Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

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Originally Posted by CAIRATH
Who cares?

I'll never understand how some people seem to think that if you buy an artist's music that you are thereby reaffirming their personal beliefs or agendas. It doesn't mean you like or agree with the person(s) who made it, it just means you like the record they made.

Loads of great artists are total bastards and if you are going to be all fussy about what they have done during their lives then you're going to be missing out on a lot of good music.

Well this is just my personal feeling towards music and in no way do I say this should aply for everyone.
I personally am interested in what kind of people make the music I love. For the reason that for me, when an individual makes art for instance I like it more when I feel I can relate to the person, almost in a way that I could be friends with them if I knew them. I experience this with people I know, if I find out someone is a total asshole I just cant appreciate something that they do. They become uglier to me. So if I find out that some band that has good music, the guys are actually racists or complete assholes, the music doesnt seems so good anymore (to me). This is totally personal for me. I cant just like music or art if I know the person behind is not a good person in my oppinion. But its not like Im super sensetive to this, if I find out my favorite singer doesnt plant trees all day then Ill go burn all their music, not like that. Its maily about the bigger things that I feel strongly about in this society, like racism and hurting someone physically. I personally cant support that with giving them my time and appreciation.

I specified many times about this being my personal view because Im not stating this is how everyone should feel.
Well this is just my personal feeling towards music and in no way do I say this should aply for everyone.
I personally am interested in what kind of people make the music I love. For the reason that for me, when an individual makes art for instance I like it more when I feel I can relate to the person, almost in a way that I could be friends with them if I knew them. I experience this with people I know, if I find out someone is a total asshole I just cant appreciate something that they do. They become uglier to me. So if I find out that some band that has good music, the guys are actually racists or complete assholes, the music doesnt seems so good anymore (to me). This is totally personal for me. I cant just like music or art if I know the person behind is not a good person in my oppinion. But its not like Im super sensetive to this, if I find out my favorite singer doesnt plant trees all day then Ill go burn all their music, not like that. Its maily about the bigger things that I feel strongly about in this society, like racism and hurting someone physically. I personally cant support that with giving them my time and appreciation.

I specified many times about this being my personal view because Im not stating this is how everyone should feel.

The problem with this is, where do you draw the line? Do you also not watch any Roman Polanski movies because he diddled a 13-year-old girl (among other things)? The simple fact is that a lot of brilliant artists are also fucked up in the head and do fucked up things. If you cannot separate the artist from the art and put yourself past that then you basically miss out on a lot of worthwhile things. That's all I'm saying. But you are right, it is a personal opinion. I just don't get that "I want to be best friends with everyone I own a CD by" feeling myself.

Killing someone cause they're gay. HAHAHA.

Killing someone cause they make a move on you. HAHAHA.

I see all that neo-prog has finally turned your brain to mush then.
What about all the artists that you don't KNOW are complete assholes because they lie and cover it up? Impossible to know for sure, so why bother trying to make the distinction?
it was rainy today so I listened to Burzum at work for awhile (Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem).

those of you bashing on Burzum should check out those two albums; of all Burzum's albums, I think they're the best blend of raw black metal and ambient work. Songs like Dunkelheit, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Tomhet are very simplistic (especially Tomhet, which is 10 minutes of soft, haunting ambient tones), but rich and evocative all the same.

my Burzum anecdote: I was in Paris last year on business, and had some time to kill, so I did some sightseeing. I went to the Catacombs one afternoon and had my iPod with me; I had Tomhet on loop for about 45 minutes while I wandered for more than a mile underground, surrounded by tens of thousands of skulls and bones.

It was pretty much the perfect music for that experience (There was hardly anyone else there that day, which really added to the mood). Ironically, I was in France doing some stuff for Disney. :)


ps: oh yeah and I was at the Montmartre Cemetery earlier that day taking some pictures; it was really gloomy out and no one was around. this was my soundtrack: To Bid You Farewell, Hope Leaves, To Rid the Disease, Windowpane, etc. I know, pretty obvious/cheesy but it was still powerful.
my Burzum anecdote: I was in Paris last year on business, and had some time to kill, so I did some sightseeing. I went to the Catacombs one afternoon and had my iPod with me; I had Tomhet on loop for about 45 minutes while I wandered for more than a mile underground, surrounded by tens of thousands of skulls and bones.

It was pretty much the perfect music for that experience (There was hardly anyone else there that day, which really added to the mood). Ironically, I was in France doing some stuff for Disney. :)

Aahahaha, good stuff... it never occurred me to do that at the Catacombs since I was down there with someone else, not by myself. If I end up in Paris again it's one of the places I'd like to visit again, and I'll be sure to take some music. Dunno what I'd listen to, probably something with a real cavernous sound like Abruptum or Nortt.

Would be great to wander around down there with no restrictions on where you can/can't go, although I've heard there are police patrolling the off-limits tunnels down there. I'd probably get lost down there and add yet another corpse to the collection, however. :ill:
Well this is just my personal feeling towards music and in no way do I say this should aply for everyone.
I personally am interested in what kind of people make the music I love. For the reason that for me, when an individual makes art for instance I like it more when I feel I can relate to the person, almost in a way that I could be friends with them if I knew them. I experience this with people I know, if I find out someone is a total asshole I just cant appreciate something that they do. They become uglier to me. So if I find out that some band that has good music, the guys are actually racists or complete assholes, the music doesnt seems so good anymore (to me). This is totally personal for me. I cant just like music or art if I know the person behind is not a good person in my oppinion. But its not like Im super sensetive to this, if I find out my favorite singer doesnt plant trees all day then Ill go burn all their music, not like that. Its maily about the bigger things that I feel strongly about in this society, like racism and hurting someone physically. I personally cant support that with giving them my time and appreciation.

I specified many times about this being my personal view because Im not stating this is how everyone should feel.

Yes I agree with you on this. I don't expect every artist/band member/etc. that I am into to be a humble generous human, but there's no way I can dig someone who is racist, etc.
^well it just ruins some part of the music for me. I cant really explain it. There just isnt that spiritual connection with the music for me if I find out some band I like are anti-semetic for instance. The music is still good in a general sense, but theres isnt that deep connection for me which I really enjoy about music.

I wont deny that someone might be extemely talented and at the same time be a really bad person. But for me to like it I have to have somekind of personal connection to the artist also. This doesnt mean I hang pictures of my favorite guitarists on my wall and idolise them (I past that phase when I was 14). But there has to be a apreciation of the artist as a person.
Yes I agree with you on this. I don't expect every artist/band member/etc. that I am into to be a humble generous human, but there's no way I can dig someone who is racist, etc.
Stop being so self rightgeous. I bet that all of the Renaissance artists and classical composers were more likely than not racist and/or sexist. Does this mean that you can't "dig" them? Politically correct attitudes have only been the norm for less than 50 years out of all of human history. Does that make 99+% of everyone who has ever lived a bad person? Don't forget that in being so sure of your own correctness you yourself are being a judgmental person. I don't see a difference between thinking racists are lesser people than thinking people of a certain religion are lesser people, and your type would certainly condemn the latter. Get off your high horse.
EDIT: I suppose this would applies to those other than the poster I quoted. I respect peoples' right to differing opinions, but overzealous politically correct types get on my nerves. These people have as much of a drive for a false sense of superiority as racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. types do.
politically correct attitudes arent particularly the norm even these days. of course, politicians and high profile citizens maintain these views but generally its not the case. i mean look at all the third world countries who are virtually 100% sexist. and racism still absolutely rages here in aus, im not sure about everywhere else.
Im talking about a higher spiritual connection to the music and a lot of the music I listen to has this level that you can relate to the music spiritually. And that connection for me is lost if the person is a racist for instance. Now this is totally a personal thing for me, and I make the call on the person for me. If the artist for instance likes to stomp on flowers, Im not gonna hate on them. And even if they are a jerk in person I dont give a crap. But if they are a racist or have for instance violently hurt someone, I can support them by giving them time from my music enjoyment, or support them with my money.

Like I said also is that I can think they are good and all and they have talent, and I can appreciate them as an artist, I just cant support them.

And Im sure history is fuuuull of artists who werent such good people. And if I were to find out for instance Salvador Dali (who in my mind is the greatest painter of all time) mollested kids, I dont think I could enjoy his art the same after anymore. But this is just again my personal experience with art and the people who make it.
i feel the same way about the connection... with some artists it just works. but that doesnt stop me listening to artists who i dont have that connection with, its just i enjoy the music slightly less.
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