Vanden Plas vs Circus Maximus vs Redemption

Which of these bands do you like best?

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No Dream Theater? Understandable. They stand alone atop the prog metal genre, they need no polls.


While I'll agree that Dream Theater influenced all of the bands being compared in this thread (thus making a DT mention irrelevant), we have to remember that the simple fact that these bands have released albums that are infinitely better than some DT releases, which makes me wonder if Dream Theater is really standing atop the prog metal genre.

That being said, I'd still list Dream Theater as one of my very favorite bands.
we have to remember that the simple fact that these bands have released albums that are infinitely better than some DT releases, which makes me wonder if Dream Theater is really standing atop the prog metal genre.

That being said, I'd still list Dream Theater as one of my very favorite bands.

:rolleyes::goggly: On the other foot, DT has releases that easily surpass anything these 3 have put out. Fact: I&W and Awake are the standard by which these 3's releases are held. They have yet to release anything that good.

Being on top of the pyramid is not a problem for DT.;)

l knew when l threw DT in there that somebody would bite. :cool:
:goggly: On the other foot, DT has releases that easily surpass anything these 3 have put out. Fact: I&W and Awake are the standard by which these 3's releases are held. They have yet to release anything that good.

I'll agree on I&W. Love that album. I also like Awake, but not as much as say, Scenes. Believe it or not, that one is my ultimate favorite DT disc.

Being on top of the pyramid is not a problem for DT.;)

Of course not. It never is, for anyone. Unless it's really windy.

l knew when l threw DT in there that somebody would bite. :cool:

Like I said, I love DT. I just also *knew* somebody was going to put on their DT uniform and start the lovefest. :lol:
For me, Redemption is by far my favorite of the 3. I like CM quite a bit more than VP. Although, it has been a while since I have really listened to any VP so maybe I should do just that.
Here's my quick thoughts:

- Vanden Plas has a history of releasing QUALITY material, with no duds whatsoever in the collection. Only knock I give them is that they have been sounding very "samey" ever since "God Thing". Nothing wrong with that, since they continue to write consistently GREAT albums, but there are also no surprises with a new VP album.

- Redemption has, IMHO, the single best album of this whole bunch in "Fullness of Time". I'd go so far as to say this is the single best prog metal release since the early DT days. To follow that up, they have released two more STELLAR releases. Had the s/t debut been up to the same level of perfection as their last three albums, they would be a no-brainer for me as to the consensus winner here. As it is, they still sit neck and neck with VP.

- Circus Maximus are just a little too new at this for me to place them in the same discussion, but the fact that "1st Chapter" might be (MIGHT BE) the BEST debut album in this ENTIRE genre gives them instant street cred. "Isolate" was almost equally solid. Another couple releases of this caliber, and we'll see..... Sky is the proverbial limit!

- Dream Theater is Dream Theater! Love 'em or hate 'em, they made this genre what it is today, while not being afraid to branch out and attempt something a little different each time. They may sit at the top of the pyramid, but they have a VERY solid tier right behind them, and one bad DT album (perish the thought) could be enough to change the pecking order.

The amazing part to me is that this is considered a three -horse race (with a few Pagan's Mind plugs included). Personally, my second tier would have been Vanden Plas, Threshold, Kamelot, Symphony X.
I don't think the poll was meant to include every prog metal band in the long tail. I think he wanted to focus on these particular three vs. each other.
I've just read through some threads where people were comparing these three bands and I'd like to hear which of them you guys like the best. I happen to love all three acts, especially Vanden Plas and Redemption, but overall, Vanden Plas is my favourite.

Jesus Christ, choose between three of favorite bands? :hypno:

That's like asking me whether I love my Mom or Dad I'm simply not voting.
Really, really difficult but ultimately I gotta go with Redemption.

Detailed explanation:

1) Vanden Plas definitely takes this in terms of career consistency because they have by far the most albums, and they're all very good.

2) I think if they keep it up, in 10 years Circus Maximus could easily by my favorite of these bands. I really like the debut and I like Isolate even more. Two fantastic albums - but I need more to really worship a band. If they put out another album or two or three on the same level, they could definitely take this.

3) Ultimately I just have to go with Redemption - Their past 3 albums could all possibly be my "album of the year" from their respective years of release, and I just have such a massive emotional connection with their music and think of them as a truly special band overall.
It's a so unfair poll, especially when you love all three bands, it's like choosing between Bacon &eggs with hasbrowns or Bacon & eggs with Home fries, or bacon & eggs with steak fries
It is absolutely nothing against Redemption and Circus Maximus as I really love both bands, but Vanden Plas is just on a different level in my ears. It's really not a close race for me. I have been listening to them since "The God Thing" and they have consistently released stellar stuff their whole career.

I think if anything, this thread and the results so far go to show that these three bands should be booked for ProgPower USA next year.

Not any of them. All of them. :p
I think if anything, this thread and the results so far go to show that these three bands should be booked for ProgPower USA next year.

Not any of them. All of them. :p

Agreed, as it has been 3 years since Redemption played, but with the Vanden Plas track record for visas ehhhhhhhh don't know.