vader cabinets, any thoughts?

Incognito Man

Jan 27, 2009
one of the things i plan on upgrading is my 4X12. i am thinking vader. perhaps the 2X12 would even be enough. anyone have any experience with these?
I've never heard one recorded, which means I trust no one who praises them that doesn't have clips to back it up, but on paper it doesn't seem like a good recipe for a good recorded tone (since the speakers are designed for EXTREME headroom, I'd think they'd be very hi-fi sounding, meaning not rounding off the highs in a good way like a more colored Celestion or lower-wattage Eminence would do). But I'm always open to be proven wrong!
i just recorded one but cant release any files non vintage 30 cab ive recorded in a long time... were hoping to pick up a sponsorship from them here real soon been taking to them for a minute....
I used two Vader cabs for a tour about a year ago and hated every minute of it haha, but that was with my Roadster. I used one not too long ago with my 5150 and it slayed. In the end......I still love my oversized Recto cab more.
You should have no trouble finding one in great shape for over $500, they're EVERYWHERE (well, in the US anyway, bwahahahahhaahahahahaha, god I never get tired of doing that :muahaha: )
^ I think I speak on behalf of many europeans here when I say YOU DOUCHE BAG! :lol:

When mesa wake up and stop ripping us off :(

Haha, don't forget the Aussies! This forum gives me such a wonderful opportunity to build (and then promptly torch) bridges with my peers abroad :heh: