Vader cabinets


New Metal Member
Nov 6, 2005
anyone use vader cabinets?im ordering a 2x15 cab tomorrow,and yes i have never heard one! guess you can call it blind faith
yeah i will give a full report!i think it will kick ass with my 2channel triplerect.and marshall cab loaded with vint.30s,i plan on running that with a tsl100and another marshall vint.30cab useing a framptone 3banger!i love that thing!!if this 2x15 sounds killer i will get another for the tsl,but i am hopeing someone has one and tell me how good or bad it is,lol,,,,
Never heard of them before, looking at their website... definitely deathmetal oriented name and marketing.

I love Vader (the band, and the Sith Lord!) so these cabinets must be rad!!! :headbang:
J the TyranT said:
Eminence speakers though.....

I generally dislike Eminence but the custom ones that Vader use sound really good IMHO. I have not heard them mic'd though, which is where the Eminence speakers really suffer.
anyone have any suggestions on what brand speakers,i dont know the hot setup on 15s,i guess electrovoice,or celestion??
J the TyranT said:
Eminence speakers though.....
So what? There are many different eminence models, some sucks, some sounds great, just like celestion and the enclosure is a big part of the final result too.