Valve King nastyness! Hatred!

Miha Blaze

Rock Hard, Stay Heavy!
Jan 4, 2007

Im impressed with the sound for the money (550euros) and would like to share some mixes with all of you metalers :)

This is my mix (not final yet), also i did all the recordings and editing ;)

The band is called Hatred, they are from Serbia... Thrashing heavy metal... (Testament, Metallica, Slayer, and newer stuff)

Guitars and basses recorded through Valve King... mic is sm57 on right place, through art mpa2 preamp ;) box was Randall with celestions v30's

cheers and i hope you'll like it!!!

EDIT: link XD Grace - Novi mix 27032010 treci export.mp3
Dude! That's one hell of an awesome thrash tone! Nice and fat but with the right character for this kind of music. The mix is pretty awesome too , only i think the vocals are a tad too loud sometimes and the kicks are a little rumbling in the low-end when playing fast parts. Furthermore awesome!
10x for comments ;)

i always have an issue to get kick sound big and not rumble during the fast parts (duble kick)... have to work more on that...

@ ShallowEulogy: do you talk about chorus parts? or just during some parts in verses?

@ Mago: maybe i gone too far with loudness... ill release limiter a bit ;)

also, i need to fix toms... they are so low in some parts, that i cant hear them ;)

thanks again! ;)
That's a great tone off a Valve King!

Mind sharing the settings on the VK (and the TS in front of it)? Of course, my band's guitarists don't have as good cabs, but we've having some trouble getting a decent tone out of them. :)
It's definitely too loud in the chorus parts to my ears yeah, and in the overall picture i would drop the vocals a tiny bit, just to let it blend in a little better. Listening back i think the toms can be a bit louder and a tad more low-end to them, they sound somewhat plastic to me. I still think that guitartone is just plain awesome, very fat and smooth but yet something Marshall'y to them :) You might just made me GAS on one of those
I love my Valveking. Before buying, I'd read a lot of reviews where people said it didn't have much gain, and I was worried...but when I plugged it in, it's got really nice gain...very Marshally and a way better clean channel than the 6505's I'd played with.

Your clip sounds really good! You did the bass through it too?
@ sopulurn: i'll give you settings, just need to go to studio to check my writings (with amp settings) ;) there was no TS in front of amp... only PRS SingleCut 245 (i forgot to mention this importaint thing :) and VK ;)

witch cabs do you have?
if you can fing old Marshall cab with T12 75W speakers... in my opinion that cab works Godlike comnined with VK... VK paired cab sounds shitty...
this Randall is not bad... its allright, but not the best...
this were old tubes... that came with VK, not new tubes...
witch tubes to buy to replace old? :) any suggestions?

i recorded bass thorugh VK too! need to be carefull with playing, because if you pick hard and have high gain output from bass, you can hear internal clip, because its guitar head, and has tiny headroom compared with bass amps...
VK sounds like it needs more gaind until you turn on the boost button :)
especially when you ADD some booster before (like MAXON) what i did before, it gets more compressed and begin to sound like its allready "produced" :)
MAXON gives some softy highs (like Andys last Testament highs) that i like... need to buy that pedal finally, i miss it a lot!

btw, what GAS means? (sorry im new:loco:)

10x for the comments!
soon new clips with other VK genre rolls :headbang:
@ sopulurn: i'll give you settings, just need to go to studio to check my writings (with amp settings) ;) there was no TS in front of amp... only PRS SingleCut 245 (i forgot to mention this importaint thing :) and VK ;)

witch cabs do you have?
if you can fing old Marshall cab with T12 75W speakers... in my opinion that cab works Godlike comnined with VK... VK paired cab sounds shitty...
this Randall is not bad... its allright, but not the best...
this were old tubes... that came with VK, not new tubes...
witch tubes to buy to replace old? :) any suggestions?

Thanks man :headbang: hopefully a TS will work well enough. Our guitarists have the paired VK cabs... it's not that good yeah. I'll look into it...

No idea which tubes would be the best, but I see people suggesting Sovtek tubes all the time. We've never changed the tubes yet either :zombie:

VK sounds like it needs more gaind until you turn on the boost button :)

I agree, at least with the guitars we use they sound terrible without the boost...

btw, what GAS means? (sorry im new:loco:)

It stands for Gear Acquiration Syndrome, that feeling you get when you just HAVE to get a certain piece of gear... :)
10x for the explanation :)

i just digged VK setup, its like:

pres: 10:45
reso: 02:15
reverb: 07:45
tre: 01:00
mid: 11:15
bass: 12:00
volume: 08:35
gain: 02:45

boost was ON... input no 1, and no TS or some other booster in front of amp ;) and it would be nice to have one SingleCut during recording :)

eq is very sensitive so you need to be very precise when setting your pots ;)

thanks a lot man :) I'll give these a go and see if they sound any good from the VK stock cabs we use. :headbang:
good luck, and have fun :))

dont forget that your playing skills are very importaint ;)

and i forgot, texture pot (from behind) was almost at max ;)

soon new VK sounds, different genre roll :)
