V30'S vs G12T-75's

i MUCH prefer the 75w celestions....but the general consensus seems to be the exact opposite...so i guess it's once again different strokes for different folks
Fragle said:
i MUCH prefer the 75w celestions....but the general consensus seems to be the exact opposite...so i guess it's once again different strokes for different folks

Most of us here when we discuss speakers are referring to how they sound mic'd up, and I don't even the hardiest of G12T users would say it mic's up better than a V30 ;).

That said, I prefer them live, as well.
I'd say use the V30's. I personally hate the G12t-75's. I just did some test recording with the v30's and i could hear the sound of a lot of records i've listened to... but for myself i switched to Jensen's. if you want a sparkling clean tone to go with the crunch i'd recomend the Jensen C12N or if your rich the P12N.
I'm getting sick of the sound of V30s. They are a safe speaker, and hence why 'every.single.fucking.guitarist.on.the.planet' is loading his cabs with them. I can't stand too much of a sure thing.. it gets boring.

The G12T-75's can be used to awesome effect. The Meshuggah records certainly come to mind there. They have a signature, harsh, dry sound which can complement the sounds of some heads.
I'm a V30 user myself, and it's my personal preference for metal. But, the G12T-75's are not bad speakers by any means. Many albums that have great metal sounds were recorded using the 75's. Albums like Metallica's Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, and ...And Justice for All, Nevermore's DHIADW, everything by Iced Earth, albums by Meshuggah, Shadows Fall, etc.
SPLASTiK said:
I thought those were V30's according to that one thread we had here? And maybe the prior Albums... At least Hetfield

They used 2 Marshall 300W Cabs, and the serial numbers were given. Ran it past a few Marshall buffs, and the only 300W cabs manufactured back then were the ones sporting G12T-75's apparently.
silverwulf said:
They used 2 Marshall 300W Cabs, and the serial numbers were given. Ran it past a few Marshall buffs, and the only 300W cabs manufactured back then were the ones sporting G12T-75's apparently.

Hmmm well, According to the Gearslutz thread they used them for AJFA at least, James apparently mentioned that in interviews :D
SPLASTiK said:
Hmmm well, According to the Gearslutz thread they used them for AJFA at least, James apparently mentioned that in interviews :D

You could be right...now looking back through the notes, I don't think Flemming has actually mentioned what cabs they used on Justice yet.
"They have a signature, harsh, dry sound which can complement the sounds of some heads."

as silverwulf already mentioned, nevermore's dead heart in a dead world album is not at all harsh and/or dry sounding imho. one of the best rectifier tones i've ever heared on a record imho.
Fragle said:
"They have a signature, harsh, dry sound which can complement the sounds of some heads."

as silverwulf already mentioned, nevermore's dead heart in a dead world album is not at all harsh and/or dry sounding imho. one of the best rectifier tones i've ever heared on a record imho.

I bought a Dual Recto new back in '98 or so, and when I did, I bought a Marshall 1960A 4X12 Cab with it. Although I use Recto Cabs and V30's these days, I had no complaints about my sound back then. Always sounded great.
V30, G12M, century vintage, G12H30, EH12BR, Classic lead 80, there's a lot of choice. Let your ears pick the best for you.
Thanks for the response you guys!!!!! I think I'm going to try the 75's. I actually tested one in an old peavey bravo that I have last night and loved it. I think they will sound even better in my XXX 212. :headbang: