Van Canto


Jan 15, 2007
Illinois, USA

I imagine some of you are probably already familiar with this band, so if this has been posted here before, I appologize (and Glenn may delete this thread, if necessary)


Metal. A'capella. OH MY GOD. That's all I can say. I haven't been this impressed with a (retalively) new(?) band in a long time. Hell, I haven't been this impressed by a band in a long time, period! I was so impressed I added them to Myspace immediately, and I almost never do that with a band. So yeah, I like them, and I must buy their CD.

So if you like melodic/power metal, you'll probably enjoy this. :)
Five singers, one drummer. No guitars, no bass, no keyboards but nevertheless an unbelievable melodic metal experience.

Hero-Metal A-Capella!

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! That is awesome, unbelieveable is all i can say. Now i need to order this.
This reminds me of what I do when I'm reciting the instrumental sections of songs as I'm listening to them. Does anybody want to hear me recite the instrumental break to "Metropolis?" No? I didn't think so. I think the same applies here. Kudos to them for trying something that's never been done, but I'd rather leave the music to the musicians.

Stay metal. Never rust.
The difference is, they're dead-on for the music that they've composed, and the covers they've done.

It doesn't necessarily work that way when you do it yourself. That's like saying "Hey, I can sing along with Tarja Turunen, that means I can sing like her too!" Just because you can sing, doesn't mean you can sing with the same level of skill Tarja has., and just because you can "rakka-takka" (or "widly-widly") with Metropolis, doesn't mean you can do it with the same level of skill.
The difference is, they're dead-on for the music that they've composed, and the covers they've done.

Okay, first off, saying that they are "dead-on" is dead wrong. Anyone with a mouth can do this same thing. This is neither refreshing nor interesting. If anything, I am actually embarassed for the country of Germany. This is ridiculous. This isn't metal!! Metal is supposed to have instruments, wailing guitars, thumping bass lines to back up the killer drumming. It is not supposed to be "rack-a-tack, rack-a-tack". I am now dumber for having listened to this band.

Al, I want those 45 seconds of my life back.

--Big Jay:headbang: