Thanks for opening my eyes to new music. Not only do I listen to Opeth all day, but the band made a huge impact on everything else I listen to. Now I listen to bands like Camel, as well, that I would never have known about.
Thanks Mike for writing this amazing music and being such a cool guy to all your fans. Never give in to anyone. Hope the wife and kid are well.
Thanks Peter to being one of the nicest guys ever. Another great reason why I feel in love with Opeth. Hope your wife is well.
Thanks Mendez for opening my eyes to what actually can be played on the bass. Your lines are sick, especially on Ghost Reveries. Everytime I see a song for the first time live, I watch your bass lines first. Awesome!
Thanks Lopez for being one of the craziest drummers ever. You're able to play both heavy and light with a style that is godly. You will always be appreciated for what you bring to the band. Amazing!
Thanks Per for bringing new life to the band. Everything added makes Opeth's next CD sound so much different than everything else. Thats the way it should be!
Thanks Axe for filling in for Lopez. Whether you're here forever or just another 6 months, you kicked ass last night in NYC and I have huge respect for you as a drummer.
Have a safe trip home, and for satansake, take a break!

Keep on rockin!