Vacationing Italian in prison for slapping his child

Listen up people.. different kids need different things.
I got spanked several times as a kid, and seriously.. looking back at it, it was the only thing that would have worked on me.
Telling me i did wrong resulted in a "Fuck you asshole"(And no, its not my parents fault.).. If you locked me in my room, i would kick out the window and jump out(I seriously did that as a 7 year old.).
However, if i got spanked i never did the same mistake again.
I was an expert too....before I actually had a kid. :lol:

This is it right here. All of your quasi-intellectual, hypothetical parenting theories are worth nothing unless you have kids. Then you are :goggly:.

To those of you here who apparently see no difference between a spanking and a series of nunchuck strikes to the skull, believe what you want, I guess. My kids will know that I love them uncondintionally, would go to bat for them anytime, and expect the world from them because I know they are capable of delivering it.
Listen up people.. different kids need different things.
I got spanked several times as a kid, and seriously.. looking back at it, it was the only thing that would have worked on me.
Telling me i did wrong resulted in a "Fuck you asshole"(And no, its not my parents fault.).. If you locked me in my room, i would kick out the window and jump out(I seriously did that as a 7 year old.).
However, if i got spanked i never did the same mistake again.

we're not speaking about hitting the kid every wrong thins he does...but when he doesn't understand a very important thing and when he deserve a doesn't mean you don't love your children but that you wanna educate your children in the right way and you wanna let he understand "the lesson".
Of course every kid is different but I don't think that "you don't have to touch the children also with a flower" theory would be THE RULE...
When I was a kid I went with some friends inside an house's garden and I stole some nice stones. At the evening the owner went at my home (with all the judas friends) to take the stolen stones. My father slapped me very hard...and he did the right thing because I have never thought to stole anymore in my life.
Nowadays the 90% of the parents in a similar situation would yell against the owner that he's a liar and that his son can't do something similar. Same thing at school...when I was a kid and I did something wrong at school I know I would have received some kind of punishment at home (months without pc or weeks when I coundn't go out playing with friends) and it was an incentive to do "the right thing" at school.
Actually when a boy is rejected at school it's a school fault, it's a professor's fault...sometimes parents go at school to fight with the professors, hitting them very's fuckin' insane. This is not the right thing to do because if your son do things wrong it's because he does the wrong thing and he has to understand that. You have not to protect him in every situation because he will never understand how the world works
we're not speaking about hitting the kid every wrong thins he does...but when he doesn't understand a very important thing and when he deserve a doesn't mean you don't love your children but that you wanna educate your children in the right way and you wanna let he understand "the lesson".
Of course every kid is different but I don't think that "you don't have to touch the children also with a flower" theory would be THE RULE...
When I was a kid I went with some friends inside an house's garden and I stole some nice stones. At the evening the owner went at my home (with all the judas friends) to take the stolen stones. My father slapped me very hard...and he did the right thing because I have never thought to stole anymore in my life.
Nowadays the 90% of the parents in a similar situation would yell against the owner that he's a liar and that his son can't do something similar. Same thing at school...when I was a kid and I did something wrong at school I know I would have received some kind of punishment at home (months without pc or weeks when I coundn't go out playing with friends) and it was an incentive to do "the right thing" at school.
Actually when a boy is rejected at school it's a school fault, it's a professor's fault...sometimes parents go at school to fight with the professors, hitting them very's fuckin' insane. This is not the right thing to do because if your son do things wrong it's because he does the wrong thing and he has to understand that. You have not to protect him in every situation because he will never understand how the world works


Its official, I love Italian parenting/views on parenting.

Jebus Christ, you don't spank/slap your kid for everything they do wrong, a punishment that is extreme is reserved for severe actions when a child will not listen, and trust me, if you ever have a child like I was, you will have to get extreme a few times. Still as abberation said, if you can't tell the difference between a spanking and full blown cracks to the skull, you just don't get it.

For example, the hell are you going to do if your child throws a tantrum like this, regardless of location, (home, public etc.). I used to be like that and those where the times a needed a good whack. Its the only thing that will get through to a child that does not care how bad they piss off their parents.

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To those of you here who apparently see no difference between a spanking and a series of nunchuck strikes to the skull, believe what you want, I guess. My kids will know that I love them uncondintionally, would go to bat for them anytime, and expect the world from them because I know they are capable of delivering it.

There is a difference, of course. But if someone grows up thinking that violence is an appropriate way of getting a point across and, more to the point, controlling people, then that's pretty obviously bad.

All the kids I grew up with who've ended up in trouble (other than a few proper mental health cases), their problems trace back very easily to their parents. Coincidentally (or not haha) they're also the ones who got hit by their parents.
As a kid I used to be envious of the kids who didn't not get any kind of hard punishment for being a total unruly kid. But, as I grew older, those kids grew up to be assholes. So, I guess, their is no universal 'right' way.
This thread reminds me of the "it's ok to drink and drive, if you know what you're doing." discussion in the RIP Ryan Dunn thread.
I think on some topics there are (or shouldn't be) any grey areas.
How many of you have children?
I have a 7 year old girl and a 4 year old boy and I can tell you most of you have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!
Smacking a child on the face is NEVER ok. NEVER. That is not punishment it is abuse and will achieve nothing but teach violence to an impressionable youth.

Smacking (on the backside) can be the most important part of parenting when it comes to disipline.
The punishment of a child should always fit the crime to teach the scale of what is acceptable and why. If your kid throws a 'tantrum' it is hardly what I call a major issue and does not warrent physical violence, in public in particular.
If your child seriously hurts someone ,or breaks something, or something else really bad ON PURPOSE then a smack can be the only thing to show how serious you take their actions. If you smack everytime they do something wrong, big or small, nothing will be learned about acceptable behaviour and you will have trouble controling your child, maybe not when they are 2, but give it a few years. If you don't scale dicipline then children will have trouble dealing with authority later in life.

My children get smacked every now and again (In NZ smacking a child is against the law too, and people can complain to authorities if it is seen) and I always have people tell me how well behaved my kids are and we have a great relationship and I would not do it any other way. It is VERY obvious after I smack that my kids behave much better for quite some time after.
And I think some of you are so intent on "winning" your point that you've neglected to read the point that the others have made and some on the other side have agreed with ...

No one is talking about slapping a kid full bore with man-strength in the fucking face. A child slap. If some of you can't tell the difference then it probably IS a good idea that you never hit your child

What everyone needs to do is accept that different people and different cultures raise their kids ... Differently

Read all the fucking books in the world if you want ... doesn't mean one fucking bit of it is gonna apply to your kid in every situation