Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

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.... Christianity to me is just a faith, something that i believe it. It does not bind me or limit me to doing anything.

Hmm... I'd like to believe this, but honestly it seems a bit naive to me. If you're talking about the Koran, or Bible, or similar texts, you find a lot of passages that talk about the things Hubster mentioned. It's hard for me to call a religion "just a faith" when not only are there numerous flawed ideas in the text, but the text calls itself the "One Truth", not to be questioned. Thus, anyone taking the text seriously is inclined to hold these sexist, racist, fundamentalist beliefs, and to impose them upon whomever they can. This used to be in the form of crusades and such, but these days is typically limited to the children of religious parents, who are taught from the earliest, most impressionable age that the world is only this way and no way else. So yeah, I don't see too much good in Christianity, Islam, and the like.
.... Christianity to me is just a faith, something that i believe it. It does not bind me or limit me to doing anything. It's something that i believe in, i believe that there is something more out there, and i just so happen to believe in God. Yes, i have heard about all this crap Christians killing people etc. etc. and i don't have any other defence but that Christians are still humans, and humans, frankly, are stupid in some ways.

Yes, it is a faith. You believe it though because you have been told to, not because you believe it from within yourself. Society and your family have told you to believe it, but the fact is that you yourself do not know why you follow it. In years to come, I guarantee you will question it. And very strongly too.

Art and music are indeed good things that have come from Christianity, and yes, they are by-products of faith itself, but where would the inspiration have come from in the 1st place?

Yes, agreed, most certainly. Faith is not bad, not at all. It *is* good to have faith, but faith in something which restricts you? Which condemns non-believers as evil? Isn't this contextually a form of seperation at its core? Segragation at its root is the fundamental of unequalist movements such as mysogeny, racism and homophobia.

I have read the Bible, and there are things that i agree and disagree with. I do agree that women should submit to their husbands, for example. But that is if only the husbands are asking for things appropriate.

Why submit? Why is a man more than a woman? Are we not of the same stock? Are we not equal? Are you trying to say you're happy being told you're weaker for not being a man? Fuck submission. Not once have I ever accepted being with a girl who sees herself as my inferior, you should be seeing yourself as strong and equal, and nothing else! The Bible blinds you into thinking you're worthless.

The church is indeed, fucked up, i have learnt that from past experience, so i agree with you there. But there you go again with the Buddhism=yes, Christianity=no. It's WHAT i believe in. It's what i believe Jesus did when He lived.

Again, it's what you've been told to believe.

Do you know how non-Christian women of science were treated in the days of Alexandria at its educational peak in civilisation? The Knights of the Templar skinned women of science ALIVE for not being Christian.

The Catholic Church killed Cathar Christians in France for being dualists! Yet they loved Christ too! How can this atrocity be justified? And now look at how the world repulses at the acts of extremist Muslims, yet Christians have done the same for hundreds of years! We have a fundamentalist Christian occupying Iraq right now!

These organised religions have NO place in today's society imo. They bring nothing but death, anger and inequality. They endorse sexual inequality to the masses, and you swallow the lies whole, how can you possibly think this is normal? Doesn't this upset you? Why blindly submit to being told you are worth less? How the hell can people not allow themselves to be free?

EDIT: I'm sorry if this comes across as being a personal attack, it's not meant to be. The fact is, you're a woman allowing yourself to be forced into second place by organised religion, you should be fighting back!
Whoa... someone really hates Christianity. I think there's some middle ground somewhere you left out, lol.
^ hehe... no, I hate organised religion. I have Christian friends at work, I dont hold their faiths against them.

What I hate is oppression and sexism, and religions like Christianity and Islam do nothing but preach these things.

Middle ground, in this case, is an excuse for acceptance of mass thinking.
^ hehe... no, I hate organised religion. I have Christian friends at work, I dont hold their faiths against them.

What I hate is oppression and sexism, and religions like Christianity and Islam do nothing but preach these things.

Middle ground, in this case, is an excuse for acceptance of mass thinking.

...Well, I pretty much agree entirely with you, so I won't deny any of that. It was more the tone of your argument that I question. I'm not sure making such accusatory comments about someone's faith is really the way to win them over.
If he did kill himself, so what. Such is life. He was going to Rot in that prison anyway. He's had a lot of interesting views about life but then again he's always brought the hammer down on himself. Still the parasite he killed well all as I can say is ... Good for Varg! He did the world a huge favor! Euro wasn't even totally white so good riddens to that little pole smoking faggot!:flame:


Collosians chapter 3, the very same chapter you cite, puts to rest many of these myths about racism and oppression.
Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
as for women being inferior, well.., if they feel inferior, that is their problem.
Paul was laying down some common sense guidelines for healthy families.
18Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
19Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
20Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
21Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.
If she has a problem submitting, she shouldn't have married the jerk. Marriage is not for everybody.
and we can see in Corinthians chapter 7 that no man owns his wife or vice versa.
The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.
I apologize if you already knew this. It seems that people often pick and choose things from texts that support their preconcieved ideas.

EDIT: the Catholic church are not a group of Christians, in fact, most organized forms of the Christian "religion" are practicing satanists, unfortunately, many followers of these churches are oblivious. Satan began the creation of a false church shortly after Jesus' crucifiction. This won't make much sense to non-christians. It is, however, obvious when you look at their actions and false piety.
absolutely. so much is lost on presumption, assumption, and such.

Well, I think we can still agree that the Bible asserts itself to be the unquestionable truth, any deviation from which leads to horrible consequences. That's the biggest problem I have with any religious doctrine: you have to follow it, or else.
Well, there are some obvious problems with taking it 100% literally. If I as a believer were to take it letter-for-letter, I would have to find a suitable goat or bull to go sacrifice on a stone altar today (since it's Sunday) and I'd have to go through certain rituals regarding the whole thing or else fear being struck dead. I think we can agree that in this age, that's kind of ridiculous. Context, in the sense of era, matters. I think the equivalent would be, to remember that what we've got isn't permanent, and to give things up as homage to God and in benefit of each other (cause they then used to eat the slaughtered animal) is what the intention is. Even in ancient times, a lot of these practices were ended in the New Testament, when followers were told that the idea was symbolic to prepare them for what the real sacrifices are, and a sort of stepping stone. Some things, as you say, I would agree ARE literal. Don't kill people. That's pretty clear. There's no way to interpret it differently, and this goes for many passages. Others are clearly (some even stated) allegories.

As for unquestionable truth, I very much question one of Paul's letters in which he says men should not have long hair. :lol: This seems to be his personal opinion, as well as the immediate following passage about the submission of women. I believe women should be treated equal to men. Again, the gender inequality was a factor of the era, and even as early as the New Testament, it was suggested in many passages that followers treat each other better than themselves, and with respect.
Jesus asserts himself as "the way". If you want to think of Jesus as an archetype of his teachings (love). Then all you are required* to do is love. The words of even his closest friends should not be mistaken for absolute truth. (Just as my words are often false.)

*with faith, this is not requirement, but enjoyment of existance.
The only decent things to come out of Christianity are art and music, and even then, those are not by-products of Christianity as they are by-products of the concept of faith itself, regardless of what it is faith towards.

Just checking, but do you mean this in the sense that Christianity has produced worthwhile art and music over the centuries or that it "created" art and music in the first place? Because art and music have been around a *lot* longer than Christianity has...
I think he meant that christianity inspired a lot of great art and music.

Another good thing about christianity is that it offers solace and comfort for people going through dark times. To quote another poster from somewhere, christianity is a wheelchair for a crippled mind. It doesn't make them normal, or even healthy, but it keeps them moving around. I think that's pretty damn accurate.
Just checking, but do you mean this in the sense that Christianity has produced worthwhile art and music over the centuries or that it "created" art and music in the first place? Because art and music have been around a *lot* longer than Christianity has...

True, most innovations in music had roots outside the church. The church can only be credited for publishing them and thus making them widely known. The church has always been creatively stagnant.
But molesting children infringes on peoples rights, and is action, not belief. Do you not see a difference? Being racist doesn't automatically mean that you are violating the rights of others, but sometimes it does. Hate crimes infringe on people's rights and are wrong for that reason. But you can't police racist thoughts. There's nothing "wrong" with being a racist, pedophile, etc., as long as these beliefs do not infringe on other people and cause harm. Often such things do lead to harmful and illegal acts. As far as I know Varg in particular hasn't acted on any of his supposed racist beliefs. If he holds particular beliefs, but has the sense to stay out of trouble with the law and does no harm to society, what is so bad about that?

People who are so quick to condemn racism are walking a thin line. Let's say you're a real egalitarian. Now you'd better frown upon anything sexist or discriminatory. But wait, there are all these societies and religions who practice sexism, racism, and all sorts of discrimination to a high degree. As Liquid Diamonds would probably say, "Sure I'm superior to these unenlightened buffoons." Now you're claiming that you're better than other people. Not so egalitarian anymore.

There's a big difference between respectfully disagreeing with racists, and thinking that they are bad people. There are a great many people that I disagree with on many fronts, but I don't judge people by virtue of this. People are free to think what they want, and I'll always listen to opposing viewpoints. It's only people's actions that really matter to me. Hypocrisy in particular really irks me.

Ehh. In most cases, racism, such as Varg's, isn't based an any type of foundation. Jews are greedy and power hungry, blacks are savages and stupid criminals, etc. To say that somebody who has this school of thought is just following their personal beliefs is just bogus. This is intolerance, this is people who think they're superior to everybody else. To dislike these people, who are essentially egotistical self-supremecists, isn't a form of prejudice, it's completely legitimate.

And please, don't critique my grammar, I'm sure I made a couple dozen mistakes. If something is missing from this argument tell me, it was a good idea in my head but I couldn't translate it well into words.
Sounds damn good to me - though I share that point of view anyway, so you're basically preaching to the choir in my case.

I don't see how someone who considers another type of people inherently inferior has any legitimacy in their point of view.
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