Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

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Oh shut up. I love how you post opinions on things you know nothing about. Stick to what you know and leave Black Metal to those who listen to it, it's obvious you know nothing about Black Metal. You've probably spent a whole five seconds listening to Burzum and have no idea what it is about.

ive heard everyone of their albums thoroughly. i never judge an album or band without listening to their work.

just because i dont like black metal does not mean i know nothing about it, after all, i do spend time reading posts by the gr1m among the forum such as yourself.

if burzum (newer, at least) is about something other than making me sleepy, yeah, im missing it.
Like Henrik Main said in another forum (and the guy directly above me, apparently), if this was true, it would be all over the Norwegian media in a matter of minutes. Alas, I have seen nothing of it. If it is true, though, I will cry.
^ I agree.

Aside from Varg's questionable political views, he is without a doubt as true a part of Black Metal more than anyone alive today. For this reason, the day Vikernes leaves this earth will be a very sad day in Black Metal. We need him out of prison to make more music. He embodies the true Black Metal spirit like few before him ever have.
I personally really liked and still I guess like some of the early Burzum stuff. But he took another mans life, that is wrong in my book, and makes you a shitty person and I will nerver support a person like that. Plus I have read many interviews of Varg where he spews out his anti-sememtic beliefs and racist views and they are wrong (IMO). The guy is retarded, so if he killed himself, hopefully someone in the next life guides him to better feelings, who ever that is. And if hes not dead, then hopefully he will keep to himself.

These are my oppinions about him, Im not trying to start an argument about if hes beliefs are right or wrong. Im just stating that I will not ever support that guy.
Ehh, I tried and tried and tried to listen to Burzum but I couldn't see anything good in it. I listened to Hvis Lysett Tar Oss like 3 or 4 times and I still couldn't force myself to see the "beauty" in it. The only one I remotely liked was I think the first one, it had a couple good tracks on it. But like, Hvis... reminds me of fucking... Abruptum. Which is trash.
I also dislike Varg. Even though I'm biased against him because I'm jewish, I just think he's just a waste of a person. Also, did you notice, his scar matches the scar of the Nazi Dennis Hopper plays in the Twilight Zone episode "He's Alive?"
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