V cocer art


New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2005
Are the similarities with the symphony X and spock's beard V cover art coincidential or intentional? what about the DT - Awake mirror?
This was discussed in the V thread. There's a whole string of posts discussing that.
ptah knemu said:
This was discussed in the V thread. There's a whole string of posts discussing that.

and the search function give no result for "V" wish must be a several years old thread anyway
popol said:
Are the similarities with the symphony X and spock's beard V cover art coincidential or intentional? what about the DT - Awake mirror?

V - pure coincedence. Spock's even talk about it on their DVD. And you thought SymX was the only ones who had to field that question ;)

Mirror...yeah, there's a similarity but it's not a rip off by any means. Can't anyone play a triplet like that without thinking DT?
WhoFooldU said:
Mirror...yeah, there's a similarity but it's not a rip off by any means. Can't anyone play a triplet like that without thinking DT?

But could it be some kind of tribute?

The V cover art rules... but if you look up at it a lot you'll realise that some stuff on it makes no sense... look at the inlay.... the two masks, one of them has color around the left eye and one aronud the right eye... then look at the actual cd... they should both have color on the right side.
Also, look at the front cover and the side of the shadow of the black cloaked dude and the mirror. Then look at the back of the cd and look at the shadow of the black cloaked dude... it's in thewrong side and you don't see the shadow of the mirror.

On the cover, if the white dude is the reflection of the black dude, it means that on the back of the cover, it means that the mirro should be on the left and the white dude should be touching it with his left arm.

Or maybe I just didn't get the concept.