Vanden Plas "Beyond Daylight"


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Many Dream THeater fans claim VP is a DT rip-off band, but if the truth be known, DT should sound like this, but can't. Vanden Plas has consistantly put out great studio CDs. When I first heard two songs from "The God Thing" that I downloaded from an MP3 NG because I thought the name of the band was cool, I was hooked. I paid about $ 40,000 for the CD as an import (actually about $28) but it was well worth it. It was amazing !!!
It wasn't so long when "Far Off Grace" was released, and I ordered it. I thought to myself that there was no way it could compare with TGT, but it did not disappoint at all. By this time, I was a Vanden Plas nut. I couldn't wait until they came to the US (which they still haven't yet : ( )
When I pre-ordered the newest release "Beyond Daylight" I couldn't wait until the CD came, but I was expecting the creative well to be running a little dry. Man was I wrong. The harmony vocals are the some of the best I have ever heard, and "Scarlet FLower Fields" has ended up being my favorite song of all time. This CD is awesome and though I bought it in February, I still listen to it almost daily. visit their American website at for free downloads and other cool stuff. ^___^

Reviewer is right on, btw.

'Beyond Daylight' is absolutely unbelievable. It reminds me of the BEST moments of classic hard-rocking Yes. Dream Theatre WISHES they could be progressive AND accessible AND metal all at the same time.

Anyway, I'm right there with you. "Scarlet Flower Field" IS indeed one of the greatest songs I've ever heard also...:headbang:

NP: Katatonia - Tonight's Decision
Dream Theater is VERY metal and progressive and accessible if you have an open mind. It takes a lot longer to get used to DT's style than most prog bands. They are my favourite band and I don't see how bands like Vanden Plas are better (not that theres anything wrong with Vanden Plas). To be honest I thought DTs new album was ordinary, but Images and words and Scenes from a memory are amazing.
Simonc2 wrote
"Dream Theater is VERY metal and progressive and accessible if you have an open mind. It takes a lot longer to get used to DT's style than most prog bands. They are my favourite band and I don't see how bands like Vanden Plas are better (not that theres anything wrong with Vanden Plas). To be honest I thought DTs new album was ordinary, but Images and words and Scenes from a memory are amazing."

My original post was certainly not to rip on DT, but one problem I do have with DT is the fact that when attempting to write songs that are very "progressive" if you will, they often move completely away from their strengths as a band. LaBrie is actually a very gifted vocalist, but on "Awake" for example, Labrie tries to use a raspy voice and sing in a different style on several of those songs.
Vanden Plas, on the other hand always writes songs to their strengths without ever becoming boring and predictable. While not as "progressive" as DT or POS, they are all fine musicians and give interesting musical passages without ever sacrificing a strong "hook" in their choruses.

Simonc2 wrote
"Dream Theater is VERY metal and progressive and accessible if you have an open mind. It takes a lot longer to get used to DT's style than most prog bands. They are my favourite band and I don't see how bands like Vanden Plas are better (not that theres anything wrong with Vanden Plas). To be honest I thought DTs new album was ordinary, but Images and words and Scenes from a memory are amazing."

My original post was certainly not to rip on DT, but one problem I do have with DT is the fact that when attempting to write songs that are very "progressive" if you will, they often move completely away from their strengths as a band. LaBrie is actually a very gifted vocalist, but on "Awake" for example, Labrie tries to use a raspy voice and sing in a different style on several of those songs.
Vanden Plas, on the other hand always writes songs to their strengths without ever becoming boring and predictable. While not as "progressive" as DT or POS, they are all fine musicians and give interesting musical passages without ever sacrificing a strong "hook" in their choruses.

Originally posted by simonc2
Dream Theater is VERY metal and progressive and accessible if you have an open mind.

I hate when people say this. It makes you sound like a pompous ass. It is feasible to totally understand what Dream Theater are doing and not like it. Personally, I have heard the two albums you mentioned and it was the biggest pile of overly-wanking I have ever heard. These guys just like to hear themselves play.

Oh, and the singer sounds like someone just kicked him in the nuts.
Im blown away. I downloaded "Scarlett Flowerfields" and it is truly amazing. Such vocal harmony! I do see the Dream Theater comparisons, and I wont say one is better than the other, but this song definitely holds its own against anything they've done. What other songs are good to download? If I like two of three more then I'll buy the album.
Firstly to Bryant, I agree with you 100% that DT don't always play to there strengths, as much as I like Labrie, the vocals on Awake are bad at times.

Dreamlord it's fair enouph you don't like it but believe me theres a lot of other intelligent people that love to hear them play. Playing long instrumental passages can be amazing to listen to if done well, I think Dream Theater do this perfectly on the two albums I mentioned. Songs like Metropolis pt1 and Beyond this life take many many listens to get your head around and they shouldn't be dismissed untill you've given them some concentrated listens. Also I've heard people say things like "DT are technically good but they don't now to write good songs", most DT fans think this untill they get used it and realize the true power and emotion of the songs.
Originally posted by Devy_Metal
Im blown away. I downloaded "Scarlett Flowerfields" and it is truly amazing. Such vocal harmony! I do see the Dream Theater comparisons, and I wont say one is better than the other, but this song definitely holds its own against anything they've done. What other songs are good to download? If I like two of three more then I'll buy the album.

Devy, just buy it NOW! I promise you, you will not be disappointed. EVERY single song is good. Otherwise, if you STILL don't believe me, grab any of the following:

Cold Wind
Healing Tree
Beyond Daylight
Can You Hear Me

Let me know what you think!
Originally posted by Devy_Metal
Im blown away. I downloaded "Scarlett Flowerfields" and it is truly amazing. Such vocal harmony! I do see the Dream Theater comparisons, and I wont say one is better than the other, but this song definitely holds its own against anything they've done. What other songs are good to download? If I like two of three more then I'll buy the album.

This album is as quality as it gets, even the bonus track a cover of the Kansas classic "Point of No Return" rocks. Certainly not everyone likes Vanden Plas, but if you like one song, chances are you will like the whole CD. There are samples of every song on every CD they have on

I love Beyond Daylight. It took me a couple of listens but the music's quality worked its magic.
there may have been some DT influence earlier but I don't hear it now, other than the identical lineups (gtr, bass, drums, keys, vocalist). VP has developed their own voice as a band.

anyone who enjoys their live cd or Beyond Daylight should keep their eyes peeled, at least here in the states, for Vanden Plas - Colour Temple - special edition, which includes that cd plus their entire AcCult in effect I got their first two cds for $14.99...

here's it is...