Ved Buens Ende


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Alright... I've never seen anyone talk about these guys on this forum. I've been listening to them for years (when I started to get into black metal). We've got members of Ulver from the early days, if that interests anyone.

I feel like I would suck at reviewing this one, so here's something from M-A:

"Not phased or drawn into all out aggression or relentless tempos, Ved Buens Ende build long and winding songs around lurid grotesques that creep along, quite fitting of the overall theme of a society in the throes of a barely noticed collapse. This motif is contrasted against charismatic and fluent jazz-inspired drumming that not only propagates the mood by accentuating the despondency found in the contrasting guitars, but also gives character and a stature to the looming downfall being communicated within. There are also times when the guitar plays second fiddle to the complex and often jazzy base lines, which is quite effectual, helping bind the songs in a mournful and reflective melancholy. The songs “You, That May Wither” and “It’s Magic” are great proponents of this technique, juxtaposing slow lamenting guitar against a dominant that could feasibly be compared to Varg’s emotively capativating bass-lines on “De Mysteriis Dom Santhanas.”

there are a few black metal breaks that are VERY burzum-esque but somehow super unique. check this shit out! it is really intense and moving music, and i don't usually feel that way.


1. I Sang for the Swans
2. You, That May Wither
3. It's Magic
4. Den saakaldte
5. Carrier of Wounds
6. Coiled in Wings
7. Autumn Leaves
8. Remembrance of Things Past 08:54
9. To Swarm Deserted Away
Total playing time 57:08

I'll get some songs up here tomorrow....
What can I say about my favorite black metal album of all times...

A guy said it way better than me in once:
Writing a review for one of THE most influencial albums I've ever obsessed over is nearly impossible for me..
This is one of the most creative, technically impressive, original, atmospheric, paranoia-inducing, and hallucinogenic albums that came out of black metal's second wave...and it's one of the darkest albums ever released.
Ved Buens Ende truly defied convention in terms of what's acceptable for metal, and especially for black metal. For those who haven't heard this, expect macabre, unsettling jazzy/progressive metal with an overall black metal vibe.
The compositions here are fractured and strange...with an atmosphere not too unlike that of an organ-grinding turn-of-the-century creepshow. The guitars are splayed, dissonant and deceptive, while the bass is monumentally macabre and perfectly woven into what the guitar is doing...often becoming half of the melody itself. The drumming is precise and intricate. The vocals switch from oddly unnerving deep bravado to throat-killing screeching.
I apologize for the influx of adjectives, but this is the only way I can begin to describe this release. I dare say this is one of the most if not THE most interesting metal release of the 90s.
If this album doesn't grab you at first, give it some more time. I guarantee that it will germinate inside your head, rotting away corrosive, esoteric, haunting...
yeah. it's reaaaaallly weird and strange, but it has a black metal atmosphere that makes it easier to listen to then most avant-garde crap.
I'm thinking I'd love this album because MFJ really knows what he's talking about and plus it sounds fucked up and I'm all about the fucked upness.

Can I get a youschendit in ze haus?
in 10 minutes I'll finish downloading The Devil Wears Prada for my mum and I'll upload a few tracks :lol:

in the mean time, Demilich:

EDIT: link has my two favorite tracks I was going to upload anyway (carrier of wounds and I sang for the swans) so I dunno. also check out Virus and Apocryphal Voice (FIN).
*high fives MFJ*

damnnnnn I really like the new recording there with Czral's vocals. Chilling as it was when I first heard them five years ago. Timeless and ages like a corpse, dirty rotten and more attractive by the minute
I first learned about this album just as I was getting out of my 'progressive' BM phase. It's when I'd had it up to here with avante garde metal like Arcturus etc

Every now and then, when I'm at The End Records, I look at it long and hard and think "should I or shouldn't I" when deciding to put it in my shopping basket

I never did buy it, I thought it might be too pompous, plus the SSMT review kept putting me off it.

So yeah, I suppose it's time to check this out now
I never did buy it, I thought it might be too pompous, plus the SSMT review kept putting me off it.

So yeah, I suppose it's time to check this out now

Just bought it from The End. I often disagree with Chedsey, and am pretty open minded to experimental stuff, so I think I'll like it, or at least find it interesting.
This album really really rules, and yea I've only heard a handful of people mention or talk about the album as well.

What the hell is up with Bak De Syv Fjell? I seem to remember them saying to expect new material last summer?? I might be making this up though.
yeah... they're back together. it'll probably take like 3 years for anything to come out of it, if anything at all.