Varg Vikernes committed suicide?

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Heh, the anti-Christian acrimony never ceases.

I guess my question, like Hubsters, would be: why Christianity of all things? Not that I have any idea what in_absentia's justification is (nor do I expect to hear it in earnest given how much ranting is going on), but I don't see much appeal in the framework of good, evil, repenting from sins, submitting all credit for one's merits to a higher power, etc. It definitely seems pretty insidious to me. If I were to seek some kind of spiritual force in my life, I'd pick something that suited my sense of self-worth a little better.

edit: Didn't see absentia's post before responding. She pretty much said it all there; except I would like to continue my debate with Braighs. Why half the people on this forum have to be so immature and accusatory is beyond me.
I've commended you for having faith in something, anyone who takes control in their life to bring something positive deserves a pat on the back. I'm saying good on you for that.

If you truly cannot see the reality of the "cult" you've chosen to join, then you're truly doomed. Every day we see countless reports of priests causing attrocities to KIDS, of women losing their rights, of people who are not allowed to be married because of insignificant aspects of their personal lives. Countless times over the hundreds of years we've seen other religions and cultured devoured by cross-wielding murderers and rapists. You expect me to have respect for this? Bull shit.

I condemn ANY sect which condones these attrocious diplays of disregards of simple human rights. They hide behind smiling faces draped in the pages of their books and lies of love and respect, but in truth practice their laws through murder, rape and assimilation.

EDIT: Like I said before, it wasn't meant to be personal, that's your reaction. It's my observation of the organised religion practices. Believe me, I've been on both sides of the fence, and I can definitely tell you where the grass is greener, and where more equality and peace lies: defnitely not in a church or mosque.
I've commended you for having faith in something, anyone who takes control in their life to bring something positive deserves a pat on the back. I'm saying good on you for that.

If you truly cannot see the reality of the "cult" you've chosen to join, then you're truly doomed. Every day we see countless reports of priests causing attrocities to KIDS, of women losing their rights, of people who are not allowed to be married because of insignificant aspects of their personal lives. Countless times over the hundreds of years we've seen other religions and cultured devoured by cross-wielding murderers and rapists. You expect me to have respect for this? Bull shit.

I condemn ANY sect which condones these attrocious diplays of disregards of simple human rights. They hide behind smiling faces draped in the pages of their books and lies of love and respect, but in truth practice their laws through murder, rape and assimilation.

EDIT: Like I said before, it wasn't meant to be personal, that's your reaction. It's my observation of the organised religion practices. Believe me, I've been on both sides of the fence, and I can definitely tell you where the grass is greener, and where more equality and peace lies: defnitely not in a church or mosque.

If you ask me, telling someone they're part of the most horrible, murderous cult in the world is pretty personal. At least, it makes it pretty clear that you have no respect for (and little perspective on) the faith. It's an idea, for god's sake. Becoming a Christian does not mean you endorse murder, torture, and subjugation of other races. Don't you see that Christianity is a personal choice and not a membership in some political party? Relax, and quit being so hateful.
How in the world can you possibly justify this, knowing full well what the movement has done through history, and continues to do today?

Perhaps with this approach, this means I can peacefully joint the Fourth Reich if it makes me feel "positive and grounded"!

I love how the populace loves to moan about wrongdoings in our world, yet moves to do NOTHING about it. If a person eventually speaks up about it, they're branded as being cold, or wrong, negative and so on, simply because they choose not to join the herd and gracefully accept living blind.
I love how the populace loves to moan about wrongdoings in our world, yet moves to do NOTHING about it. If a person eventually speaks up about it, they're branded as being cold, or wrong, negative and so on, simply because they choose not to join the herd and gracefully accept living blind.

Hey, you're not the only person out there who criticizes Christianity. And you wouldn't be "branded" as being negative, etc. if you weren't making such vicious attacks. Do you really think you're going to get a Christian to take your arguments seriously if you just rant on and on about how many horrible things people have done in the name of Christianity? I can assure you that what attracts people to the faith is not that they are murderers and ideological supremacists; more often, they find Jesus's messages about love and forgiveness uplifting and meaningful.

I'm not trying to say you don't have valid points. Just think about the way you're saying them, that's all. Beating Christians over the head with lists of historical atrocities is not going to do the trick. If you actually care about criticizing Christianity, you'll do it in a way that isn't biased and offensive.
I don't disagree with you there, I'm just not good at sugar coating things...

... and that applies to topics like this even more. Inequality caused by religion among other things is something which really gets my hackles up. I'm terrible at keeping calm about it.

That's not to say I run about offending every Christian I can find, I don't (despite what's happened here), I do have plenty of Christian & Muslim friends. Unfortunately in the context of this thread, it's been a rough ride in keeping opinions relaxed.
why cant we stay on topic on any thread? :lol:

i hate racism, and i actually believe in a huge worldwide gangbang, and i laugh at people like vikernes...but that doesnt mean i dont stop to listen to his thoughts on anything, does it?

it's just me i guess
why cant we stay on topic on any thread? :lol:

i hate racism, and i actually believe in a huge worldwide gangbang, and i laugh at people like vikernes...but that doesnt mean i dont stop to listen to his thoughts on anything, does it?

it's just me i guess

I've kind of wondered if I should be starting debate threads in the philosophy forum whenever I start going at it like this, and redirect my opponents there for the rest of the debate. I have a tendency not to let people get away with anything if I disagree with them, which results in massive swaths of irrelevant debate like I've been a part of here, and on the social thread in GMD. I guess I'll have to work on that tactic.
I stopped posting there a long time ago - it was cool for a while though. Some nice people, but most are too far-right for my liking. I generally try to stay out of topics like this now *laughs*
I'd spend a lot more time in the philo forum, but so far all the topics there either bore me to death or have been discussed to death. Random-ass debates spring up all over the place in other forums, and the randomness makes them a lot more interesting.
Sub-related to this topic: I'm planning to make a trip to Norway next year. I can't wait to see the churches. Despite my feelings about it all, I think they're beautiful pieces of architecture.
I think the people who are basically saying that racists are scum of the earth should really think about the actual issue of racism. Why are racists racist? Have you REALLY thought about that? I seriously doubt that everyone who is racist is evil. Sure there is a minority of racists who are evil and have absolutely no reason to condemn anyone because of race. BUT, I believe, the majority of racists, for one reason or another, have had various life experiences that have curbed their view on certain cultures. Remember, I am not supporting racism, but I like to think I have a more thoughtful view on the subject than the "racists are scum" mentality.

Here are some questions, they are only here to provoke thought:

Is someone who is bought up to believe that one race is inferior to their own evil? Are they evil because people they respect (politicians, parents, other role models) tell them to this? Are they evil because books they read tell them that too? Are people evil to be racist even though every person that they have come across in a race have confirmed their racist persumptions?

You see, the main issue is education here. The same goes to sexism, homophobia etc. Most homophobes have very limited encounters with homosexuals, as is the same with racists. I mean, chances are, all these people who uphold political correctness surely would have had a high chance of being extremely racist had they been born white in the American southern states a hundred years ago. Its all about culture context and back then it was the normal thing. I mean how long has slavery in the western world been banished? Not all that long in the scheme of things. It's just a pity that it is taking longer for some to uphold human rights and racial freedom than others. I know especially in Australia, there are those who still refer to and believe generalizations that were common belief in maybe the 50's, but now the majority recognizes them as backwards.

Basically beliefs like this generally take a while to erode from society completely. So instead of getting on a high horse and condemming these people for their actions, how about actually talking to them, asking them for their opinions and why they feel the way they do? The least you can do is educate them and give them the option, hopefully they'll choose they right one.

Just my thoughts
Thread Conclusion: We all have our own beliefs, whether religious or not. This forum could go for thousands of pages and nothing would ever change, that's the great thing about it. Everyone here has their own opinions that wont change no matter what a christian tells them, or what an agnostic/anti-religion/etc. tells them. Lets just let this thread die here and agree that all of our opinions and beliefs work for us. I respect the views of those against christianity, those arent my views, but you can't shoot down everyone else's views just because they aren't yours. Just simply respect it and don't judge.:)
That might sound nice in whatever elven fantasy you wank off to, but the situation is that we must judge, discern, and discriminate. Certainly, it is madness but we have no say in the matter.

I'm only limited to one elven fantasy?
By pleasure I mean drinking, sex, etc. - you know, the usual objects of indulgence. I'd like to know how you can hold these against anyone, since they're really just lifestyle choices that don't have any direct effect on other people. The reason my worldview allows for indulgence in pleasure is because you can do that without hurting a single person (including yourself, assuming you're responsible). This would seem to make pleasure not an inherently evil thing.
This is grey area for Christians.
The Bible speaks of numerous times when drinking (wine) is used for good and bad. See: Seducing old man in Genesis, or Jesus turns water to wine, or the Last Supper. I've concluded that social drinking is OK. Drunk driving/always being drunk/doing stupid shit, is not.
Sex is a stickier issue. It's always listed with a slew of other sins great and small. Know that this is "sexuall immorality" and when given an example, its usually something horrid (imo) like having sex with your mother or massive gay orgies. John chapter 8 will give you a good idea of Jesus' capacity for forgiveness on this issue, just read it. Why was the act evil? From a humanist perspective it was wrong because it was disrupting the family. Why shouldn't YOU have casual sex? Because you might get an STD? Sex makes babies? The Bible lists idleness as a minor sin. If you are having sex all the time, you are not accomplishing anything. At least you hope you're not :Saint: .
I won't hold THESE things against anyone as they don't affect me. God will, apparently. If you absolutely can't live without these things (being a drunk/having massive gay orgies)...try Satanism.

Okay, I realize that morality in the Christian sense isn't just action based - that you can repent from your sins and get forgiveness. You still don't address the problems I point out with the notion of good and evil. Why do people need to be forgiven for "evil" when their actions have non-supernatural, real-world motives?
You regressed in the argument. As I said earlier, Christians believe that the spiritual realm and the physical realm exist simultaneously. Yes, I know there is a non-supernatural explanation for everything YOU have experienced. Forgiveness is a way to start clean. Even non-christians do it.

For that matter, how can you consider someone truly absolved of their guilt through penitence? Most of the time, if people screw up once, they're going to keep screwing up, regardless of how much they're forgiven. I think the patchy success rate of penitence kind of shows that it's not really addressing the problem of "evil" that it was meant to address. If someone really has some kind of mental or emotional instability that makes them "do wrong", then there's often very little that can be done to improve them. This seems to me like a good case for a naturalistic view of morality.
Ah, the problem with Catholocism. "Sin on Saturday/repent on Sunday". This is where salvation enters. If you are saved (this implies alot of faith and a change in your worldview), you will choose not to sin. You WILL sin, but tend to not sin as much as you did before salvation. Salvation is continuous. You were saved, you are saved, and you will be saved. That is, unless you reject Jesus. It may sound simple, but it's really a beautiful struggle.

I am vexed by the mental istability issue. My "he does not judge on actions alone" argument breakes down in some cases. Give me a concrete example.
That's cool. Thanks for indulging my relentless argumentation thus far. I don't get to debate religion as much as I'd like, and you've been much more logical and patient than most opponents I've had in the past. I look forward to your next reply.
Thanks! It's been a pleasure.
Thread Conclusion: We all have our own beliefs, whether religious or not. This forum could go for thousands of pages and nothing would ever change, that's the great thing about it. Everyone here has their own opinions that wont change no matter what a christian tells them, or what an agnostic/anti-religion/etc. tells them. Lets just let this thread die here and agree that all of our opinions and beliefs work for us. I respect the views of those against christianity, those arent my views, but you can't shoot down everyone else's views just because they aren't yours. Just simply respect it and don't judge. Also, VARG RUUUULLLEESSSS YEEEAAAHHH!!!! :)

I agree completely.
Thread Conclusion: We all have our own beliefs, whether religious or not. This forum could go for thousands of pages and nothing would ever change, that's the great thing about it. Everyone here has their own opinions that wont change no matter what a christian tells them, or what an agnostic/anti-religion/etc. tells them. Lets just let this thread die here and agree that all of our opinions and beliefs work for us. I respect the views of those against christianity, those arent my views, but you can't shoot down everyone else's views just because they aren't yours. Just simply respect it and don't judge.:)
I was an atheist just 2 years ago.
But the last thing I want to do is discuss Calvinism, so I'll just stop.
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