Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

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Don't forget that in being so sure of your own correctness you yourself are being a judgmental person. I don't see a difference between thinking racists are lesser people than thinking people of a certain religion are lesser people, and your type would certainly condemn the latter. Get off your high horse.

Did i say anything about my religion? Me thinking racism is wrong is judgemental? Did I say anything about anyone else's religion? No i didnt, i would honor your post if you didnt add so much bullshit that i didnt say. and i dont understand why you're lashing out on me and others so much, it seems like you're on such a high horse that you are making up and manipulating my words to make it seem like I'm as bad as a racist. There's so many things wrong with what you said, your opinion seems to be worthless.
Stop being so self rightgeous. I bet that all of the Renaissance artists and classical composers were more likely than not racist and/or sexist. Does this mean that you can't "dig" them? Politically correct attitudes have only been the norm for less than 50 years out of all of human history. Does that make 99+% of everyone who has ever lived a bad person? Don't forget that in being so sure of your own correctness you yourself are being a judgmental person. I don't see a difference between thinking racists are lesser people than thinking people of a certain religion are lesser people, and your type would certainly condemn the latter. Get off your high horse.
EDIT: I suppose this would applies to those other than the poster I quoted. I respect peoples' right to differing opinions, but overzealous politically correct types get on my nerves. These people have as much of a drive for a false sense of superiority as racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. types do.

spot on
Stop being so self rightgeous. I bet that all of the Renaissance artists and classical composers were more likely than not racist and/or sexist. Does this mean that you can't "dig" them? Politically correct attitudes have only been the norm for less than 50 years out of all of human history. Does that make 99+% of everyone who has ever lived a bad person? Don't forget that in being so sure of your own correctness you yourself are being a judgmental person. I don't see a difference between thinking racists are lesser people than thinking people of a certain religion are lesser people, and your type would certainly condemn the latter. Get off your high horse.
EDIT: I suppose this would applies to those other than the poster I quoted. I respect peoples' right to differing opinions, but overzealous politically correct types get on my nerves. These people have as much of a drive for a false sense of superiority as racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. types do.

Hmmm. Whatever floats your boat, but... I disagree with almost everything you said.
it was rainy today so I listened to Burzum at work for awhile (Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem).

those of you bashing on Burzum should check out those two albums; of all Burzum's albums, I think they're the best blend of raw black metal and ambient work. Songs like Dunkelheit, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Tomhet are very simplistic (especially Tomhet, which is 10 minutes of soft, haunting ambient tones), but rich and evocative all the same.
i have nothing against ambient music, but if i had to name the most boring and shitty piece of music i'd say it's Tomhet. i like the other tracks on 'Hvis Liset Tar Oss' as i like the other former Burzum albums. 'Filosofem' is also a rather poor album imo and all the Casio crap that came afterwards is plain unlistenable
Stop being so self rightgeous. I bet that all of the Renaissance artists and classical composers were more likely than not racist and/or sexist. Does this mean that you can't "dig" them? Politically correct attitudes have only been the norm for less than 50 years out of all of human history. Does that make 99+% of everyone who has ever lived a bad person? Don't forget that in being so sure of your own correctness you yourself are being a judgmental person. I don't see a difference between thinking racists are lesser people than thinking people of a certain religion are lesser people, and your type would certainly condemn the latter. Get off your high horse.
EDIT: I suppose this would applies to those other than the poster I quoted. I respect peoples' right to differing opinions, but overzealous politically correct types get on my nerves. These people have as much of a drive for a false sense of superiority as racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. types do.

BTW Its not about being self rightgeous or politically correct. Not at all. I personally am not trying to say I am better than somebody because my views are right. What I am saying that in my oppinion (this is pretty simple) If you interfere with another persons enjoyment of life on this planet in an exreme way, either hurting them physically, killing them or bringing them down with racist views, then I as an art lover will not support what you do in any way. If you take away someone elses ability to enjoy art art and life, you will not enjoy your art or your life.
i put out two recycling bins last night and faust only emptied one, im calling the fucking recycling company
Did i say anything about my religion? Me thinking racism is wrong is judgemental? Did I say anything about anyone else's religion? No i didnt, i would honor your post if you didnt add so much bullshit that i didnt say. and i dont understand why you're lashing out on me and others so much, it seems like you're on such a high horse that you are making up and manipulating my words to make it seem like I'm as bad as a racist. There's so many things wrong with what you said, your opinion seems to be worthless.
Your reading comprehension needs some work. Let me simplify: You don't like racists. Racism is a belief. To deride someone for beliefs (racism) is the same as deriding someone for beliefs (religion). I'm guessing you are willing to accept people of various religions (alternate beliefs). But you aren't willing to accept people who are racist (alternate beliefs). Do you see how this is hypocritcal? You can't be selectively tolerant of what other people think. If you would admit to being intolerant, that's fine. Then what I said doesn't apply. I just think it's funny that people who try to avoid being intolerant end up carrying quite a bit of intolerance for people that disagree.
Your reading comprehension needs some work. Let me simplify: You don't like racists. Racism is a belief. To deride someone for beliefs (racism) is the same as deriding someone for beliefs (religion). I'm guessing you are willing to accept people of various religions (alternate beliefs). But you aren't willing to accept people who are racist (alternate beliefs). Do you see how this is hypocritcal? You can't be selectively tolerant of what other people think. If you would admit to being intolerant, that's fine. Then what I said doesn't apply. I just think it's funny that people who try to avoid being intolerant end up carrying quite a bit of intolerance for people that disagree.

And if someones belief is to mollest little children, thats ok with you.

In my oppinion. your own beliefs are fine unless they interfear with the safety of others. Racist people in history tend not to keep to themselves but go hurt others. But there are those who just sit at home and mid their own business but they still harbor those beliefs and at a new opportunity, spread them to others, eventually that spread will lead to someone who will hurt another human because they dont like their skin color or whatever.
Your reading comprehension needs some work. Let me simplify: You don't like racists. Racism is a belief. To deride someone for beliefs (racism) is the same as deriding someone for beliefs (religion). I'm guessing you are willing to accept people of various religions (alternate beliefs). But you aren't willing to accept people who are racist (alternate beliefs). Do you see how this is hypocritcal? You can't be selectively tolerant of what other people think. If you would admit to being intolerant, that's fine. Then what I said doesn't apply. I just think it's funny that people who try to avoid being intolerant end up carrying quite a bit of intolerance for people that disagree.

You, my man, are an idiot.

Racism is not a belief. It's idiocy. There's a difference.

Some might say the same for religion of course...

Anyway, my stance is this: You said earlier something about most of the people throughout history having bigoted viewsm and then asking if that would cause us to believe that made us superior. Well, to an extent, I would answer YES! We have such a plethora of ways of communicating and observing the world... it's so much easier to travel these days... there are so many more outlets for people... of COURSE we've become more tolerant. And that's the way it should be.

I'm sorry, but I just think everything you're saying in this thread is WRONG!!!!!
Your reading comprehension needs some work. Let me simplify: You don't like racists. Racism is a belief. To deride someone for beliefs (racism) is the same as deriding someone for beliefs (religion). I'm guessing you are willing to accept people of various religions (alternate beliefs). But you aren't willing to accept people who are racist (alternate beliefs). Do you see how this is hypocritcal? You can't be selectively tolerant of what other people think. If you would admit to being intolerant, that's fine. Then what I said doesn't apply. I just think it's funny that people who try to avoid being intolerant end up carrying quite a bit of intolerance for people that disagree.

edit: fuck it, not worth it
I don't know if I believe this, but i have read that Varg is not a racist, and that he laughs at people who call him a "nazi".
And if someones belief is to mollest little children, thats ok with you.

In my oppinion. your own beliefs are fine unless they interfear with the safety of others. Racist people in history tend not to keep to themselves but go hurt others. But there are those who just sit at home and mid their own business but they still harbor those beliefs and at a new opportunity, spread them to others, eventually that spread will lead to someone who will hurt another human because they dont like their skin color or whatever.
But molesting children infringes on peoples rights, and is action, not belief. Do you not see a difference? Being racist doesn't automatically mean that you are violating the rights of others, but sometimes it does. Hate crimes infringe on people's rights and are wrong for that reason. But you can't police racist thoughts. There's nothing "wrong" with being a racist, pedophile, etc., as long as these beliefs do not infringe on other people and cause harm. Often such things do lead to harmful and illegal acts. As far as I know Varg in particular hasn't acted on any of his supposed racist beliefs. If he holds particular beliefs, but has the sense to stay out of trouble with the law and does no harm to society, what is so bad about that?

People who are so quick to condemn racism are walking a thin line. Let's say you're a real egalitarian. Now you'd better frown upon anything sexist or discriminatory. But wait, there are all these societies and religions who practice sexism, racism, and all sorts of discrimination to a high degree. As Liquid Diamonds would probably say, "Sure I'm superior to these unenlightened buffoons." Now you're claiming that you're better than other people. Not so egalitarian anymore.

There's a big difference between respectfully disagreeing with racists, and thinking that they are bad people. There are a great many people that I disagree with on many fronts, but I don't judge people by virtue of this. People are free to think what they want, and I'll always listen to opposing viewpoints. It's only people's actions that really matter to me. Hypocrisy in particular really irks me.
Being racist doesn't automatically mean that you are violating the rights of others, but sometimes it does. Hate crimes infringe on people's rights and are wrong for that reason. But you can't police racist thoughts. There's nothing "wrong" with being a racist, pedophile, etc., as long as these beliefs do not infringe on other people and cause harm.

Well, in the case of Varg and Faust, they actually did something, so whoever wants to hate them doesn't have to worry about their beliefs :)
But molesting children infringes on peoples rights, and is action, not belief. Do you not see a difference? Being racist doesn't automatically mean that you are violating the rights of others, but sometimes it does. Hate crimes infringe on people's rights and are wrong for that reason. But you can't police racist thoughts. There's nothing "wrong" with being a racist, pedophile, etc., as long as these beliefs do not infringe on other people and cause harm. Often such things do lead to harmful and illegal acts. As far as I know Varg in particular hasn't acted on any of his supposed racist beliefs. If he holds particular beliefs, but has the sense to stay out of trouble with the law and does no harm to society, what is so bad about that?

People who are so quick to condemn racism are walking a thin line. Let's say you're a real egalitarian. Now you'd better frown upon anything sexist or discriminatory. But wait, there are all these societies and religions who practice sexism, racism, and all sorts of discrimination to a high degree. As Liquid Diamonds would probably say, "Sure I'm superior to these unenlightened buffoons." Now you're claiming that you're better than other people. Not so egalitarian anymore.

There's a big difference between respectfully disagreeing with racists, and thinking that they are bad people. There are a great many people that I disagree with on many fronts, but I don't judge people by virtue of this. People are free to think what they want, and I'll always listen to opposing viewpoints. It's only people's actions that really matter to me. Hypocrisy in particular really irks me.

You walked in circles and really explained nothing, rascism is not a respectable ideology, it is extremely lrrational and harmful, stfu
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