Very specific programming problem


Jul 23, 2010
16th note OPEN hi hat runs.
We all know what this sounds like. But does anyone know any ways or settings you can use to program this? Obviously in real life there's very little attack for each hit after the first. But in programing it sounds soooooo fake.
BIG +1 on this. I've only got it to sound halfway decent with Superior Cymbals, but I'd really like to know how to go about it with some of Joey's sets like the Dreaming Heavy and Shoulder City sets.
this isn't quite the answer you're looking for.
but small punches of real cymbal work can sometimes work wonders if you can mix it in seemlessly

edit: as i've said before... if you want to make a drum sound "not fake" use a real one.

here is a pattern i made really quick using slate.

you can't really escape the fact they are indeed artificial drums therefore will sound artificial. the method used here was just incorporating all (most) of the hi hat attributes to your advantage thus "mimicking" the lackadaisical feel of a real drummer.

i didn't really touch any of the note velocities (maybe one or two). it's also worth mentioning that this took about 10 minutes to make so it's a bit sloppy in terms of groove template, note placement, overall pattern etc.

i'm sure if you spend more than twenty minutes on a 8 or 16 bar pattern it will sound much better than what i came up with... but artificial nonetheless.
Edit: ^ thanks for that Timster. I started messing with velocities again and was still having trouble. But it gave me the idea to take a few of the samples themselves and take the attack way down, snip off a little from the beginnings, and start crossfading them all over. It's sounding a bit better. Once I get a full phrase done I'll post a link.
You typically wouldn't do this when miking a real kit for obvious reasons, but for fake cymbals I have found that using alot of compression really helps with them sounding "fake". Trick is getting the attack and release just right so the hit of the cymbal is kind of making this "swish" sound you would get irl (for lack of better phrasing.)

Just something that works for me. YRMV