Vehemence news - music video/album, etc...

Jan 8, 2002
Today we film our first music video! By Your Bedside is our radio hit, hope ya'll dig it!
The mastering for the audio is complete, now we just need to throw the cdrom shit on there...You guys should dig, it has almost an hour of show footage from 1997-2003 and some other silly crap.
Upcoming shows we are definately confirmed for:
March 20th at the Jar w/ Entombed?, Cattle Decap, Graves at Sea, RTM, and more.
April 9th Metal Devastation fest/ Vehemence CD release show/tour kick off.
We should be touring starting April 9th - April 24th with SFU. No exact tour dates as of yet...
fucking great !!

sfu have come by mcallen,tx (my neighboring city) about 3 or 4 times already,hopefully they'll drop by this time and bring you along,the last time I saw them was with darkest hour and darkest hour did an all at the gates set, it was fucking amazing, HOLY FUCKING SHIT IF YOU MAKE IT DOWN HERE !!!! :hotjump:
Bjorn and John should fill in all the details-- but from what I saw from the vid shoot this Music Video should be fucking SWEEEEEEEEEET as all hell! It should be PC enough to be aired on MTV2, and brutal enough to satisfy all gore cravings! Can't wait to see the final version!

cheers guys:)
Sounds fucking awesome Vehemence... You guys still own my soul :)

FuckYouIWantToDie: Excellent, I was hoping you weren't gonna do a SFU tour though it would be nice to get your name with that kind of exposure :p
I like a SFU live set they play well live. We have been advertised across the nation in some places "not all" about being on the SFU tour comming in April with the Red Chord but we are not on it anymore, we made sure to pull out before anyone had the chance to spread the news. Await us to come back with a vengance on your Vehemence ass's loaded with merch and new material. Help correct the confusion of us not being on it.
Music video is done filming, and editing will be completed in about 2 weeks. Hopefully a month from now you will be seeing this on TV! Expect lots of fog, hot nurses, Nathan on a stretcher, and lots of rocking out. Should be a very good video! Now all we need to do is find a tour to jump on! FUcking bored sitting at home and not playing out