with them) the normal version, directly connected to the pa.
I also used it when I tracked the DI guitars in the last work I did.
scratch track = reference track....for example if you record a track to laying down some ideas, or if you record a reference track to send through the drummer's headphones when he tracks drums
I was thinking about getting a v-amp 3 when it comes out soon.

At first I thought it had an integrated interface now, just like the POD XT or X3, but Behringer just puts one of their external interfaces in the box.

It doesn't seem so much different than the V 2 now.