Varg Vikernes speaks

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oh noes itz a opinionn
Oct 15, 2007
Orlando, Florida

This a pretty damn interesting little diddy written by Varg in 2004. He speaks of the murder of Euronymous & how he really had no motive. It's very long but I find it an interesting read.

I find it to be somewhat juvenile sounding in a sense. The way he writes it he makes it sound like he's got some heart, but I feel the whole thing just sounds kind of stupid. There were a lot of interesting little highlights in there.

Personally, I've never done much reading up on Varg. I pretty much listen to his music & leave it at that. I'm not very well versed on Mayhem though & I should look into them a little when I get the chance. This "report" has me curious.

I'm sure some of you have already read this. If so it'll probably be a pretty interesting read for someone who hasn't.
Varg says in that article "some claim that I slew a helpless and unarmed man..." and, if his version of the story is to be believed, he did. I understand him orginally trying to defend himself, but once Euronymous began fleeing, what need was there to give chase and ensure that he was dead? Simply because Varg despised his "cowardice"? Come on, that's murder.

I still love Burzum, however.
There are some holes in the story. He had been locked up 11 years at the time of this writing so he obviously had a lot of time to think about the night of the murder. I also think that too many lawyers & whatnot sound like they got inviolved in everything & started adding their own sides to the story. Like why would Varg, Snorre, & the guy on the couch need to have pre-planned alibis... Something is off kilter there siounds like, but maybe I misread something. I fucking hate Snorre reading that article.

Love Burzum though as well. Varg is a little crazy though I feel. He had his man down & he should have left it at that.
To be fair, his grim viking insticts were running full scale at the time.

But seriousness aside, he shouldn't have been kept longer than the maximum sentence. Theres plenty of worse people running the streets like rapists and serial killers, but man, he must be scary for burning down churches!

People commit murder and get off on the charges. Hell, people permanantly give children permanent scaring with thier sick fucking actions. Wood and mortar can be re-forged. I broken mind cannot.

OMG. The ultimate sin... arson. That means he's in league with al-queda, and the devil... and Roman Polanski.
Why are we discussing this article again as if it's new?

He has claimed multiple times that he feared for his own life by the hands of Euronymous, and so by chasing him then to kill him he was preventing Euronymous from doing the same to him in the future. Is this genuinely true? None of us will ever know.
many people think he is a nazi, but this is not true. he dressed like one merely to prove a point.The other reason people may think he is a nazi, is because of burzum being labelled incorectly as NSBM( national socilaist black metal), because of his views, which seem racist, beside the fatc that burzu have no such lyrics etc.

so no, he isnt a nazi.
Yeah, his whole tendency to have racial leanings in a wide variety of topics doesn't mean he himself is a racist!

But no, he isn't a 'nazi', in fact, there are very few WWII nazis even alive; Burzum also isn't an nsbm band. He applies the term 'race' where he shouldn't (at least if he read a bit of science); he should just stick to bitching about cultures and whatnot.
Okay, I found what he was talking about. It's in the interview with Chris Mitchell of Metal Crypt. He was asked to give his opinion about his various albums, and this is what he said about Daudi Baldrs:

The "Dauði Baldrs" ("The Death Of Baldr") album: the metal versions of a few of the tracks on this album are really cool, so I think I will include at least one of them on the coming album. (The track called "Jesu Død", on the "Filosofem" album, is also a metal version of one of these tracks, by the way.) I am not overly fond of this album, but it is okay. I like at least two of the tracks a lot (the two first, as far as I remember). I once heard a cover version of one of the "Dauði Baldrs" tracks, on some German compilation album, I think, and that was very good... much better than the original. :) In short, let's just say I prefer the metal version of the tracks on this album oh, and it was recorded in a prison cell, using a normal tape recorder, so the sound is naturally not the best.

Also interesting (to me anyway) is what he says about the Filosofem album, namely the song titles. I've argued this many times, but the proper name of the songs are not the German translations. It's BURZUM, not DUNKELHEIT, which I've been chastised for believing more than once:

The "Filosofem" ("Philosofem") album: this album contains the first real Burzum track, titled "Dunkelheit" on the album (but the real title of the track is "Burzum". "Dunkelheit" is just the German translation of "Burzum"), that I originally wanted to include on the "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" album (but the recording was very poor, so I didn't use it). I changed the name to Burzum from Uruk-Hai when I made this song (I think in August 1991). The album is a bit weird, and far from perfect, but it is okay. Unfortunately (?), this is the album that sounds the most like the new Burzum music.

edit: If you don't mind, VVVVV, I'm reopening this. I think that there is some valid room for discussion. It just has to be monitored so it doesn't fall into the "Nazi/not Nazi" bullshit that tends to happen.
This has much potential for an intelligent conversation to be made out of this so it shouldn't be closed. In all honesty I'm curious as to why it would need to be closed in the first place? Varg simply talks about what happened that one night when he murdered Euronymous.

I posted this at another board & had a lot of guys saying they won't buy his music because of what they did. To make a long story short - that's stupid. "Art" & a man's "personal beliefs / doings" are completely separate & should be kept that way. If I want to buy Burzum albums for my own enjoyment no one should have a valid reason to condemn me for it. If just goes to show all the different view points on various message boards.

I dunno about that. He had what, 30 seconds, to work out whether to chase him, and we have unlimited time and hindsight to use to judge him?

Is that really fair?

Very true. About him not having any negative after thoughts or feeling s0rry for what he did - he lives in fucking Norway. It's completely different from the US & other Countries in many aspects. He will also carry some of that Grym Viking mentality with him as well into the world. Everyone's different & they will deal with different things in different manners.

Varg will continue to make music under the name Burzum when he is released. I believe he will be out in 2011 if I remember correctly. He's had a lot of time to think about what he did & put it on paper. Not everything seems to match up & I think he sugar coated it with a little BS, but it's a great read.
He's supposed to be scheduled for parole in April 2008 from what I understand, which is the minimum term allowed to be served for the maximum sentence in Norway according to a retroactively passed law. Whether he will actually be released then, I don't know, but I would like to see it happen.
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