Vacationing Italian in prison for slapping his child

its got nothing to do with how hard you hit. Hitting on the face is NEVER ok.
I did read ALL of the posts.

Hitting a child in the face, hard or not, teaches them it is ok to hit others on the face. My 4 year old child has proven this to me without a doubt lately after seeing a scene from a kids movie of a boy being slapped on the face he went to kindy and started slapping his friends.
Do you think me slapping his face softly will stop him from doing this or just encourage his behaviour and confuse the crap out of him?
Its YOUR kid man, I would not presume to say how ANYONE should raise THEIR kid ...

However to go along with your point ... were I in that situation with my kid ... I'd see it as a lesson to be learned. I'd ask him f he likes getting slapped in the face. No? Why? Because it hurts and hurts your feelings? How do you think the kids at school feel when you do that? But I did it to you? I did it to you because you said "fuck you" to your mother. Are you going to say "fuck you" to your mother again? No? Are you gonna smack kids at school in the face again? No? Why? Because you know its wrong and they didn't do anything to deserve it
I understand your point... to a point.
4 year old kids just dont respond to reason like that. Period.
If you had a child (correct me if I am wrong) you would understand.
Seems so simple to say but in reality its very different.
I know this because this is the exact responce the kindy took. It did not work.
and I can only give my experiences with my children, obviously, but I still think my 7 1/2 years experience as a father and 14 years of teaching children qualifies me to comment more than someone that has no children.
And I see your points and understand where you're coming from as well .... However I fail to see how that kind of reasoning wouldn't work with a child but how another would

Goes to the heart of my original point ... Not all kids are the same and therefore no one method of parenting is a "one size fits all"

You are correct, I have no kids right now. I can only comment on how I was raised and how it didn't negatively impact me in any way.

Agree to disagree I would say
And I see your points and understand where you're coming from as well .... However I fail to see how that kind of reasoning wouldn't work with a child but how another would

I can vouch for that, when I was about that age my mom did the talk routine

I'd ask him f he likes getting slapped in the face. No? Why? Because it hurts and hurts your feelings? How do you think the kids at school feel when you do that? But I did it to you? I did it to you because you said "fuck you" to your mother. Are you going to say "fuck you" to your mother again? No? Are you gonna smack kids at school in the face again? No? Why? Because you know its wrong and they didn't do anything to deserve it

My mom would if I would ask why its ok for her to hit me but I can't, she had the best line ever..."I'm the boss, you do what I say" or, "I'm the parent, you're the child", she asserted her authority and I knew damn better to not cross it.

So by the age of three I knew, I couldn't hit anyone else, no other adult but my parents could discipline me or touch me. By the time I was five, it finally clicked on me the "don't be mean to other people because you don't like it when people are mean to you" when I witnessed the other side first hand and I finally understood the lesson and understood why my mom ruled with an iron fist. It was her communication and explanation of why I was being punished which truly drove the lesson home and the physical punishment curbed the behavior until I understood the lesson.
At this point we can only agree to disagree, till you have kids lol.
In my experience, unless a child (under the age of 5) is seriously emotionally mature for their age, trying to reason with them is a waste of time. Period.
However I fail to see how that kind of reasoning wouldn't work with a child but how another would

A smack on the backside is not reasoning with them, it makes it very clear to a child that what they did was wrong and it was the cause of physical pain and they learn to avoid that which hurts them. Like a bark collar for a dog lol. On the flip side, smacking a child for every little thing they do will achieve nothing also, there has to be a balance.

Once a child is over 5 - 7 years old then reasoning can work, as long as they have learned about what is apropriate behaviour at a younger age.
The fear of being smacked is often better than the smack itself and if they grow up remembering they were smacked then they will remember about consequencies matching the crime and reasoning can become easier.

Goes to the heart of my original point ... Not all kids are the same and therefore no one method of parenting is a "one size fits all"

This goes without saying.

The best advice I could give a parent is this.
Praise you child when they do something you are happy with. Over do the praise to the point of sillyness. Punish your child when they do something wrong.
Be consistant (I mean 100% of the time) with this and your child will respond.
So by the age of three I knew...

Can you honestly say you can vividly remember your emotional response to an event when you were only 3 or younger? are you saying you were NEVER smacked, only spoken to?

I thought I remembered my childhood pretty well and was pleased with myself thinking I was never smacked as a child, untill i mentioned this in front of my Mum and she laughed her tits off! I was smacked a bit under the age of 5 apparently. lol
I couldn't disagree more with your comparison

why? I think both things are wrong, even if done "just a little bit".
So I don't think you can disagree with the comparison.
You obviously disagree on my opinion though, if you ment that

(unless there's some native english language stuff in the sentence I don't get)
Can you honestly say you can vividly remember your emotional response to an event when you were only 3 or younger? are you saying you were NEVER smacked, only spoken to?

I thought I remembered my childhood pretty well and was pleased with myself thinking I was never smacked as a child, untill i mentioned this in front of my Mum and she laughed her tits off! I was smacked a bit under the age of 5 apparently. lol

I have not only rolling memories since I was two, I have vivid memories of my child hood since I was three. I actually remember things that my mom doesn't including names of neighbors, weird perks about them (medical conditions, they were weird, drank too much, racist etc.). Like I mentioned in a post earlier that I was a very difficult child to deal with, I used to throw tantrums, where I was sent to my room, I would trow the heaviest toys possible at my door and actually putting a hole in my door when I was 5. My mom had to literally lock me in my room by tying the door knob to another door with dog leashes because I would walk out even though she would beat the living shit out of me every time, to the point where she would hurt herself and go for a belt. I will say first hand I deserved every bit of it. Even after all of that, as I got older, the things she told me began to click and I understood. It took until I was about 6 before such lessons began to click but she made sure that I knew that what I did was wrong.

That's the strange thing, when adults don't thing talking to the kids works, it does in way. When you tell them that something they did was wrong, even if they keep doing it, what you did tell them registered, they don't comprehend it. It will take a few years until they witness that lesson first hand before what you told them finally sticks, until then, you have the smacks on the butt to curb the behavior until then (for the most sever offenses).

You are completely right though, parents have to be consistent with punishments. You can't spank them for everything they do wrong, its an eye for an eye when in comes to punishing children and it has to be very consistent. That was my moms on fault as I got older, she stopped listening to me and punished blindly, which she will admit to now, but in the end as I got older she compensated a lot and the level of communication was so great that I was trusted and when she would punish me for something I understood. The corporal punishment stops as soon as the child knows what they do is wrong and actually understand. With most children its usually about the time they start Kindergarten (and whatever the EU/aussie guys call it). By that age you can actually carry conversation with them.

Funny thing is, since I was about 11, I have helped my mom raise my three cousins, really weird story, but long story short my three cousins have spent most of their lives in our residence. In our household my mom treats them like she did with me and I do the same. Since I was about 16 I have done my fair share of enforcing spankings, time outs, taking toys away etc for offences and so has my mom. Ironically enough, even though we are way more strict than their parents are, they feel more comfortable talking to us, the level of communication is there and we don't treat them like dumb shit as if they are too young to talk to. Funny thing is, their parents can't keep them under control, as soon as they stay with us, not a problem out of them, they respect the adult authority without question.
It's all about respect (in a good way). Childrens need a master, someone that guide them...they don't need a best friend. Unfortunately sometimes a spank could be necessary but it doesn't mean you don't love your children. Of course there are parents that only hit and they are stupid assholes.
But when they know there is a good figure that can listen, advice but that's also a "severe captain" that want thing done in the right way, they undestand that they can count on you
Yeh but if you spank their kids they'll likely turn out to be sexual deviants who enjoy dressing up in diapers and being spanked by older men in bondage gear. Is that what you want?
Not in Poland.

Here you would get fined for neglecting a child if something bad happened (or even just could happen) to the child.

You could here in Sweden as well.. but it won't happen, and that pisses me of like hell.
Its not an uncommon sight to see a baby-carriage standing with a child in it outside a store while the parent is in the store shopping.
One day i swear to god that i will just walk away with one of carriages just to teach the parents a lesson.
You could here in Sweden as well.. but it won't happen, and that pisses me of like hell.
Its not an uncommon sight to see a baby-carriage standing with a child in it outside a store while the parent is in the store shopping.
One day i swear to god that i will just walk away with one of carriages just to teach the parents a lesson.

This confirms what I have seen
thank you ;)
This confirms what I have seen
thank you ;)

Yeah, you're welcome!
In our defense there is a reason for it: Sweden has such a low crime rate that we don't worry about it.
That being said, its fucking stupid and it makes me so insanely mad when ever some stupid mother fucker decides its a good idea to leave their children out in the streets like that.. no matter if its a baby or small child.
Yeah, you're welcome!
In our defense there is a reason for it: Sweden has such a low crime rate that we don't worry about it.
That being said, its fucking stupid and it makes me so insanely mad when ever some stupid mother fucker decides its a good idea to leave their children out in the streets like that.. no matter if its a baby or small child.

Yeah I imagine! since it's a "safe" country.
It's a great country and people are confident that nothing could happen.
But as history proves, nothing is cast in stones.
What if a gipsy, who are sadly known for kidnapping babies over here, does something like this.
I don't wanna think about it even for 1 goddamn second.