Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

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Apparantly Varg found a letter Euronymous wrote to someone and it mentioned a threat to kill Varg in it. Varg said he went to Euronymous apartment to talk about the Record label payments that weren't being paid for Burzum sales on Deathlike Silence Records which was owned by Euronymous. Varg was also with Snorre(Thorns) who drove Varg to the apartment, so he ended up getting prison time too and he knew nothing of the murder beforehand. They got into a argument inside the apartment which Varg barged and intruded in, and apparantly Euronymous freaked out and ran to get a weapon of some sort, so Varg killed him before he could get one.

I wasn't there so i can't speak for them, I just wrote what Vargs point of view is.
I love how people hate Varg for being a murderous bigot, yet there's the greatest of respect out there for Emperor, who were behind numerous church burnings and who have a former drummer in prison for murdering a homosexual. The black metal community is full of violent, racist assholes. If there were ever a genre of music whose fans are practically supporting terrorism, it would be this one.

Too bad it's such damn good music. :)
It does suck that black metal has some really bad people inside the scene. But I dont think its a majority. Most of the guys seem to be just plain metal fans that like rocking out and drinking beers. But like I said it is very unfortunate that there are a few sour grapes. Like for instance Bard of Emperor. Amazing band but they have a member who killed a homosexual, and thats really sad. But the feeling I do get from Ishan and Samoth is that they are not the type of people who could do something like that,well who knows maybe they are jerks too.

And then there is Gorgoroth who seem to take the violence of the music literally too.

But I do believe that a majority of black metal heads are purely in it for the music and could never commit the crimes that a few in the scene have.
It does suck that black metal has some really bad people inside the scene. But I dont think its a majority. Most of the guys seem to be just plain metal fans that like rocking out and drinking beers. But like I said it is very unfortunate that there are a few sour grapes. Like for instance Bard of Emperor. Amazing band but they have a member who killed a homosexual, and thats really sad. But the feeling I do get from Ishan and Samoth is that they are not the type of people who could do something like that,well who knows maybe they are jerks too.

And then there is Gorgoroth who seem to take the violence of the music literally too.

But I do believe that a majority of black metal heads are purely in it for the music and could never commit the crimes that a few in the scene have.

Yes, but the majority seem to support a few of these acts. I love black metal, but there's no denying that church burnings are approved among alot of those in the black metal community. I'm not speaking for any bands, besides the obvious, but a good share of black metal speaks of being anti-christ, and that is the one thing that i do not agree with in black metal.
I'm not saying i wish they were christian, but when members of black metal bands go as far as to burn churches to me thats saying that they have no respect for other's views and beliefs. Their beliefs are the only right path.

I believe everyone has a freedom to choose what they want to believe, not to discriminate.
Yes, but the majority seem to support a few of these acts. I love black metal, but there's no denying that church burnings are approved among alot of those in the black metal community. I'm not speaking for any bands, besides the obvious, but a good share of black metal speaks of being anti-christ, and that is the one thing that i do not agree with in black metal.

Yeah, it's ridiculous enough when people commit violence out of religious fanaticism. Doing it as a normal, non-brainwashed person who should know better is simply absurd.
pretty much, later burzum blew anywayz
I bet none can even touch the tenth of quality that he did with just a midi keyboard.

I support Varg the musician, not Varg the political figure.

Plus I have read many interviews of Varg where he spews out his anti-sememtic beliefs and racist views and they are wrong (IMO).
Atleast he's open and honest about them, which is miles better than doing it behind covers.
We should be allowed avatars that big too.
I bet none can even touch the tenth of quality that he did with just a midi keyboard.

Haha, I REALLY doubt that somehow...

Atleast he's open and honest about them, which is miles better than doing it behind covers.

What? No! To openly spread views of a discriminatory nature can have no other effect than to influence the viewpoint of at least a small proportion of those to whom these views are aired. What on Earth could be conceived as "better" about spreading hatred?
^The man Faust killed was also a child molestor, a bit more of a justifiable killing.

No offense but you're full of shit. The man was gay and hit on Faust in a bar. Faust then lured him into a nearby park and attacked him. Whether the guy was a child molester or not (which by the way I have never heard or seen mentioned anywhere before) would be completely irrelevant to this discussion. Faust killed someone because he was being hit on by a gay man.

As for the whole "supporting a murderer/racist/whatever" nonsense, I'll just quote what I recently posted in another thread with similar subject...

Who cares?

I'll never understand how some people seem to think that if you buy an artist's music that you are thereby reaffirming their personal beliefs or agendas. It doesn't mean you like or agree with the person(s) who made it, it just means you like the record they made.

Loads of great artists are total bastards and if you are going to be all fussy about what they have done during their lives then you're going to be missing out on a lot of good music.
^ I read about it in the Lords of Chaos book, so I think the only one full of shit is you.

i'm on your side but damn, that's like saying "i saw it on tv" :lol:

Indeed. Stabbing someone 23 times doesn't really scream self-defense, you know?

well... it could have been. the clear indicator is that he defeated Euronymous' attack, and then when the pansy (yeah, sure he was a coward, i'll give varg that much) ran away, varg (in his own testimony) chased Eury' down the stairs to make sure he wouldn't escape. it stopped being self defense about there.
^ I read about it in the Lords of Chaos book, so I think the only one full of shit is you.

I can't believe I actually bothered with this, but I just took my copy off the shelf to check, and no, you are full of shit, sorry. Page 110 to 115 (in the second edition, otherwise it's somewhere in the chapter called Deathlike Silences probably) is Faust explaining in his own words what happened and it is exactly like I said (apart from being in a bar, apparently he had just come back from a bar because there were too many people and he didn't feel like staying).

Your version of it is so ridiculously off the mark, I really have no idea where you got it from.
I can't believe I actually bothered with this, but I just took my copy off the shelf to check, and no, you are full of shit, sorry. Page 110 to 115 (in the second edition, otherwise it's somewhere in the chapter called Deathlike Silences probably) is Faust explaining in his own words what happened and it is exactly like I said (apart from being in a bar, apparently he had just come back from a bar because there were too many people and he didn't feel like staying).

Your version of it is so ridiculously off the mark, I really have no idea where you got it from.

you are right, the lords of chaos book mentions NOWHERE anything about faust's victim being a child molester. and even if he was (which would have been after the fact knowledge), faust didnt know the man was, nor did that have anything to do with his random act of violence.
I read Lord of Chaos a few times and nowhere does it mention that the guy was a child molester. Faust most likely killed him because the guy was gay.
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