Varg Vikernes of Burzum

I find it ridiculous because the music of, for example, Burzum is no racist music.
OK it is about isolation and longing for older pagan times and a hard leftist would probably not like this tendency, but that's true for heaps of other metal bands as well.
He just happens to be racist "in private" and while people might dislike this i find it silly how personally insulting they get whenever there is a thread about Burzum.
Varg Vikernes is a racist, but neither is his art racist, nor are those who appreciate it all racists (though i'd admit that one needs vaguely similiar emotions to Varg to enjoy his music - but emotion is not ideology).

Also, Black Metal was never made to be politically correct. Or do you think slaughtering christians in your lyrics is nicer than being a racist?

Yeah, that is true. I will not even care how it would sound, I would just be happy that he is releasing something. He has never released anything disappointing.
I think that Filosofem was rather lame compared to the three albums before it... But it is still agood album.
And i still have to hear any of his ambient work..
:lol: Beautiful trolling guys, I really needed this thread.

On Topic: [Early to mid era] Burzum rawks.
its not that im racist against blacks I just get nervous when Im around them, I guess I think that they might rob me or pull out a gun and start shooting.
Impure616 said:
its not that im racist against blacks I just get nervous when Im around them, I guess I think that they might rob me or pull out a gun and start shooting.

That's not an unreasonable thought. I think the same thing too when i'm taking the train back home.
What? Why be afraid of them?

If anything they should be afraid of us, remember: Our ancestors fought with huge axes and swords, while covered in metal. Their ancestors fought naked with pointy sticks.

Bleak Eyes said:
Not exactly. Black people have taken over the sport. This person loves everything that black people do. He is just defying "jocks" because all of the white people played it at my school at the time.

Are you out of your fucking mind? First of all, football is in no way definitive of black culture. So does the guy like stuff that's unique to the black community or does he really, as you say, love absolutely everything black people do? If it's the latter then obviously the guy loves nearly everything since it's pretty hard not to find at least one black person in almost every sector of society and culture. Second of all, it's still a false dichotomy because this guy can still love black people and hate football THE GAME, not football THE SPORT THAT BLACK PEOPLE PLAY.
Man, are you still on this? Yes, the guy pretty much loves everything that black people do. He actually considers himself to be partly black because someone married into his family.

Anyway. About Varg and Burzum. I agree that people do get ridiculously offended because Varg himself is racist, but if that is a reason for people to dislike him, whatever. I keep getting annoyed that everyone keeps talking about the racist horse shit, but they cannot talk about Burzum's music. Just look at the original post, and the thread title.
Ganymede said:
I've heard of Varg Vikernes being described as the "Kurt Cobain" of black metal, and that's true to an extent. He's an overrated, self-absorbed jackoff. And, while he IS talented, he gets way more credit than he deserves. His proficiency on guitar was not immense, though he did posses excellent song-crafting ability. His vocals were horrendous, so much so that I really can't listen to Burzum very often. Despite my criticisms, Det Som Engang Var (or something like that) was a great album, but c'mon - I can think of about a dozen black metal musicians better than Varg. Ihshan, Galder, Fenriz, Satyr, Oystien Brum, ect., ect.
The fact that he is a murder means nothing to me, because to me murder is a crime that is villefied to the point of absurdity. Yes, the killing of the (relatively) innocent (children especially) is unacceptable, but Varg had reason to believe Euronymous was conspriring to kill him. And though Faust killing a gay guy for hitting on him was excessive, overall, I don't see murder as something to hate someone for - especially when the victim is someone you've never met/known.
The fact that he is a facist/racist is also something that stirs no emotion in me either. I am personally accepting of other races/cultures, but I defend anyone's right to have a supremacist world view. I may disagree, and think one is an imbecile for such beliefs, but to prevent that behavior is destroy liberty as we know it, and that is something I will never be a part of.
So, to summarize, I don't really give 2 shits if Varg runs free or is left to rot.

Yeah, I know it's irritating to quote myself, but I did want to stress that I was probably the last person on this thread to actually offer on opinion on Burzum's music.
Impure616 said:
This is for susperia. What would you do if you knew someone was planning to kill you. So you go to his house to tell him to fuck off and get out of your life, and then the fucker attacks you. Why dont you read about Varg killing Eronymous before you give your stupid ass opinion.
er..go to the fucking cops! Der! :wave: the fact he went to the house of someone who wanted to kill him tells me he's a fucking lame brained idiot!
no why would you go to the cops unless you were afraid of the fucker. Varg apparently didnt think Euronymous could do shit to him. So why get those stupid ass pigs involved, plus what would they have done.
Ganymede said:
Yeah, I know it's irritating to quote myself, but I did want to stress that I was probably the last person on this thread to actually offer on opinion on Burzum's music.

*snaps fingers*

Look. Over here. Yes. Here. The thread is called "Varg Vikernes," not Burzum. Discussion about him as a person is certainly applicable since that's the fucking name of the thread.
Servio_Abbas_Bellum said:
Well the entire Norwegian BM community totally disowned him after he got indicted. I suppose if any band would take him back it would be a psuedo fascist white power band like Burzum.

I would be laughing hysterically if Varg did a reunion tour with Mayhem playing Oystein's guitar riffs. LMAO ultimate PWN.
I'm laughing hysterically every time I see your "cool" avatar
Varg is getting out of jail the same time as my friend. Except Varg made something of himself.

Oh yeah, I can't wait to hear more of his electronica stuff.
Mother, I shall play techno.