V30's = Harsh High End to my ears - Opinions?


Dec 29, 2005
I'm going to be taking out some V30's out of my marshall cab and putting in some g12 h30's.

I Use 2 cabinets and I don't recall my greenbacks having this really harsh high end.

Im using a Mark III head

It sounded decent combined with greenies but the harsh high end killed it real bad.

Im guessing im really going to poop in my pants when i get that cab loaded with g12h30's.

Anyone else feel this way about the V30s?

Maybe i shoulda taken down my Presence down some? I have it at about 4-5

My favorite speaker is still the green back. I hope the g12 h30 does what greenies do in their own fashion.
Usually, to me, the g12's seem to have more harsh high-end than V30's. We have a Marshall and a Mesa cab at the studio. The Marshall has g12's (it's the studio owner's, he plays blues), and the Mesa is mine, with V30's in it. We let bands use the cabs when their cabs suck, and we almost ALWAYS end up using the Mesa just because it comes out much smoother. Also, it's not up to the band usually, they don't even see the cabs, we just tell them to play and see which one they like more. The amp head is left in the control room with us on this shelf thing and the speaker out is going through the wall(s) to the guitar room, which they can't see at all, to the cabs. Every time, the Mesa with V30's. Same amp settings and everything. But then again, it's a matter of taste. And it could be that the room just doesn't react well to the g12's at our studio.

A guy came in a while back with a cab full of g12t75's and it was the most horrible thing I had ever heard, besides this Digitech floor unit, :). We made him lug it alllllll the way through the studio back to his trunk. Bobby (studio owner) wouldn't allow it inside after he heard it. Lol.

Not used enough maybe? Used V30 are getting smoother. Anyway, g12H are very good too and easy to record.
(I think 006 was talking about G12t75)
you're not alone. they work with some amps, particulary more mid scooped ones imho, but especially for marshalls i prefer the gt75's by far. there surely is a piercing quality to the highend with v30s...IMHO....although the v30s seem to record better than they sound in the room
i think v30s are harsh sometimes (with my krank, but that's harsh sometimes anyways!) with those upper mids possibly but i would say the 75 is a "harsher" speaker, i've always thought that had a more piercing attack to my ears?
I think the H30 and V30 work better together than v30s and 75s eg.UberKab