Vehemence European Support

Yeah well weed is by far better than the hashish we have in Denmark where it's also kind of legal. As for sex shops and shit, it's all fake and cheesy...I'm used to it cause we have sex districts in Copenhagen with every crack addicted prostitues and pushers roaming the streets.
:lol: I just think the whole deal with PAYING for sex is sad, you know. I could never see a whore and that's actually true, I'm into feelings and compassion and shit...
I'm just going to cause a stir and disagree with you, John...

I think if a woman has to resort to prostitution for money, more power to her. It might not be the prettiest of jobs, but if she's willing to do it... There's nothing innately wrong with that. She's merely fufilling a demand.

The people who buy prostitutes, however... That's a whole other story.
People who engage in ANY form of prostitution (whether it be the buying of services or preforming these services) WILL ALWAYS remain the SCUM of the EARTH. It is not empowering to be a whore for money, and it is undoubtedly pathetic to have to pay for something you cannot get on your own.
I can't call someone who is a whore "empowered", but to equate them on the same level of moral corruption with someone who is paying... That's a bit of a stretch.

I think the main point I'm trying to make is this: there is nothing morally reprehensible about BEING a prostitute, since having money for food is better than standing by your ideals and only having sex with someone you love.... but BUYING a prostitute is an another act entirely.

I have far more respect for a prostitute than I do for someone on welfare... At least they're earning a living.

who has been to this? I have lots of downloads from this fest, its fucking awsome.

I will be going to both Party San and Summer Breeze this summer. Already bought my tickets. Also going to Wacken again too.
we often talked to some of the girls at the various red light districts in europe during my army days. The ones that tripped me out were the ones married whose specific other didn't mind. Some were making huge cash. they would drive in their bmw's, park a distance off, and take a cab the rest of way to work.

alot of army individuals along with tons of other people frequented those districts. I luckily had a few relationships with regular girls but in between relationships, I will admit to having gone in a car load of people.

It is different over there than the street versions here in the states minus the ones outside of vegas. Who is anyone kidding about paying for sex, you are doing it everytime you go on a date. It is just not as direct.
That is a pretty harsh statement there. First of all, going on dates is entirely different than driving around in "districts" looking for self-employed hoebags.

If you are on a date with someone who has a reputation for being "easy" then you might POSSIBLY be LEANING towards a lighter version of prostitution. However, any respectable, classy girl with an ounce of intelligence would not fuck some guy on the first date who takes her out for dinner and a drink. Guys have to work a lot harder for that these days!