Vehemence news - music video/album, etc...

I like a SFU live set they play well live. We have been advertised across the nation in some places "not all" about being on the SFU tour comming in April with the Red Chord but we are not on it anymore, we made sure to pull out before anyone had the chance to spread the news. Await us to come back with a vengance on your Vehemence ass's loaded with merch and new material. Help correct the confusion of us not being on it.
fuck yeah! sounds like killer times are ahead!

FuckYouIWantToDie said:
Music video is done filming, and editing will be completed in about 2 weeks. Hopefully a month from now you will be seeing this on TV! Expect lots of fog, hot nurses, Nathan on a stretcher, and lots of rocking out. Should be a very good video! Now all we need to do is find a tour to jump on! FUcking bored sitting at home and not playing out
Woooo :rock:

ThePhilosopher said:
*masturbates furiously*
this is not the nevermore board, my friend
hmmmmm i noticed the other day that headbangers ball is on normal mtv late at night on... i forget which day(s)... though i'm not sure if that was just a one time thing or whatever