Vicar Street. Dublin - Thanks Mike!


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
Opeth were phenomenal last night in Dublin. Still haven't got over it!

Mike even taught us some Swedish! Kalle Anka!

I have to say that Axe was pretty damn good. But Mendez is the man!

Thanks guys for a great night. Come back soon!
What a fantastic performance, you guys where great. i went out and got me a Sweden Jersey before the show, lol, hope you guys will come again soon. any chance of adding dublin to you UK dates in November? once again great show :worship:
I think this was the setlist:

Ghost of Perdition
The Amen Corner
White Cluster
The Baying of the Hounds
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Leper Affinity

Crowd was a bit mental!
Powers said:
Klashnikov's and balaclavas yea? And far to much whisky.


Now that was a bad attempt at being funny..

Anyway amazing night, Primordial kicked ass, but Opeth were outstanding.
Man it was such a fuckin brilliant gig. I nearly exploded when they started playing White Cluster. Primordial were ok......near the end I was just waiting for them to finish though. Axenrot is the man, he was fuckin flawless!
Thanks guys for a damn unforgettable night!
sounds good, roadrunner have the cash so, to bore the ass of whoever gives a shit, could they not have made the short trip to belfast for one show, and ive noticed the U.K november dates have no belfast, y y y?
Quality music is appreciated in the north also
Fucking great gig!!!! And........i met Mike, Peter and Martin at metallica the day before!!!! I gotta say they are such nice guys especially peter. A pure gent he is. Was the weekend of a life-time. :headbang: :headbang:
Superdruid said:
I think this was the setlist:

Ghost of Perdition
The Amen Corner
White Cluster
The Baying of the Hounds
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Leper Affinity

Crowd was a bit mental!

Are they doing the same setlist everywhere? That's the one they did in Sydeny and Brisbane, only they had that cover of Soldier of Fortune as well.
It was a UNREAL concert, my first opeth gig, sadly, but still a start! They were great, Peter is a right lad, kept giving the crowd water! And Mik was a great laugh!
Mikael: "Who has a spare bed or room I can stay in?"
Crowd: "ME"
Mikael: "Jesus.. they're all men.."
peter has such nice hair.....
oh right, and the show was great!!! i forget how to say 'cock' in swedish though, anyone remember? it could come in very handy when im in gothenburg for the metal town gig.
it would be nice to be able to say 'hello' 'cock' and 'thank you' in swedish (put them in whatever order you like!)