Video Cards - what would you recommend?


Apr 19, 2009
Hey guys, I'm in the market for a new graphics card, my 4 year old ATI 1950XTX is showing it's age these days and I'm just wanting to get something better, but not a four hundred dollar top o' the line beast. I kind of want to stick with ATI since I'm use to using them obviously, what do you guys think would be a reasonable card to get that's roughly in the $200 range, maybe a bit more? I'd be open to Nvidia stuff as well if it'll save some duckets.
I have a NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT , I forget what I paid for it when I built this computer about a year and a half ago. At least a couple hundred back then , but with my quad core processor and 6 GB DDR3 ram, I can run pretty much any game I want at the highest resolution and usually max settings. (including Crysis and Warhead)
I used to have a 9800gtx, they are ok on crysis, but if you have a big hd monitor it has trouble. Depends how you like to play your games though. I have to have at the very least 30fps. Counterstrike runs at "299" fps on the 5870 I have lol. Mafia 2 ran flawlessly on it too, and that takes a fair chunk of resource it seems.
I bought the game Metro 2033 last May and havent been able to play it due to the lighting engine being post-DirectX9. I really just want something that I weont have to update in less than three years or so, I guess that's alot to ask these days. Thanks Kev, I'll probably end up with that very card as it seems to be the best cantidate.!
I´m using a Nvidia GTX 260 and I´m loving it. Can run any game with all the settings and resolution on max. I don´t even know why there are more expensive models or SLI support. It also has rock solid drivers and all the stuff Nvidia is known for like Direct support, PhysX, 3D monitors, etc. The only downside is that the card is huge and power hungry, but all newer models are like this.
The newest gen haven't been pulling numbers which are all too impressive. In the past we used to see some significant gains, but at the moment my GTX275 is still a relatively competitive card.

Also, $400 is not even close to top of the range these days. That just about scratches midrange here in Oz.

Kev is bang on. If you like your Ati/AMD cards and that price range, then the 6950 is the card to go for. The BIOS mod has proven quite popular.
Well here we are again almost 5 years 6950 needs to go. Anyone know a good deal around 3 hundred bucks. I'm out of the loop since, well, my last post ITT.
GTX 970. I got mine a few months ago for $299 on sale. The card is approaching a year and a half old now iirc so you should be able to find it for that much fairly easily. If you want to stick with AMD, the 290/390/290X/390X (can't remember which has better specs- it doesn't go linearly for some reason with the model #) is the rough equivalent.
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Everyone is saying that card hahaha. Well the choice has been made, then. Recommended by no less than 8 people.
the gtx 960 970 and 980 are the best these days. I scored a refurbished computer for 1300 that has a 980 on it and i'm virtually putting every game near max (or just removing the minor things that take most of processing out) in 1080. We are living a great time when it comes to graphic cards compared to 10 years ago where it was impossible to max out a game without a 5000 dollars config !

These days the choice is pretty obvious : nvidia gtx series, hands down. the 970 is the best bang for buck on a reasonable config, the 980 Ti being the best choice for high configs (the titan X is amazing but costs more than a thousand for not that much more, it would only make sense for games that actually use its 12 go)
As for the AMD, it's not necessarily about the power, it's more about the consumption. These days, nvidia blows them when it comes to heat dissipation, and power consumption, which I learnt when i was trying to make a compact PC and ended up buying an Asus ROG compact tower which simply puts an i7 with a gtx 980 in a tiny format and call it a day.