Valuable info for anyone who buys import stuff


Jul 15, 2003
Sydney, 'Straya
Visit site
Discovered they've released a DVD version of Metallica's Live Sh*t - Binge & Purge box-set yesterday.

Bought it.

Tried it.

---> "Invalid Region Code for the DVD you are trying to watch. Please remove the disc and try another."

*Reads box-set label*
"Special Import".

So I figure I'm up for a couple of hundred bucks for an all-region DVD player. Sure I'm annoyed, but one would come in handy to have anyway.

Fortunately a friend of mine was over and asked me if my DVD player was remote hackable[?]

"What is this mystical 'remote hacking' that you speak of?" I asked my friend...

Apparently, through a little bit of secret button pushing on your DVD remote, you can change the region code that your DVD player will only play.
In many cases - you change it to 0 or 9 which makes it all region.

I did a search on the net to try to find the code for my DVD player, and found it. My DVD player is now all-region [score!].

This was the site I got the instructions off.

I figured some of you guys might be interested in this due to the fact that a lot of music DVD's are limited edition, rare, weird regions, etc. and it's a shame to let that kind of stuff get in the way of us owning a live performance of a favourite band.

Good luck, I hope your DVD player has a hack available for it [some don't].
Heh, sorry. I only found out about it the other night.

... but hey, we could all start charging $40 to hack DVD players for the general public :p

Film Industry types probably wouldn't be too happy... ahh stuff 'em - they should release movies at the same time all over the world instead of 6 months after it's out on DVD in America.
hey wow, this is pretty damn nifty. my dad bought a bunch of cheap-ass dvd's in the middle east on a business trip, not knowing they wouldn't work on the player at home, hehehe.

oh indeed, this will make him happeh.
bah! i can't apply the crack. the damn thing keeps switching back to the tv; the only way i can keep the splash screen up for the crack is if a dvd is in the drive....but that's not allowed! waaaaah!!
Fuck... my DVD player has no hacks.
Only way I can do it, is if I get a mod chip, or a hacking remote... Oh well. I don't plan on getting any out of region DVDs anyways.

BTW, there has been a DVD Box Set of Live Shit out for... well, a long time here.