Video for Nightwish "Bye Bye Beautiful"

Thanks! I didnt think to cheack there. I kjept listening and i didnt think there was a die in there.

I dunno... I can clearly hear Marco enunciate "die, die beautiful" even if it isn't on the official lyrics page :) Maybe I'm crazy.

That all said, of course Tuomas doesn't want her to really die. I think he wants her career to die. I have a feeling she implied the band would be nothing without her and perhaps Tuomas wanted to show her otherwise. Thats pure speculation on my part though.

The Michael
If you look at a different lyric website, you will see that "die, die" is replaced with another round of "bye, bye." I'm not sure where these sources get their lyrics in advance so wait on the official release with the lyrics in the booklet before continuing down this path.
Ah yes. The contextual argument, which when applied can have any statement or lyric mean whatever one wants it to. Already in this thread it's been used twice to deny this is song is a pot shot at Tarja, and to define "Die" as not really meaning "Die."

Well here's a context for you: Regardless of who's behavior led to Tarja's leaving the band, it's clear that Nightwish is deliberately attempting to heap as much public humiliation on her as they possibly can. This song/video in conjunction with the utterly gutless firing by an open internet letter, rather than face to face or at least tactfully in a private letter, make that rather self evident. Obviously they feel the need to participate in petty vindictiveness to express anger they either didn't have the balls to express to her face, or can't get over.

There are always two sides to every story, and in the end it doesn't matter who was more wrong. What matters is the behavior after the fact. In this case, regardless of the fanboys running around with hardons for Tuomas, Nightwish has been a pretty classless act.

It is a catchy tune though.

How about the way Tarja humiliated the band? What people don't get is that, to this very day, Tarja has NEVER refuted or denounced ANYTHING that she was accused of in that "Open Letter". In her English interview in Berlin, she said that she was "abused" by the American promoters. She claimed that American promoters starved her (Her exact quote, "Many nights, the clubs did not provide us with food. If we did not sell out, we did not eat. Not one single bean." Unquote), did not provide her with the proper facilities, ("One night, we were at a club that did not provide the proper facilities. The only ladies room was through the crowd. I am on the bus, I am going,.....Let's go......I gotta go,........I gotte go pee. So, I could not wait on the bus any longer, and went into an alley, and I peed.") nor were the clubs that they toured were at "the proper standard". The Quote:

"I told the band that I have no problem with touring America. However, next time, we need to do it right. So, when the issue of another American tour came up, they sent me the list of facilities that we would be performing in. They were the same places that we performed at the last time. So, I sent them back as not being up to the proper standard. Then, the band sent me another list. It was the same list as before. So, I refused to confirm the dates. So, when people say I got Nightwish's tour cancelled, that is not true. We did not cancel it, I did not confirm it." UNQUOTE.

Why don't you ask any band trying to make a name for itself here in the States if they would pull something like this? My first response after hearing this was "Who the f**k are you?!?" Ask any band on this board if they would tolerate something like this. Go ahead, ask them? Shall I keep going?

Let's go with the infamous Oslo incident. The one about the sold-out show at the Rockefeller. The Quote: "I was notified a week before the show is Oslo. I emailed the band back and told them that I could not do the show because we (Marcelo and Tarja) made plans for that evening to get together with some long-time friends." Unquote. So, your friends come before your career? That is so rich.:rolleyes: She is going to stand there and say she had NO CLUE about this show? That it just popped out of thin air? Oh, That's right. Ewo Rytkonen (Nightwish's Manager) snaps his fingers, and he gets a show sold out schedules in seconds without the band knowing. Yeah, right.:rolleyes:

How about another incident? In 2002, Nightwish was with Within Temptation in Oslo. Tarja was barking orders and abusing the backstage club crew as if she was General Patton. It got so bad that Tuomas has to hide under a blanket because he was so humiliated, and Sharon den Adel got into Tarja's face and told her to knock it off. This was reported by several witnesses to that fact.

So, you say that Nightwish is trying to pound and humiliate Tarja? As far as I am concerned, and at one time, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, she deserves everything she gets.:mad:

And, yes, the song does kick ass.:headbang:

Ray C.
fyi: here's a clip thats better sync'd ... It annoyed me greatly.

The fucking ads all over it annoy me more. I saw about 5 seconds of that video and closed the browser window.

Oh yes, and the song kicks ass. I will be buying at least 3 copies of the album when it hits the (soundscan enabled) stores.
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The fucking ads all over it annoy me more. I saw about 5 seconds of that video and closed the browser window.

Oh yes, and the song kicks ass. I will be buying at least 3 copies of the album when it hits the (soundscan enabled) stores.

I felt the same way...that's why I posted the out of synch video instead. :p However, I did just edit my original post to include the Nuclear Blast ads and synched better too. ;)
cool. thanks fata, i'll check that out.

@ Sting about the American tour: If what she said is true, I wouldn't want to come back either. You have to figure, bands sign contracts with promoters and venue's, and it's the responsibility of those venues to live up to those promises. If they don't, a band or any member of those bands should absolutely have the right to refuse to play.
If you look at a different lyric website, you will see that "die, die" is replaced with another round of "bye, bye." I'm not sure where these sources get their lyrics in advance so wait on the official release with the lyrics in the booklet before continuing down this path.

It doesn't matter what's printed. It matters what's sung. I can clearly hear "die, die." My going down that path is based on what my ears are picking up.
How about the way Tarja humiliated the band? ...
...So, you say that Nightwish is trying to pound and humiliate Tarja? As far as I am concerned, and at one time, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, she deserves everything she gets.:mad:
Ray C.

All of that is irrelevent. You can't justify bad behavior by pointing at other bad behavior. Clearly in Nightwish's opinion she was becoming or had become a hinderance to the band, and needed to go.
Call her into the office, explain to her face to face how the band collectively feels, and fire her ass. Make a public announcement after the fact and then let it go. The way they went about it makes them look spineless and spiteful.
cool. thanks fata, i'll check that out.

@ Sting about the American tour: If what she said is true, I wouldn't want to come back either. You have to figure, bands sign contracts with promoters and venue's, and it's the responsibility of those venues to live up to those promises. If they don't, a band or any member of those bands should absolutely have the right to refuse to play.

If I can get it off my old virus-ridden Hard drive on my old PC, I will put up the ENTIRE interview from 2005 (It is about 75 minutes). You can hear it for yourself. One thing: I would not even DARE post something that serious if I did not listen to it with my own ears.
It doesn't matter what's printed. It matters what's sung. I can clearly hear "die, die." My going down that path is based on what my ears are picking up.

The second and last choruses are clearly Die, Die. Why is this just now becoming an issue since it's been know since the song leaked at least four months ago?
The second and last choruses are clearly Die, Die. Why is this just now becoming an issue since it's been know since the song leaked at least four months ago?

I could be wrong, but Glenn seemed to imply I was spreading rumors without supplying credible sources (i.e. the official band page lyrics). I'm just quoting what my ears are hearing. My ears could be lying to me :loco:
All of that is irrelevent. You can't justify bad behavior by pointing at other bad behavior. Clearly in Nightwish's opinion she was becoming or had become a hinderance to the band, and needed to go.
Call her into the office, explain to her face to face how the band collectively feels, and fire her ass. Make a public announcement after the fact and then let it go. The way they went about it makes them look spineless and spiteful.

If Tarja and Nightwish were like, hmm, Kamelot, you could get away with that. However, Tarja was an ICON in Finland. Nightwish had the status reserved for national heroes in Finland. If they did that privately, we would STILL be waiting for a CD because BOTH sides would be too busy answering questions. Furthermore, the boys gave her the letter right after their show in Helsinki. The Letter was released late Sunday morning, and Tarja headed off to Argentina that day with Marcelo since she did not want to be alone.

Also, which is public knowledge, when the boys founded Scene Nation Oy to handle Nightwish affairs, Tarja was offered a 20% stake in the company. Now, for those of you who don't understand how much that means, Marco Hietala mentioned on the Nightwish video blog that he got a 60K Euro dividend from Scene Nation. What did she do? She turned them down flat, and asked that she be paid through NEMS Enterprises. So, when money came in from tours and such, Tarja got an equal split through NEMS. So, in closing, Tarja was not only a hindrance, she never even considered herself part of the band.

Magius, I respect your opinion. I am not trying to flame you. I am just trying to maybe open your eyes a bit as to why the boys would be angry and hurt at one Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen-Cabuli.

Ray C.
All of that is irrelevent. You can't justify bad behavior by pointing at other bad behavior. Clearly in Nightwish's opinion she was becoming or had become a hinderance to the band, and needed to go.
Call her into the office, explain to her face to face how the band collectively feels, and fire her ass. Make a public announcement after the fact and then let it go. The way they went about it makes them look spineless and spiteful.

What I find hilarious is that on the End of Innocence dvd, Tuomas talks about how much he regrets not firing Sami face to face and how he wishes he could have done things differently, then does something even more spineless to Tarja. Bands lose members all the time, and the situations are often unpleasant, but let's face it, the drama they've created around Tarja's departure is for publicity. The more people they turn against the old singer, the more people are going to like the new singer, right?

There are two sides to every story, and just because the Nightwish camp is the one that's lowered themselves to talking shit about their bandmate of close to 10 years doesn't mean that they haven't done some questionable things themselves.

As far as the whole diva thing goes, I had the pleasure of running into Tarja at the Kamelot show here a few weeks ago, and she was very gracious to everyone and stuck around for about an hour after the show talking to fans, which is pretty cool in my book.
If Tarja and Nightwish were like, hmm, Kamelot, you could get away with that. However, Tarja was an ICON in Finland. Nightwish had the status reserved for national heroes in Finland. If they did that privately, we would STILL be waiting for a CD because BOTH sides would be too busy answering questions. Furthermore, the boys gave her the letter right after their show in Helsinki. The Letter was released late Sunday morning, and Tarja headed off to Argentina that day with Marcelo since she did not want to be alone.

Also, which is public knowledge, when the boys founded Scene Nation Oy to handle Nightwish affairs, Tarja was offered a 20% stake in the company. Now, for those of you who don't understand how much that means, Marco Hietala mentioned on the Nightwish video blog that he got a 60K Euro dividend from Scene Nation. What did she do? She turned them down flat, and asked that she be paid through NEMS Enterprises. So, when money came in from tours and such, Tarja got an equal split through NEMS. So, in closing, Tarja was not only a hindrance, she never even considered herself part of the band.

Magius, I respect your opinion. I am not trying to flame you. I am just trying to maybe open your eyes a bit as to why the boys would be angry and hurt at one Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen-Cabuli.

Ray C.

I'm not making excuses for Tarja. She made her own bed, and now she lies in it. I'm not debating whether or not Nightwish did the right thing for the band and its future. Nevertheless, you can list every single one of Tarja's transgressions against Nightwish, mankind, and nature, but it wouldn't change anything. Bad behavior never justifies other bad behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right as they say.

It's not about what Nightwish did, it's about how they did it. Nightwish should be mature enough, big enough, and classy enough to handle this in a civil manner. Should be... but clearly they haven't been.
Interestingly enough, while Tarja hasn't refuted anything they've said, she hasn't fired back with any dirt of her own (unless I missed something, somewhere.) The only thing I saw from her side was Marcelo's answers to fan questions awhile back. Other than that...not a peep. While I don't have a very high opinion of Tarja outside of her singing prowess, the fact that she hasn't been doing or saying negative things about Nightwish says alot more positive for her than it does for the band at the moment.