Vehemence's Video Media Page Updated

hello all
im shayne lol i think u already know that!?!? im not sure lol
its 11:17pm i just got back from a party, fuck rap hardcores are gay
we put on She Never Noticed Me and they gave us shit and put on Chingy
but i may have to disagree with Meshell
come to australia, some chicks here that are hot may not necessarily like death metal, but they like metalcore and still fucking hot
some chicks full dig death metal though :rock:
anyways take care all!
kupshi said:
Hey Twi,
Nice to see you here supporting my local boys. See you in about a month!
Show-off!!! :D "YOUR local boys"!! :p
As I said some other place before... they have quite a name here already, there are reviews of the new album in almost every german Metal magazine.
Yeah... see you in one month for some serious headbanging to do! :cool:
Ahhh c'mon, not showing off at all.:Spin: But I am from the same area as them, hence the "local boys":grin: It is good to know that they are getting alot of international exposure. More people listening to them the better!
kupshi said:
Ahhh c'mon, not showing off at all.:Spin: But I am from the same area as them, hence the "local boys":grin: It is good to know that they are getting alot of international exposure. More people listening to them the better!

More people listening to them? Actually I think that is in a way good and bad. It's good because they sell more and what not, but you get all these people (like Juliya) saying they like metal but never even REALLY listen to metal. Like all theses kids at my school saying they like death metal, but listen to Slipknot all day. . . such posers.
Well they can like our music for whatever reason they want. It does not hinder us, or make us hate them. Anyone is allowed to listen to our music or buy our merchandise. Young kids dont really understand, the past, just the present music they do. Let them like what they want, they will be comming to our shows for only one reason and thats to see Vehemence only. If they are comparing us to Slipknot, good for them, only means more $$$$$ for us to tour more by popularizing us. .